New York Times: Name That Keyword
The New York Times' White House Correspondent Jim Tankersley tweeted the graph above of a particular keyword's usage across television…
Video: Fox News Covers This Year's Cuomo Stories 2.2x More Than CNN And MSNBC Combined
The timeline below shows the total mentions of Cuomo (this covers both the governor and his brother) across CNN, MSNBC and Fox…
Television News Mentions Of Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects Disappear
The timeline below shows the total number of daily mentions of Covid-19 vaccines and the phrase "side effects," showing mentions began to…
US Television News Barely Mentions Equatorial Guinea Explosion
The timeline below shows the total number of mentions of the massive explosion in Equatorial Guinea this past weekend in which 98 people have…
Television News Has Started Talking About Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shots
The timeline below shows the total number of daily mentions of vaccine booster shots (using smoothing) across television news, showing that they…
CJR: CNN Public Editor: How CNN Amplifies Social Media Misinformation
Columbia Journalism Review's Public Editor for CNN references our collaboration with First Draft examining television news coverage of Donald Trump's…
Video: BBC & CNN Lead The Way In Television News Coverage Of Covid-19 Variants While Fox Gives Them Much Less Airtime
New mutant Covid-19 strains have garnered increasing attention from public health officials over concerns they may be more infectious and…
The Challenges Of Single-Threaded Socket Polling For Data-Intensive Crawlers
GDELT's globally distributed crawler fleets have historically used single-core VMs to absolutely maximize the aggregate number of distinct IP addresses…
Fox News Covers Dr. Seuss Story More Than CNN And MSNBC Combined
The timeline below shows the total mentions of Dr. Seuss across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News since the start of this month…
CNN Appears To Have Finally Wound Down Its Covid-19 Tracker To Just An Hour A Day Or Less
The timeline below tracks the total seconds of airtime each day since the start of last year that CNN's Covid-19 dashboard…
Video: Television News Mentions Of The Justice Department Surge In Trump Era
The timeline below shows the number of weekly mentions of "Justice Department" on television news since July 2009, using a 7-week rolling…
Video: Few Television News Mentions Of LGBTQ Issues During Trump's Presidency
The timeline below shows the percentage of monthly airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News since July 2009 that mentioned LGBTQ…
Global Embedded Metadata Graph (GEMG) Reaches 720 Million Articles
The Global Embedded Metadata Graph (GEMG) has now reached 720 million articles! Learn More.
RevDet: Robust And Memory Efficient Event Detection And Tracking In Large News Feeds
This analysis by researchers at FAST-NUCES and Carleton University examines how to detect discrete events from continuous news streams: With…
The Nuanced Networking Complexities Of Building Global-Scale Infrastructure
One of the greatest complexities in building global-scale geographically distributed systems that move vast amounts of data around the world…
Technology & Media: Can Democracy Survive?
RealClearPublicAffairs has launched a new page featuring Kalev's work: Kalev Hannes Leetaru explores how the intersection of technology, traditional journalism,…
A Multi-Platform Analysis Of Political News Discussion And Sharing On Web Communities
This study by researchers at Boston University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Binghamton University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and…
Video: Fox News Leads Coverage Of "Cancel Culture"
The timeline below shows the total weekly seconds of airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News in which the phrase "cancel culture"…
WashPost: The One Simple Tell That Reveals Fox News's Seuss Obsession For What It Is
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines how much attention television news channels have devoted to the Dr. Seuss story. Read…
National Assembly Futures Institute Proposes An Alternative To Trade Conflict Caused By Political Conflict
This Korean-language article describes a report using GDELT to examine "the patterns of conflict between Japan and Korea and China…
Video: A Look At Mask Imagery On Television News
The timeline below shows the total seconds of daily airtime since the start of last year that depicted some form of "personal…
Fox News Covers This Year's Cuomo Stories 2.2x CNN And MSNBC Combined
The timeline below shows the total mentions of Cuomo (this covers both the governor and his brother) across CNN, MSNBC and Fox…
Obama's Second Term Was Decade-Long Low For TV News Mentions Of "Non-Partisan"
The timeline below shows the total percentage of monthly airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News (using a 4-month rolling average to…
CNN's Fact Checker Daniel Dale Has Largely Disappeared From Its Coverage Since The Election
Mediaite recently suggested that CNN had dramatically reduced the airtime devoted to its resident fact checker Daniel Dale since the 2020 election….