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The Strange Case Of A Rise In HTTP 451 Errors & GDPR

Over the past two years we've witnessed a significant rise in the number of "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons" errors…

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WashPost: Republicans Are More Likely To Get The Vaccine After Hearing Trump Supports It. But They Haven't Heard It

The Washington Post's Philip Bump uses the TV Explorer to reference media coverage of Donald Trump receiving the Covid-19 vaccine….

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"Death" Has Faded From CNN As It Has Wound Down Its Covid-19 Dashboard

Mentions of words relating to "death" have plummeted on CNN since the start of this year as it has phased out its…

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Video: "Defund The Police" All But Disappears From Television News Except On Fox News

The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase "defund the police" across television news since May of last year. Fox News…

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Video: Minimum Wage Fades From Television News After February Surge

The timeline below shows the total monthly mentions across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News over the past decade that mentioned the minimum…

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A 2016 Vision For "A Realtime Global Biosurveillance Platform for Mapping, Forecasting, Network Assessment and Community Outreach for Infectious Disease"

It is remarkable that just over a year and a quarter ago, on Dec. 31, 2019, BlueDot sent one of…

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Video: How The Atlanta Shootings Have Been Contextualized On Television News

In the aftermath of the Atlanta shootings, several outlets have raised concerns over what they see as a rush to ascribe the alleged shooter's…

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Communications Of The ACM: Non-Traditional Data Sources: Providing Insights Into Sustainable Development

This article in the Communications of the ACM describes how new kinds of data are being leveraged by the development…

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Video: Project Geospatial & The Geography Of GDELT

Kalev was interviewed by Project Geospatial on the vast geographic landscape of GDELT! Watch The Interview.

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Video: Biden's Air Force One Stumble Receives Little Attention Compared To Trump's "Ramp-Gate"

When President Donald Trump walked slowly down a ramp at West Point in June 2020, CNN told its viewers that "President Trump…

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Comparing Mentions Of The Major Covid-19 Vaccines

The timeline below compares daily mentions of three well-known Covid-19 vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, showing how the first two peaked in…

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Fauci Is Back On Television News Since The Inauguration

The timeline below shows the daily percentage of airtime across television news in which Dr. Fauci was mentioned since the start of…

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US Television News Barely Mentions Equatorial Guinea Explosion

In the two weeks since a massive explosion killed nearly 100 people and injured more than 600, US television news channels have barely…

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Minimum Wage Fades From Television News After February Surge

The timeline below shows the percentage of monthly airtime over the past decade across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News that mentioned the…

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"Defund The Police" All But Disappears From Television News Except On Fox News

The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase "defund the police" across television news since May of last year. Fox News…

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Mentions Of "Asians" Soars On Television News In Aftermath Of Atlanta Shootings

In the aftermath of the Atlanta shootings, several outlets have raised concerns over what they see as a rush to ascribe the alleged shooter's…

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China Versus Russia On Television News

As the timeline below shows, Russia surged into the media limelight in the aftermath of Trump's unexpected 2016 victory, but has steadily…

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How "Big Tech" Became A Fox News Term Since Trump's Election

The timeline below shows mentions of the phrase "Big Tech" on television news over the past decade, showing the phrase's emergence in…

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Spring Break On Television News: 2020 Versus 2021

The timeline below shows the total daily mentions of "spring break" on television news since the start of last year. Last year…

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Cuomo Stories Continue To Fade On Television News

The twin stories of underreported nursing home deaths and allegations of sexual harassment involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo continue…

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Biden's Air Force One Stumble Receives Little Attention Compared To Trump's "Ramp-Gate"

When President Donald Trump walked slowly down a ramp at West Point in June 2020, CNN told its viewers that "President Trump…

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VGKG Crawler Upgrade Complete Including New High Performance URL Cache

We're excited to announce that the complete reimagination of GDELT's server-crawler architecture has been put into production for the VGKG…

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Video: Television News Is Suddenly Talking About Inflation Again

The timeline below shows the monthly percentage of airtime devoted to mentions of inflation across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…

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Using The Cloud & AI To Watch, Visualize And Forecast The World In Realtime: Constructing Planetary-Scale Knowledge Graphs

For those interested in global-scale multimodal knowledge graphs covering text, speech, imagery and video and constructed through both neural and…