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"Squatting" Is Receiving A Lot Of Attention – On Fox News

Coverage of "squatting" is receiving a surge of attention – on Fox News, as seen in the timeline below.

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OpenAI Has Faded From Television News

While OpenAI remains the standard bearer of the generative AI revolution, it has largely faded from television news, as seen…

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TikTok Is Trending On Television News With Fox News In The Lead

TikTok is surging to near all-time highs in television news coverage again, as seen in the timeline below. Fox News…

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China Slowly Fading On Television News

Despite increasing Congressional emphasis on China, mainstream television news coverage is slowly declining, as seen in the timeline below.

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Economic Uncertainty Approaching Decade Low On Business Channels

Using the Baker, Bloom & Davis "economic uncertainty" metric, economic uncertainty is approaching a decade low across the major business…

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No Major Change In Immigration Coverage Volume From Trump To Biden

Despite Republican emphasis on immigration, television news coverage of it isn't substantially greater than it has been over the course…

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Afghanistan Has All But Disappeared From Television News

As the timeline below shows, mentions of Afghanistan across BBC News, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC have all but disappeared…

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Gaza Back In The News: Brief Burst Of 2023-Level Coverage On TV News

The timeline below shows daily mentions of Israel and Gaza across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, showing how coverage has…

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Ukraine Continues To Fade Away On Television News

The timeline below shows that Ukraine continues to slowly fade away on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: A More Advanced Workflow For Our Russian TV News Channel Language Detection

Last week we unveiled the first results of applying at-scale language detection to our massive 2.5 million hour global television…

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Fox News & MSNBC Traded Places On Their April's Fools Coverage In 2017

How do cable television news channels cover April Fool's? The timeline below shows as fascinating reversal that happened in 2017:…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: A First Look At The 139-Language Linguistic Breakdown Of Two Years Of A Russian TV News Channel

As we continue to apply CLD2 language detection across the more than 2.5 million hours of machine transcribed global television…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: The Unusual Case Of 8 Languages In A Single Russian TV News Broadcast

As continue our explorations of the linguistic landscape of the Internet Archive's TV News Archive's 2.5 million hours of transcribed…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: An Example Of Persian In The Midst Of A Russian Broadcast

As continue to explore the linguistic landscape of global television news, here is an interesting example of a brief Persian…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: A First Look At Chirp + CLD2 Applied To A Chinese News Broadcast

Earlier this month in collaboration with the Internet Archive's TV News Archive, we completed the machine transcription of its complete…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: How Television News Across The World Relies More On Subtitles Than Dubbing For Multilingual Speech

When American televisions news channels broadcast a clip of someone speaking a language other than English, they typically begin with…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: Chirp + Language Detection – English In A Persian Broadcast

As we continue our experiments in applying language detection to our multilingual Chirp speech recognition results, we keep finding fascinating…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: Chirp + Language Detection – A Half-English Half-Portuguese Broadcast

As we continue our experiments in applying language detection to our multilingual Chirp speech recognition results, we continue to find…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: First Experiments With Applying Language Detection To Chirp's Multilingual Speech Transcription

Last September we examined how Google's new Universal Speech Model called Chirp was the first automated speech transcription system we…

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Some Excerpts Of Biden's State Of The Union Address On Russian Television News

How was President Biden's State of the Union Address (SOTU) covered on Russian television news? Below are a few clips…

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Transcribing 2.5M Hours Of TV News: 4.25M Global Broadcasts Processed Using GCP's Chirp LSM

Two weeks ago we unveiled the first glimpse of our massive collaboration with the Internet Archive's Television News Archive to…

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Bloomberg: 270,000 Overdose Deaths Thrust Fentanyl Into Heart Of US Presidential Race

An analysis in Bloomberg today includes a look at how television news has covered fentanyl. Read The Full Article.

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LMMs & Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro Watching Television News: Using Prompt Recommendations To Expand Our Textual Descriptions

As we continue our experiments in video description using Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro, let's ask Gemini for help in crafting…

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LMMs & Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro Watching Television News: Converting Videos To Text For Universal RAG & Summarization

Over the past week we've been exploring Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro model's native video support through a series of experiments,…