Author: Kalev Leetaru
Hogenraad's Motive Dictionary Available in GCAM
We're excited to announce that Robert Hogenraad's Motive Dictionary is now available in GCAM! It is available in English, French, and…
NECO Workshop @ ICWSM 2016
GDELT and the Yahoo News interaction dataset are the two datasets for the First International Workshop on News and Public Opinion,…
Heise's Semantic Differential Values Available in GCAM
Heise's Semantic Differential values are now available in GCAM! Published in 1965, these values draw from earlier work by Charles Osgood,…
Hogenraad's TIME Dictionary Available GCAM
Time plays a critical role in how we reason about the world and define events and narratives. Historically most content…
USASOC Futures Forum Briefing
In an update to his May 2015 briefing, Kalev gave a briefing to the United States Army Special Operations Command…
UN My World Survey Topics Added to GKG 2.0
The United Nations My World Survey topics have been added to the GKG 2.0 topical taxonomy as implemented by UNGP with modifications….
Moral Foundations Dictionary Now Available In GCAM
The Moral Foundations Dictionary by Jesse Graham and Jonathan Haidt is now available in GCAM. It scores each article along…
VADER Sentiment Lexicon Now Available in GCAM
The VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) Sentiment Lexicon is now available in GCAM. Unlike the base and NLTK…
The Internet Archive Turns 20: A Behind The Scenes Look At Archiving The Web
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the Internet Archive has evolved over the past 20…
Policing Meets Big Data: A Lesson In Sentiment Mining, Data Recency And Dashboards
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores the increasing use of technology for policing and focuses on some of the critical…
From Medical Tests To Drones In Backyards: Is Physical Privacy Dead?
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores the changing landscape of privacy in the digital era, from company-required "wellness" medical tests…
When Cameras And Wearables Could Be Used To Steal Passwords And Keys
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how cameras and wearable devices, when coupled with sophisticated computer algorithms, can be used…
Is The Internet Evolving Away From Freedom of Speech?
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how online norms of freedom of speech are evolving in the era of social…
When Social Engineering Hacked The DNI
Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores the role of social engineering in cyber attacks and how even the most senior…
History Channel Documentary on Nostradamus
You can now watch the History Channel documentary "Nostradamus 21st Century Prophecies Revealed" online through your local cable provider. See…
Mapping World Happiness And Conflict Through Global News And Image Mining
A series of maps of the world as seen through nearly 200 million global news articles, 1.4 million photographs, 89 million…
Mapping Global Happiness And Sadness In 2015
In a similar vein to the 2015 global conflict map, the map below compiles a list of every location on…
Making a Global Conflict Map of 2015
A perennially popular request is the creation of global "conflict maps" summarizing the state of world events over time and…
Visualizing Global Cities As Geographic Networks
Kalev's latest Forbes piece visualizes the global geographic network of 2015 as seen through the eyes of the world's presses….
A Country-Level Network Diagram of 2015
Following in the footsteps of yesterday's city-level network diagram of the world, we've put together the following two visuals, illustrating…
A City-Level Network Diagram of 2015 In One Line of SQL
What would it look like to visualize how the world's cities are connected through worldwide news reporting in 2015? Looking…
Boston Globe Features Television Tracker
The Boston Globe's David Butler and Patrick Garvin put together this visualization of the current state of television coverage of…
Mapping The Geography Of 2015 Through Massive News Mining
Kalev's latest Forbes piece looks back on 2015 through the nearly 200 million articles in the GKG 2.0 containing 1.48…
Mapping The 2015 Media Geography In One Line of SQL
Kalev's latest Forbes piece includes an interactive clickable map of the major news outlets covering each location on earth, as…