Author: Kalev Leetaru
This Week: Deep Learning In Business Forum At MIT Panel
Kalev will be speaking on the "Saving Lives on Social: The Case for and State of Deep Learning Powered Content…
This Week: Deep Learning In Business Forum At MIT Opening Keynote
Kalev will be giving the opening keynote of the Deep Learning In Business Forum hosted at MIT and curated by…
Russian Media Really Loves Fox News: 26 Minutes Of Fox News Aired Across 5 Channels In A Single Day Last Week
Yesterday we demonstrated using Google's Cloud Vision API to scan the complete airtime of 1TV, NTV, Russia 1, Russia 24…
Tracking Logos On Russian Television News: Volkswagen
Earlier today we demonstrated applying Google's Cloud Vision API to an entire day of Russian television news broadcasts across five…
Cataloging All Of The Logos That Appeared On A Day Of Russian TV News Using The Visual Explorer & Google's Cloud Vision API
Last month we demonstrated how Google's Cloud Vision API could be used to rapidly and non-consumptively annotate a Russian television news broadcast using the…
Russian Media Uses Fox News To Sow Doubt On Nord Stream Sabotage
Russian state media routinely relies on excerpts from Western media outlets to bolster its domestic narrative about its invasion of…
Russian Media Continues To Blame US & NATO For Battlefield Losses
Russian domestic media continues to blame US and NATO assistance to Ukraine as leading to its battlefield losses, rather than…
Russian Media Continues To Claim It is "Denazifying" Ukraine
Russian media has continued its claims over the past seven months that it is "denazifying" Ukraine, with a clip earlier…
Russian Media Continues To Attack Credibility Of American Media
In addition to repurposing stories from American media that advance its narratives, Russian media also regularly attacks the credibility of…
Russian Media Continues To Repurpose American Media To Advance Its Narratives: Bloomberg Article On RT
Russian media continues to repurpose American and European media coverage to raise questions about the ability of Ukraine and its…
Visual Explorer: Master List Of ZIP Files For All 1.5 Million Broadcasts: Enabling At-Scale Non-Consumptive Visual Analysis Spanning 50 Countries Over 20 Years
The TV News Visual Explorer now encompasses selections from 98 channels spanning 50 countries and territories in 35 languages and…
WashPost: Russian TV Is Very Excited About Такер Карлсон's Nord Stream Theory
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines how Russian media is airing Tucker Carlson's claims that the US sabotaged Nord Stream….
Visual Explorer: Lazy Loading Images On Inventory Page
As continue to make performance enhancements to the Visual Explorer to prepare it for the release of our Russian and…
Behind The Scenes: The Power Of Simple Command Line Tools At Cloud Scale
Most discussions of cloud-scale infrastructure focus on massive exotic architectures that rely on highly specialized tools. It is worth pointing…
Today: The Future Of Text
Kalev will be speaking today at "The Future Of Text" symposium at The Linnean Society in London, co-convened by Frode…
Tweets On Television News: A 2012 Example From TelevisaUnivision's Galavisión
In 2020 and 2021 we collaborated with First Draft to examine how television news coverage amplified then-President Donald trump's tweets,…
This Week: The Future Of Text
Kalev will be speaking this Tuesday at "The Future Of Text" symposium at The Linnean Society in London, co-convened by…
Creating A Daily Global Shortage Timeline Using Web NGrams 3.0 & BigQuery In One SQL Query
Earlier today we showed how to use Web NGrams 3.0 and BigQuery to track mentions of "shortages of" across English…
LGBTQ Mentions On Television News Rising Slowly Under Biden
LGBTQ mentions on television news collapsed in late 2016 and have never recovered compared to where they were the first…
Recession Mentions Are Down Across Television News
After peaking in July, mentions of "recession" on television news are down sharply. Looking just since the start of this…
500 Years Of Images From The World's Books As An AI Training Dataset
Eight years ago GDELT's Kalev Leetaru collaborated with the Internet Archive to extract the images from 600 million digitized public…
Using Web NGrams 3.0 & BigQuery To Track "Shortages of …"
We've published a growing collection of tutorials on how to use the Web News NGrams 3.0 dataset for a range…
Using The Visual Global Entity Graph 2.0 As An AI-Powered Visual Index To The Visual Explorer
For CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC News London since January 1, 2020 and the ABC, CBS and NBC evening…
New York Times' Tucker Carlson Series Wins The 2022 ONA For Excellence and Innovation in Visual Digital Storytelling
The New York Times's Tucker Carlson series has won the 2022 Online Journalism Award (ONA) For Excellence and Innovation in…