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The Term 'Snowflake' Came Into Media Popularity On Fox News In The Aftermath Of Trump's Election

The term "snowflake" has become a catch-all used to criticize millennials, but when did the term come into being? The…

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The Phrase 'OK Boomer' Entered The Media Lexicon Last Week

Tracing global online news coverage use of "OK Boomer" shows it first entered the news lexicon last week beginning on…

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In 'Woke' Era, Is Scandal Coverage Tied to the Accused's Politics?

As voters head to the polls in Virginia today, three men at the top of state government there remain in…

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Assessing 'Ourside' Language And In-Group/Out-Group Dynamics In Television News Using Ngrams

Earlier this year we released an ngrams dataset consisting of unigrams and bigrams for a dozen television news stations dating…

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Global Entity Graph (GEG) Neural Sentiment Dataset Now Available In BigQuery

UPDATE (1/21/2020): The GEG neural sentiment scores are now integrated into the core GEG dataset instead of a separate dataset….

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We've Been Talking More About 'Corruption' Since Trump's Election

Mentions of "corruption OR corrupt" have increased substantially since Trump's rise in 2016 and especially since his election and inauguration…

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We're Talking A Lot More About The White House In The Trump Era

Mentions of the "White House" have surged since Donald Trump's election, as seen in the timeline below, showing television news…

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GEG: Comparing Classical Bag-Of-Word And Neural Sentiment Algorithms

UPDATE (1/21/2020): The GEG neural sentiment scores are now integrated into the core GEG dataset instead of a separate dataset….

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We've Stopped Talking About Protectionism

Beginning in early 2016 with the leadup to the US presidential election that year, mentions of "protectionist OR protectionism" surged…

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Fox News Talks About Feminism The Most While MSNBC Leads With Mentions of Intersectionality

From July 2009 through the end of 2014, Fox News mentioned "feminist OR feminists OR feminism" only slightly more than…

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New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?

The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the…

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We're Talking More And More About The 'Rule Of Law' Since Trump's Election

In the months since Donald Trump's election, television news outlets have steadily invoked the concept of the "rule of law"…

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Visualizing The Entity Graph Of The New 5.5-Million Protest Images Annotations Dataset

Yesterday we released a massive 5.5-million image global protest images dataset, extracted from the Visual Global Knowledge Graph (VGKG). Among…

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We're Talking Less And Less About 'Militarized' Police

Television news is mentioning the police less than it did a decade ago, while mentions of the "militarization" of police…

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GKG Person Name Histogram 2015-2019

Among the myriad metadata fields computed by the Global Knowledge Graph (GKG) is a list of all person names found…

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VGKG: A Massive New 5.5 Million Global Protest Image Annotations Dataset From Worldwide News

Since its launch in December 2015, the Visual Global Knowledge Graph (VGKG) has cataloged more than half a billion worldwide…

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Global Knowledge Graph (GKG) Reaches 1 Billion Articles

The Global Knowledge Graph (GKG) recently passed the one billion mark, cataloging more than 1.005 billion worldwide news articles 2015-present….

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The GDELT Global Frontpage Graph (GFG): Nearly 150 Billion URLs And 891 Billion Datapoints

GDELT's Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) launched in March of last year, now stands just short of 150 billion URLs. With each…

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Katie Hill Coverage: Victim or #MeToo Perpetrator?

Freshman Rep. Katie Hill was once lauded by the press as the next Nancy Pelosi and rapidly rose to become…

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Business, Insular Stakeholder Relations And Conflict

This study by The Wharton School's Witold J. Henisz uses GDELT to explore the interplay of resource distribution and conflict….

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Fox News: Dems Ponder Late Entry: White Knight Or Don Quixote?

Fox News' Chris Stirewalt summarizes FiveThirtyEight's weekly election roundup based on the 2020 Candidate Tracker in his daily FOX News…

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San Francisco Chronicle: Andrew Yang Rips PG&E As 'Emblem Of What's Gone Wrong'

The San Francisco Chronicle's Joe Garofoli uses GDELT's 2020 Candidate Tracker to reference Andrew Yang's media coverage. Read The Full…

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FiveThirtyEight: The Media Frenzy Around Biden Is Fading

FiveThirtyEight's weekly roundup of media coverage of the 2020 race. Read The Full Article.

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Poisson-Randomized Gamma Dynamical Systems

A new paper by Aaron Schein of Columbia University's Data Science Institute, Scott W. Linderman of Stanford University's Department of…