Fox News Keeps Focus On Portland Protests
Fox News remains the lone channel among the big three continuing its focus on Portland. View Live Graph.
VMASC Storymodelers: Refugees, Media And Violence
This analysis by Old Dominion University's VMASC uses GDELT's tonal scores to examine coverage of refugees. Read The Full Article.
Beirut Completely Disappears From Television News
The citywide devastation in Beirut has all but completely disappeared from television news. View Live Graph.
Tracing A Dr. Fauci Interview Clip Across The Web
How might Google Cloud Vision API's Web Entities feature help us track a clip of an interview with Dr. Fauci…
The Television News Contextualizer Through Shot Changes
Could we optimize the television news contextualizer by limiting it to just airtime seconds where there was a shot change,…
Television News Contextualizer Adds Chronology Display
We've added an interactive chronology display to our television news contextualizer pilot! Context Chronology for CNN Tonight With Don Lemon…
Using Google's Cloud Vision API To Contextualize An Entire News Broadcast Through Reverse Image Search
Google Cloud Vision API's "Web Entities" feature performs what amounts to a reverse image search across the open web, accepting…
Identifying The Source And Description Of A Television News COVID-19 Clip On CNN
American television news footage of COVID-19 frequently shows the pandemic's impact around the world, but doesn't always provide sufficient context…
WashPost: Monthly Mentions Of "We Build The Wall"
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news mentions of the phrase "we build the wall." Read The Full Article.
Setting Up A More Advanced Home Video Recording Studio For Higher Quality Audio In Your Videos
Last month we published an in-depth look at creating a home recording studio for everything from filming tutorial videos and…
A Set Of Massive New Datasets For Cataloging Mask Appearances On Television News
As nations try to navigate the public health complexities of encouraging mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic, a key question…
Medical Imagery On Television News Half Pre-Protest Levels
Medical imagery never constituted a major theme of television news COVID-19 coverage and fell sharply during the George Floyd protests,…
Little Television News Coverage Of Iowa Derecho Storm
A derecho storm caused widespread damage in Iowa last week but attracted little media attention, leading one Cedar Rapids Gazette…
Hellenic Shipping News: Goods Barometer Confirms Steep Drop In Trade But Hints At Nascent Recovery
An article in Hellenic Shipping News includes a GDELT graph of media coverage of "economic activity". Read The Full Article.
Tracking Trump’s Tweets On Television News In 2020
President Trump ushered in the “Twitter Presidency” delivering a steady daily stream of commentary, statements, policy announcements and other posts…
A Quick Measure Of Trump's Television Ads On CNN, MSNBC And Fox News In 2020 – Hourly Breakdown
Searching the onscreen text of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News thus far in 2020, it is possible to scan for…
A Quick Measure Of Trump's Television Ads On CNN, MSNBC And Fox News In 2020 – Timeline
Searching the onscreen text of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News thus far in 2020, it is possible to scan for…
Fox News Keeps Covering Portland While CNN And MSNBC Lose Interest
Fox News was the first to turn its gaze towards the unrest in Portland. CNN and MSNBC soon joined it,…
Compiling A Dataset Of OnAir Trump Tweets On Television News In 2020
From January 1, 2020 through August 17, 2020, there were 97,278 total seconds of airtime in which the text "@realDonaldTrump"…
World Economic Forum: Why Maps Matter In Our Response To COVID-19
An article on the World Economic Forum's blog today by SecDev Group founder Robert Muggah references GDELT and its applications…
DVZ: Welthandel: WTO Sieht Anzeichen Einer Erholung
DVZ included a chart of global media coverage of "economic activity" in a German-language article in its latest edition. Read…
FiveThirtyEight: Support For Black Lives Matter Surged During Protests, But Is Waning Among White Americans
Professor Michael Tesler looks at media coverage and polling support for BLM in a FiveThirtyEight article, showing television news coverage…
Selective Rules Enforcement Stirs Facebook Transparency Debate
Last week two major stories broke about the ways in which Facebook silently bends or waives its rules to accommodate…
Compiling A List Of Social Media Handles On Television News
What are the most common social media handles that have appeared on television news this year? Using a simple regular…