Morningstar: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
Morningstar republishes Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news. Read The…
Medium: Using GDELT For Community Landscaping
This fascinating analysis by Anthony Tagliente explores topic modeling using GDELT. Read The Full Article.
MarketWatch: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
MarketWatch republishes Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news. Read The…
Raw Story: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
Raw Story republishes Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news. Read…
Beaumont Enterprise: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
The Beaumont Enterprise republishes Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news….
The Conversation: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
The Conversation covers Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news. Read…
Snopes: Fox News Uses The Word 'Hate' Much More Than MSNBC Or CNN
Snopes republishes Robert Entman and Curd Knupfer's analysis of how the word "hate" is used on television news. Read The…
DSAA2020: Estimating Countries’ Peace Index Through The Lens Of The World’s News As Monitored By GDELT
This paper by Vasiliki Voukelatou, Ioanna Miliou, Lorenzo Gabrielli, Luca Pappalardo and Fosca Giannotti titled "Estimating Countries’ Peace Index Through…
Television News Begins To Mention COVID-19's Death Toll Again
The timeline below shows the number of daily seconds of airtime mentioning the word "death" somewhere in the onscreen text….
Covid-19 100K And 200K Death Milestones Pass Quickly On Television News
The grim milestones of 100,000 and 200,000 confirmed American Covid-19 deaths passed quickly in both cases on television news, with…
Bookcases Soar On MSNBC And BBC Amidst Remote Reporting But Not On CNN And Fox News
Imagery of bookcases on television news began to soar in March as the world was sequestered at home with guests…
Buzz Cuts Begin To Slowly Decrease On Television News
Buzz cuts became a fixture of television news coverage in April as television presenters and guests struggled to find haircare…
Justice Ginsburg's Death Cuts Covid-19 Coverage In Half On Television News
The death of Justice Ginsburg has cut Covid-19 coverage on television news in half, from 6-7% of daily airtime down…
Television News Attention To Justice Ginsburg's Death
Television news devoted 11-16% of their total airtime on September 19th to Justice Ginsburg's death, with MSNBC taking the lead,…
Mentions Of Black Lives Matter Fall Sharply On Television News Except For Fox News
Mentions of the Black Lives Matter movement have fallen sharply since their June peak, except for Fox News, which increased…
CNN's Covid-19 Dashboard Fades During Major Stories
From its sudden debut on March 20th, CNN's COVID-19 dashboard was an ever-present fixture of the channel's reporting, displayed for…
Mentions Of "Elites" Increase On Fox News After Trump's Election
Mentions of "elite" and "elites" across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News were almost identical until the election of Donald Trump….
Few Mentions Of "Peaceful Protests" On Television News Since June
When the George Floyd protests first began at the end of May the media largely presented them as "peaceful protests"…
Mentions Of "Violent Looting" Now Equal Total Protest Mentions On Television News
The timeline compares the total percentage of combined airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News that mention either protesting, peaceful…
A Massive Expansion Of The New Radio News NGram Dataset
We're incredibly excited to announce today a massive expansion of the Radio News NGram dataset we launched earlier this week!…
Tracing "Defund The Police" On Television News
The phrase "defund the police" has become a rallying call among a portion of the electorate since first emerging on…
TFIDF Using BigQuery + Radio News NGrams To Chart The Most Significant Phrases Per Day On BBC World Service In 2020
Earlier today we showed how TFIDF calculation over the Radio News NGrams dataset could be used to surface the most…
TFIDF Using BigQuery + Radio News NGrams To Chart The Most Significant Words Per Day On BBC World Service In 2020
How might we use the new Radio News NGrams dataset to examine the Internet Archive's Radio News Archive's ASR of…
Comparing BBC Television & Radio News Attention Towards COVID-19
How closely synchronized has television and radio news attention been towards COVID-19? Have they largely followed the same coverage contours…