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Generative AI Autonomous Agent Experiments: Provide Me A List Of High-Quality URLs About Inode Tables

As we continue our experiments with applying LLMs as copilots alongside human system administrators in diagnosing technical challenges, we wondered…

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Generative AI Explorations: Using ChatGPT 4o & Gemini 1.5 Pro To Brainstorm AI Keywords For Searching News Coverage

Imagine you are someone interested in keeping track of the latest AI news from your favorite news search engines. Given…

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WashPost: In The Trial, Like The Election, Trump's Base Is Inoculated Against Loss

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines media coverage of the Trump trial. Read The Full Article.

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Generative AI Experiments: The Wildly Different Results Of Gemini 1.5's Classification Of Television News Show Titles

Last week we used Gemini to classify a decade of EPG show titles on a single television news channel as…

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OpenAI and Political Bias in Silicon Valley

AI-powered image generators were back in the news earlier this year, this time for their propensity to create historically inaccurate…

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Google I/O 2024 Musings: As Models Move From The Lab To Life, Interface Takes Center Stage

As LLMs, LSMs, LMMs and other "Large X Models" continue their transition from laboratory novelties and enterprise tools into the…

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Generative AI Experiments: Summarizing A Day Of Global Climate Change Headlines Using GDELT + GPT-4o, Gemini Pro & Gemini Flash

What might it look like to leverage the ever-growing context windows of modern LLMs to take a day of climate…

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Stay Tuned: Major Announcement Next Week

Stay tuned for a major announcement coming next week!

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Tracking Onscreen Textual Mentions Of The Campus Protests

The timeline below tracks the total seconds of airtime per day since April 1st mentioning protests across BBC News London,…

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Google I/O 2024 Musings: The Rise Of Smaller More Responsive Large Language Models

A major theme of both OpenAI's and Google's announcements last week was the pivot from a relentless emphasis on ever…

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Generative AI Experiments: Using Gemini To Classify A Decade Of Programming On A Television News Channel Using EPG+LLM

Continuing our series of experiments on using LLMs to classify programming on a television news as news / not news…

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Generative AI Experiments: Using Gemini & ChatGPT To Classify A Year Of Russian Television As News/Not News Using Show Titles + Translation

Following yesterday's example of classifying as news / not news an entire year of Russian television on a single channel…

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Generative AI Experiments: Using Gemini & ChatGPT To Classify A Year Of Russian Television As News/Not News Using Show Titles

Yesterday we explored using LLMs to examine a list of television news channel broadcast names to estimate whether each broadcast…

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Generative AI Experiments: Using LLMs To Filter Television News EPG Show Titles Into NEWS/NOTNEWS

When performing advanced thematic and topical analysis of television news channels, it is important to exclude non-news content, including both…

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Politico: Fox News Is Flipping Trump's Trial Coverage On Its Head

Politico's Jack Shafer examines television news coverage of Trump's trial. Read The Full Article.

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Google I/O 2024 Musings: The Role Of RAG In A Large Context Window World

One of the many interesting themes of Google I/O 2024 was just how many attendees on the sidelines were predicting…

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NA Connect 2024: Photos

Photos from NA Connect 2024. View Gallery.

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Google I/O 2024: Day 2 Photos

Photos from Day 2 of Google I/O 2024. View Gallery.

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Google I/O 2024: Day 1 Photos

Photos from Day 1 of Google I/O 2024. View Gallery – Part 1. View Gallery – Part 2. View Gallery…

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At Google I/O 2024 This Week

We'll be at Google I/O 2024 this week in person in Mountain View!

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A Trivial Few-Liner Key-Value Store Benchmark Experiment For Digital Twin Storage

As we explore porting some of our previous queue-based architectures over to centralized key-value stores that provide longitudinal history and…

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WashPost: For Marjorie Taylor Greene, getting Booed By The House Is No Disincentive

The Washington Post's Philip Bump includes an analysis of media coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene in his latest piece. Read…

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Google I/O 2024: Next Week

If you're at Google I/O 2024 next week in Mountain View, make sure to say hello!

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Big Data Big Talks: A Discussion Around GDELT And The Case For Monitoring Global Unrest

An incredible event today at the International Monetary Fund headquarters here in DC with some amazing speakers from the IMF…