Tracing The Trajectory Of 'Criminal Justice' In the News
The phrase "criminal justice" is finding increasing but divergent adoption in the press, often leading to cases like today's descriptions…
Mass Ingest Workflows With Google's Cloud Storage Streaming Transfers
Beneath all massive data-driven analyses lie vast archives of data that in many cases originate outside the cloud. Google's Cloud…
Fox News & Fox Business Emphasize Horowitz
The Washington Post's Eric Wemple chronicled earlier this week how Fox has been placing an outsized emphasize on discussion of…
Bloomberg, Buttigieg Rise Toward the Top in Media Mentions
With Michael Bloomberg officially announcing his candidacy for president and Pete Buttigieg’s recent ascent in the polls, several questions present…
WGNS: Sondlan, Yovanovitch Dominate Impeachment Hearing Coverage: MTSU Analysis
Researchers at MTSU's School of Journalism and Strategic Media used the DOC 2.0 API to trace media coverage of the…
New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?
The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the…
New Candidates Added To The Campaign 2020 Media Dashboard
With Michael Bloomberg's entrance to the 2020 US presidential race, we've added him to the Campaign 2020 Media Dashboard. We've…
Mapping Global Protest Trends 1979-2019 Through One Billion News Articles
To date GDELT has processed more than a billion worldwide news articles 1979-2019 to catalog more than half a billion…
New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?
The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the…
A Global Protest Country Co-Occurrence Graph Through One Billion News Articles
What would it look like to take just over one billion worldwide news articles in 65 languages and visualize the…
Detecting Business Corruption Strategic Behaviors Using Network Analysis
This analysis published in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers by Dana Nedea…
Al Jazeera Is Covering The Hong Kong Protests 16x As Much As MSNBC And 7x As Much As CNN
MSNBC has covered the Hong Kong protests far less than its peers in 2019, while mentioning Putin more than Russia…
MSNBC Has Mentioned Putin More Than Russia Today This Year
Thus far in 2019, MSNBC has mentioned Putin more than Russia Today, with CNN a close second, using data from…
BBC And DW Have Each Mentioned Estonia More Than CNN, MSNBC And Fox News Combined In 2019
While the Television Explorer is typically used to focus primarily on US television channels, there are also a number of…
US TV News Coverage Of Hong Kong Protests Fizzling Out – MSNBC Covers Half As Much As Others
American television news coverage of the Hong Kong protests is fizzling out and MSNBC seems to have covered them the…
Omdena: Using AI To Identify Environmental Conflict Events – From Scrapping News Articles To Map Visualization
This fascinating look at global environmental conflict uses GDELT as an index to global news coverage, deploying a variety of…
SAP: SAP HANA Cloud Data Lake Quick Start Tutorial For Alibaba Cloud
This SAP tutorial demonstrates deploying GDELT in SAP HANA in Alibaba's cloud. Read The Full Article.
Washington Times: Unprecedented: Study Tracks 223,598 Trump Insults In The Media
The Washington Times covered Kalev's massive "Trump Is" analysis. Read The Full Article.
Axios: Behind Pete Buttigieg's Iowa rise
Axios used the Campaign 2020 Media Dashboard to count the growing number of mentions of Pete Buttigieg. Read The Full…
Mapping The Global Geographic Network Of Countries Mentioned In Refugee Coverage
In 2015 we created a network visualization of the countries mentioned most commonly together in news coverage about the refugee…
Mapping The Global Free Trade Network Through News Coverage Using BigQuery + Gephi
Last year BBVA showcased creating a global network of countries co-occurring in coverage relating to trade wars. Such powerful visualizations…
The Making Of The 'Trump Is' Analysis
For those interested in applying today's 'Trump Is…" analysis (in which every mention of "trump is" on CNN, MSNBC and…
'Trump Is …' — News Channel Descriptions Since 2015
As Democratic impeachment fervor continues to grow on Capitol Hill, the media’s descriptions of Donald Trump have become ever more…
We're Talking A Lot More About Journalists And 'The Media' Since Trump's Election
The election of Donald Trump has caused a surge in discussion of the "news media" but not all words are…