Search Results for: bigquery
Using BigQuery To Surface The Dyadic Country Interactions Defining The Last 40 Years
What if, with a single SQL query, we could surface the most common dyadic relationships defining each year of the…
Modernizing The 'Top Relationships By Year' And 'Protest Intensity' Queries From Legacy To Standard BigQuery SQL
In our original Google Cloud Platform blog post about GDELT, we offered two example SQL queries to get users started:…
Visual Global Entity Graph 2.0: Now Available In BigQuery
The Visual Global Entity Graph 2.0 dataset is now available in BigQuery, allowing complex at-scale queries in seconds! gdelt-bq.gdeltv2.vgegv2_iatv
Using BigQuery DML & External Temporary Table Querying For Realtime Updates
Over the coming weeks GDELT's television-related BigQuery tables will begin loading data live as it is processed (as it rolls…
What Can 101 Billion Words, The NLP API And BigQuery Tell Us About The Part Of Speech Patterns Of The English Language?
The massive new 101-billion-token Web Part of Speech dataset annotated by Google's Cloud Natural Language API released yesterday offers unprecedented…
Using BigQuery's New ML.NGRAMS() Function To Construct 122 Years Of Book NGrams With One Line Of SQL
Back in 2016 we showed how you could construct ngrams from 122 years of public domain books (1800 to 1922)…
Chyron Correlation As A Case Study Of BigQuery's Linguistic Analytics Potential
Since August 2017, the Internet Archive's Television News Archive has extracted the chyrons of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC News by OCR'ing…
Television News Research Chyrons Datasets Now Available In BigQuery
We're excited to announce that both the original per-minute and new per-second resolution television news research chyron datasets are available…
A By-Station Visual Chronology Of The Top Visual Themes Of Television Evening News 2010-2019 Using Cloud Video + BigQuery
Using the new visual entity graph constructed by having the Cloud Video API watch a decade of evening news broadcasts on…
A By-Station Topical Chronology Of A Decade Of Television News Using Cloud Natural Language & BigQuery
Earlier today we showed how the Cloud Natural Language API could read through a decade of television news transcripts to…
A Topical Chronology Of A Decade Of Television News Using Cloud Natural Language & BigQuery
Last week we unveiled the results of having Google's Cloud Natural Language API non-consumptively read through the transcripts of a…
Mapping The Global Free Trade Network Through News Coverage Using BigQuery + Gephi
Last year BBVA showcased creating a global network of countries co-occurring in coverage relating to trade wars. Such powerful visualizations…
Global Entity Graph (GEG) Neural Sentiment Dataset Now Available In BigQuery
UPDATE (1/21/2020): The GEG neural sentiment scores are now integrated into the core GEG dataset instead of a separate dataset….
Terascale Graph Construction And Analysis In BigQuery
One of the most amazing aspects of BigQuery is not only its incredible speed and scale, but its versatility. Most…
Constructing Trillion-Cooccurrence Graphs In BigQuery With A Single SQL Query
Earlier today we demonstrated the construction of a semantic graph representing 24.5-billion entity co-occurrences from the 11 billion entity annotations…
Visualizing Entity Networks Through The GEG: BigQuery, Gephi & Cloud Natural Language API
What would it look like to visualize the co-occurrences of the 11 billion entities from more than 100 million English…
The Top Entities By Day Using BigQuery And The Cloud Natural Language API Through The GEG
The GDELT Global Entity Graph (GEG) dataset of 11 billion entities extracted by Google's Cloud Natural Language API from 103…
Querying The New Global Entity Graph (GEG) Datasets In BigQuery: Example Queries
Both the neural GEG (based on Google's Cloud Natural Language API) and classical GEG (based on a traditional HMM POS…
Charting Global English-Language Media Anxiety Through The News: BigQuery + WEB NGrams
Using the new Web News Ngram (WEB-NGRAM) dataset, it takes just a single line of SQL and Google BigQuery to…
Web News Ngram Datasets (WEB-NGRAM) Now Available In BigQuery
The new Web News Ngram datasets are now available in Google's BigQuery platform, updated every 15 minutes and stretching back…
Daily Updates To 'Master List Of Social Media In The News' In CSV And BigQuery
We are excited to announce that the 2016-2019 social media outlink dataset is now being updated daily! Every morning just…
Television News Ngram Datasets (TV-NGRAM) Now Available In BigQuery
The Television News Ngram datasets are now available in Google's BigQuery platform, updated every morning, making it possible to perform…
Television News Inventory Files Now Available In BigQuery
The Television News inventory files are now available in Google's BigQuery platform, updated every morning, making it possible to perform…
Charting The Emotions Of Television News: BigQuery + TV NGrams
The new Television News Ngram Datasets make an incredible range of new analyses possible. With just a single line of…