Author: Kalev Leetaru
WashPost: On Fox This Week, Vince Vaughn And Lev Parnas Battled For Coverage Dominance
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how Fox News covered the Vince Vaughn and Lev Parnas stories. Read The Full…
Record China: Examining Western News Coverage Of China Through GDELT
Japanese-language Record China discusses the Global Times article that examined Western media coverage of China through GDELT. Read The Full…
Fox Leads With Chyron Mentions Of 'Woke'
Earlier this week the Washington Post's Philip Bump explored Fox News' use of terms relating to political correctness. Looking to…
Climate Change Through Chyrons
How is climate change being covered in chyrons? The timeline below shows mentions of "climate change" and "global warming" and…
Data Underscore Brokaw's Assertion of Media Negativity
Earlier this month, NBC elder statesman Tom Brokaw reflected on the state of media today, which in his view has…
Global Times Discusses Western Press Coverage Of China As Seen Through GDELT
This opinion piece in the Global Times discusses a study that used GDELT to examine Western press coverage of China….
Tracing Television News Tone 2009-2020: The Trump Inflection Point
How has the tone of television news changed over the past decade? Have CNN, MSNBC and Fox News largely moved…
WashPost: Fox News Talks About 'Cancel Culture' And Political Correctness A Lot More Than Its Competitors
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at Fox News' coverage of political correctness. Read The Full Article.
Impeachment Vs Iran On Television News
Impeachment coverage trended down over the past month, though has been rebounding since January 4th. Mentions of Iran hit a…
'Stress' Disappeared After Trump's Candidacy But Increasing Since Election
Increased discussion of the role of stress in modern society raises the question of how it has been covered in…
Mentions Of 'Fair' Ramp Up In Trump Era But Below Obama Era
Mentions of the word "fair" on television news have increased since Donald Trump entered the presidential race in 2015, but…
What Can 101 Billion Words, The NLP API And BigQuery Tell Us About The Part Of Speech Patterns Of The English Language?
The massive new 101-billion-token Web Part of Speech dataset annotated by Google's Cloud Natural Language API released yesterday offers unprecedented…
BBVA: Geo-World: Conflict & Protest December: Iran
BBVA's latest global risk summary includes a special emphasis on recent events in Iran. Read The Full Article.
Towards World-Aware Deep Learning: How External Knowledge Changes How AI Understands Text
One of the most fascinating aspects of being able to see the world at GDELT's scale is our ability to…
Announcing The WEB-PARTOFSPEECH Dataset: 101 Billion Words Part Of Speech Tagged And Dependency Tree Parsed Using Google's NLP API
Today we are immensely excited to announce a transformative new dataset for linguistic analysis: more than 101 billion tokens (words,…
New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?
The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the candidates. Read…
UK Office For National Statistics: GDELT For Disaster Cataloging
This report by the United Kingdom's Office For National Statistics (ONS) uses GDELT to explore disaster coverage. Read The Full…
Using BigQuery's New ML.NGRAMS() Function To Construct 122 Years Of Book NGrams With One Line Of SQL
Back in 2016 we showed how you could construct ngrams from 122 years of public domain books (1800 to 1922)…
Iran Coverage Predictably Spikes With Similar Captioning And Chyron Mentions
As the US and Iran edged closer to war this week, coverage of "Iran" and "Iranian" and "Iranians" predictably spiked…
Chyrons Versus Captioning: 'Terror' Versus 'Terrorists' In Television News
With the addition of the new Chyron Search API, you can now compare coverage of a particular person, word or…
Chyron Mentions Added To Campaign 2020 Tracker!
The new Chyron Search API, which reprocesses the Internet Archive's Television News Archive's "Lower Third" onscreen chyron text OCR data,…
Comparing Chyron And Captioning Coverage Of Hong Kong On Television News
What can we learn by comparing chyron and captioning coverage across television news for a major event like the Hong…
Tracing Impeachment And Brexit Coverage In Chyrons
Using the newly announced Chyron Explorer, you can instantly examine how often the word "impeachment" has been featured in chyrons,…
Announcing The GDELT Summary Chyron Explorer
We're incredibly excited to announce the debut of the new GDELT Summary Chyron Explorer! Similar to the Television Explorer's closed…