Author: Kalev Leetaru
TV News Rapidly Ramps Back Up Covid-19 Coverage
Television news largely abandoned its Covid-19 coverage to go all-in in covering the George Floyd protests, but as the media…
CNN’s Covid-19 Health Dashboard Making A Comeback Post-Protests
As CNN joined its peers in wall-to-wall coverage of the George Floyd protests, its Covid-19 dashboard that had run for…
Climate Change – On The Rise Since Mid-2018 – Hits 3.5-Year Low
The “climate crisis” has been surging steadily upwards in global media attention since mid-2018, but shifting global attention to Covid-19…
Dr. Fauci Disappears From Television News
Dr. Fauci has been perhaps the most prominent representative of the US Government’s Covid-19 response, appearing daily on television news…
The Extended Moral Foundations Dictionary (eMFD): Development And Applications Of A Crowd-Sourced Approach To Extracting Moral Intuitions From Text
The full paper behind the eMFD dictionary! Read The Full Paper.
A Semantic Network Approach To Measuring Sentiment
A fascinating paper by researchers at UIC, UCSB and Wayne State University, using GDELT's Covid-19 television news snippets dataset to…
Protest TV Coverage: Spectacle of 'What' Outweighs the 'Why'
As the nationwide protests sparked by George Floyd’s death have ebbed and the scenes of militarized police clashing with protesters…
ABC: How Cable News Is Talking About The Protests – And Why It Matters
ABC published this video by FiveThirtyEight looking at how cable news covered the George Floyd protests. Watch The Full Video.
Acute Crisis Fading, Attention Returns To The Chronic One – Though Less So From Trump
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how television news have covered the events of 2020, from Covid-19 to the…
FiveThirtyEight: National Media Coverage Of Black Lives Matter Had Fallen During The Trump Era – Until Now
FiveThirtyEight explores media coverage of the BlackLivesMatter movement. Read The Full Article.
JOC: Dynamic Transactions Between News Frames and Sociopolitical Events: An Integrative, Hidden Markov Model Approach
This fascinating paper in the Journal of Communication by Frederic Hopp, Jacob Fisher and Rene Weber explores the link between…
Pandemic Pulse: Unraveling And Modeling Social Signals During The COVID-19 Pandemic
This informative analysis by students at the Center for Network and Data Science at the University of Notre Dame explores…
Inequality Makes A Comeback On Television News
Mentions of “inequality” and “unequal” increased substantially on television news from Oct. 2011 through Apr. 2016, but as the 2016…
Climate Change Activist Greta Thunberg Fades From Media
She once accounted for as much as 1% of worldwide news coverage, but as Covid-19 has caused climate change to…
Climate Change Has Received Almost As Much News Coverage As Racism
From Jan. 2017 to May 22, 2020, climate change and the “climate crisis” was mentioned 1.02 times more in worldwide…
New Weekly GDELT Week In Review Newsletter!
We're excited to announce that starting next Tuesday we'll be sending out a weekly GDELT Newsletter recapping the week in…
Using Television News Ngrams To Expand Query Search Terms & Catch Misspellings
This past April, Tara Reade's name surged into the media as she accused presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault….
Tracking Country Mentions Using Television Ngrams: China vs Russia
Yesterday we announced the Television News Ngram 2.0 Dataset. How might we use this dataset to track how often countries…
“Social Distancing” Disappears From News During Protests But Begins Reappearing
The phrase “social distancing” leapt into the television news lexicon from around Feb. 26 and became a household name from…
“Doomscrolling” Entered The Media Lexicon In March
The phrase “doomscrolling” has emerged to describe the intersection of psychological and technical processes that cause us to fixate on…
Announcing The Television News Ngram 2.0 Dataset
Last year we unveiled the television news ngram dataset, a compilation of 30-minute word frequency histogram tables of unigrams and…
Trump's Tweets Capture Media Attention Again After Fading From Prominence
Last fall we looked at how often Donald Trump's tweets had been cited in the world's news media from 2016…
Kommersant: Obamagate Returns With Renewed Vigor
Today's Kommersant has an article that references GDELT's analysis of television news coverage. Read The Full Article.
Pandemic to Protests: Coverage Shifted But Outlooks Didn’t
After three months of wall-to-wall television coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost overnight the live infection dashboards and often-uttered phrases like “social…