GDELT Source Lookup: Outlet Formal Names And Icons
When displaying human-friendly results based on GDELT's data, its often useful to show the formal name of a news outlet…
DOC 2.0 Updates: 1.5 Year Searching And Updated Mobile Interface
It was just this past January that the DOC 2.0 API was extended from searching just the last three months of…
Mapping The Hidden Geography Of Language Through The News
Combining fulltext geocoding with the power of the cloud we can transform 126 billion words of news coverage from a…
Mapping The Geography Of Words Through A Year Of Global News
Having spent more than a decade mapping the world through the lens of textual geography, we've become fascinated with the…
myPersonality And Is Facebook's New Privacy Stance Putting It On A Collision Course With Academia?
Even as Facebook takes steps to reign in mass academic harvesting of private user data, those efforts are running up…
Mapping News Outlets: How Different Data Gives Different Perspectives
When mapping the locations of the world’s news outlets, the difference between geographic focus and geographic location offers a powerful…
The Problem With Using AI To Fight Terrorism On Social Media
Social media has a terrorism problem, but the platforms’ overreliance on AI is blinding them, public confusion and lack of…
Online Continuous-Time Tensor Factorization Based on Pairwise Interactive Point Processes
GDELT is used as one of the datasets being analyzed in a paper titled "Online Continuous-Time Tensor Factorization Based on…
Mapping The Media: A Geographic Lookup Of GDELT's Sources
Given GDELT's incredibly unique ability to peer across the world's languages courtesy of its mass machine translation infrastructure, a common…
Mapping The 2015-2018 Media Geography In One Line of SQL
In 2015 we created a map of the geography of the world's media as seen through a year of GDELT's…
Geographic FeatureID To Common Name Crosswalk May 2018 Update
While we tend to think of geographic locations as having just one name, in reality they can have dozens or…
Using BigQuery To Make A 38 Year Timeline Of World Conflict From Half A Billion Records In 3 Seconds
Three years ago we showed off the results of a singularly incredible BigQuery query, courtesy of the one and only…
WashPost: What Elected Officials Are Talking About Vs. What's On Cable News
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores the differences in what politicians are talking about versus what cable television news is…
What Facebook's Security Double Standard Tells Us About How It Views User Privacy
In the aftermath of accusations a Facebook security employee was misusing his access to stalk women, it turns out the…
Google's New AI Assistant Shows Machines Can Now Ask For Information On Their Own
Google’s new Duplex AI assistant opens up an entirely new world of conversational systems that can interact autonomously with humans…
How Do We Know AI Is Making Social Media Safer Instead Of Helping Terrorists?
Social media platforms like Facebook are increasingly betting their futures on AI-powered moderation, but could those tools actually be making…
How Fox News Has Been Ignoring The Stormy Daniels Story, In 3 Charts
Vox's Alvin Chang explores how the networks have been covering the Stormy Daniels story. Read The Full Article.
Will The EU's Data Protection Act Actually Lead To Less Online Privacy?
GDPR's rollout is not only rolling back the prior protections its citizens enjoyed, but is firmly entrenching, under legal protection,…
Why Can't Facebook's Facial Recognition Stop Impersonation Accounts?
Last year Facebook tried reframing facial recognition from a privacy debate into a major security tool that would stop fraudulent…
RealClearPolitics: Fact-Checking: A Business or a Public Service?
Kalev's latest RealClearPolitics piece is an interview with PolitiFact Editor Angie Holan to explore her take on the fact checking…
Why Are Academics Upset With Facebook's New Privacy Rules?
Even as Cambridge University's ethics panel rejected Kogan’s Facebook research for lacking informed consent, the academic community condemns Facebook’s new…
What The Alleged Facebook Stalker Teaches Us About Our Online Privacy
The story of a Facebook security engineer fired for allegedly stalking women online and potentially exploiting his privileged access to…
Companies Need To Start Reporting What AI Gets Wrong, Not Just What It Does Right
As AI becomes the go-to tool of the online world, companies are reporting only their successes, while the public and…
Facebook's 1984-Themed Effort To Decide What News Is 'Trustworthy' Goes Live
Facebook quietly announced this week that its secret news outlet ranking is now live and being actively used to “boost”…