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Global Twitter Heartbeat Project: Hurricane Sandy

In a collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory we debuted the first-ever…

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Global Twitter Heartbeat Project: PufferSphere

In a collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory we debuted the first-ever…

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2012 Winner of HPCWire Editor's Choice Edge HPC Award

Kalev's 2012 collaboration with supercomputer manufacturer SGI to create the first geographic historical visualization of Wikipedia's view of the world…

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Global Twitter Heartbeat Project

In a collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory Kalev debuted the first-ever realtime…

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ICCM Talk at World Bank on Realtime Automated Risk Forecasting

In October 2012, GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru traveled to Washington DC to speak at the International Conference of Crisis Mappers…

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IEEE International Conference on eScience 2012

Kalev presented two papers at the IEEE International Conference on eScience, "Towards HPC for the Digital Humanities, Arts, and Social…

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Fulltext Geocoding Versus Spatial Metadata for Large Text Archives: Towards a Geographically Enriched Wikipedia

The rise of "born geographic" information and the increasing creation and mediation of information in a spatial context has given…

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CyberGIS Approach to Digital Humanities and Social Sciences

Kalev and Eric Shook gave the featured Showcase Presentation at The First International Conference On Space, Time, and CyberGIS, titled "A CyberGIS Approach…

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Spatial Media Analysis for Remote Assessment

This study, with Charles Ehlschlaeger, Jeffrey Burkhalter and Marina Drigo, was presented at The First International Conference On Space, Time, and CyberGIS….

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Wikipedia Study Showcased on NOAA Science on a Sphere

The World According to Wikipedia, a collaboration with SGI and their new UV2 supercomputer to visualize Wikipedia's view of world…

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Global OSINT Monitoring for Fragility Warning

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) developed during World War II and the Cold War as a surrogate for leadership analysis, created…

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The World According to Wikipedia: Intensity

SGI's new UV2 supercomputer, scalable to 64TB of RAM, was used to visualize world history 1800-2012 captured by Wikipedia. More…

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The World According to Wikipedia: Tone

SGI's new UV2 supercomputer, scalable to 64TB of RAM, was used to visualize world history 1800-2012 captured by Wikipedia. More…

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Behind The Scenes: The Making of the SGI Wikipedia Project

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the SGI Wikipedia project and learn more about how the world's largest shared-memory exploration supercomputer…

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Wikipedia Study Showcases SGI UV2 Launch

In collaboration with SGI, the new UV2 supercomputer, which scales to 4,000 cores and 64TB in a single system image,…

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Columbia University: Hertog Global Strategy Initiative Digital Scholarship Workshop

Kalev presented "The Science of Forecasting Unrest Through Modeling Population-Scale Emotional Responses" at the Hertog Global Strategy Initiative Digital Scholarship Workshop…

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IIPC Opening Address Keynote on the Future of Web Archives at the Library of Congress

Kalev gave the keynote address opening the 2012 General Assembly of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) at the Library…

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Opening Big Data Week

Kalev presented some of the welcoming remarks introducing Big Data Week and touching on the incredible growth of observational social…

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Culturomics 2.0 at TEDxTallinn

Featured in Nature, BBC, Discovery, and the media in over 100 countries, Kalev spoke about his work at TEDxTallinn 2012….

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LOC/NEH Chronicling America Bulk Exports Available

While at the Library of Congress presenting the keynote address opening the 2012 IIPC General Assembly, Kalev met with the staff…

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Keynote Address at 2012 IIPC General Assembly at the Library of Congress

In April 2012 GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru presented the keynote address opening the 2012 IIPC General Assembly at the Library of…

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Culturomics 2.0 at SGI 2012 User Conference

Featured in Nature, BBC, Discovery, and the media in over 100 countries, Kalev presented his Culturomics 2.0 work as the…

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Keynote Speaker at SGIUG 2012

Kalev was the keynote speaker at the SGI User Group Conference. Learn More.

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CU Software Users Group: Data Mining

Kalev speaks to the CU Software Users Group on the state of HPC data mining. Watch The Video.