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Media's Virus Messaging Shapes Public Compliance, Skepticism

Governments scrambling to gauge how their populations are accepting coronavirus stay-at-home orders have turned, in some cases, to cellphone tracking to measure compliance….

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WashPost: Fox's Focus On China Over Testing

The Washington Post's Philip Bump tweeted this fascinating graph showing how Fox News has covered China more than testing compared…

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Anxiety-Related Language In Global Online News Continues At High Levels

Two weeks ago we showed that anxiety-related language in global English online news coverage had soared since early February and…

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"Reopening" Surging In The News

Mentions of "reopen, reopening, reopens and reopened" have surged on television news since around April 8-9. Live Version.

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The New Humanitarian: How A Tech NGO Got Sucked Into A COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory

This piece by The New Humanitarian's Ben Parker examines the spread of conspiracy theories. Read The Full Article.

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Cato Institute: Research Provides No Basis for Pandemic Travel Bans

The Cato Institute's David Bier cited Kalev's RealClearPolitics article "Virus Experts' Early Statements Belie 'Prescient' Portrayal" in his analysis of…

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Trump's "Cure Can't Be Worse Than The Disease" Fades From Media

Trump's Covid-19 back-to-work catchphrase "the cure can't be worse than the disease" soared on March 24th but has largely faded…

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"Social Distancing" Mentions In Media Remain Steady

Mentions of "social distancing" soared to media stardom in early March and have reached a steady state since March 19th….

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Default Clip Sorting For TV Explorer & AI TV Explorer Now Descending Date

Since their launches, the Television Explorer and AI Television Explorer have displayed matching results sorted by textual relevancy, just as…

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The Phrase "New Normal" Has Entered Our Lexicon

The phrase "new normal" is everywhere today, but when did it first enter the media lexicon? The timeline below shows…

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Automated Production of Political Indicators

This final project paper by Duke University graduate student Matt Dickenson examines using GDELT to automate the production of the…

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Mapping The Geography Of Angela Merkel Through The Global Geographic Graph

In 2018 we explored the idea of mapping the geography of language by showing the locations most closely associated with…

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Announcing The Global Geographic Graph

We are tremendously excited to announce today the debut of the GDELT Global Geographic Graph, the underlying dataset powering the…

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Towards Data Science: Building a Social Network from the News using Graph Theory

An interesting tutorial by Marcell Ferencz using GDELT as an index to identify relevant coverage that he then analyzed in…

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How High Will Search Rank Increase If Linked From Major Media?

This Japanese language article walks through constructing a page rank analysis by mapping outlinks from major news outlets using the…

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Using AWS Glue For ETL Work

This Chinese language article walks through an ETL pipeline using AWS centered around GDELT. Read The Full Article.

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Mentions Of "Back To Work" Enter Television News Lexicon March 23

The phrase "back to work" has become a common refrain from the nation's elected officials and economists as the Covid-19…

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Mentions Of Death Increase On Television News

Mentions of "death" and "deaths" have steadily increased on television news since Feb. 29th. Live Version.

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Infection Count Vs. Jobless Data: An Imbalanced TV Picture

A Washington Post opinion piece this week posed an interesting question: What if television news channels like CNN displayed unemployment numbers throughout…

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Hannity Leads The Way In "Fake News" Mentions In 2020

Since the start of 2020, Fox News has mentioned the phrase "fake news" more than four times as often as…

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Television News Mentions Of "Fake News" Trend Steadily Downward But Fox News Still Leads The Way

Television news mentions of "fake news" have trended steadily downward since they rocketed to prominence in November 2016, with Fox…

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Covid-19 Brings To End Surge In Discussion Of Homelessness On Fox News

Mentions of homelessness surged on Fox News from May 2019 through a peak in December 2019, but have dropped precipitously…

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Visual Global Entity Graph Adds Cloud Video Annotations Of MSNBC, Fox News and BBC To CNN To Support Covid-19 Research

The Visual Global Entity Graph (VGEG) has analyzed the evening news programming of ABC, CBS and NBC since 2010 through…

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Unemployment Numbers Versus Infection Numbers On Television News

An opinion piece in yesterday's Washington Post by Helaine Olen raised the fascinating question of whether television news outlets should…