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Kalev Speaks at National Defense University Forum

GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru spoke at National Defense University today at a forum organized by the Center for Technology and…

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FiveThirtyEight Explores Nigerian Kidnapping Trends Using GDELT

Mona Chalabi over at Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight wrote this great timeline analysis of kidnappings in Nigeria using GDELT: Read the…

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US Department of Defense SMA Speaker Series

Kalev presented as part of the US Department of Defense SMA Speaker Series on "A Realtime “Big Data” View of…

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GDELT Cited In Gentzkow Interview

Clark Medal winner Matthew Gentzkow cites GDELT in his interview out today with Nieman Lab. Read the Full Interview.

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Kalev Speaks at Data Community DC

GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru spoke to a packed house at Data Community DC's April meeting on his lessons learned from…

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Georgetown University Feature – The Wizard of Big Data

Georgetown University profiled GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru in a special interactive feature titled "The Wizard of Big Data." Read the…

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GDELT At GEOINT 2014 on GEOINT Foreword Panel

We were incredibly honored to present an overview of GDELT today on the GEOINT Foreward Panel on Human Geography at GEOINT…

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Paper Explores Bilateral and Multilateral Causal Events in GDELT

Researchers at Tapjoy and the University of Virginia Department of Sociology used GDELT for their SBP data challenge paper "Discovering Bilateral…

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SBP 2014 Grand Data Challenge Winner

Its always incredibly exciting to see all of the different ways that GDELT is being applied and it is especially…

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From Big Data to Global Diplomacy: Today and Tomorrow

Today Kalev's Yahoo! Conference was held Georgetown University, titled "From Big Data to Global Diplomacy: Today and Tomorrow" and featuring presentations…

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Working with GDELT in Python: A Quick Tutorial

Python has become an increasingly popular language for rapidly working with large datasets.  James Houghton has a great quick tutorial…

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Wall Street Journal Discussion of Twitter Geolocation

GDELT Creator Kalev Leetaru is quoted in a Wall Street Journal article discussing the geolocation "arms race" and the emerging focus on the…

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TimeMapper: Rwanda

With today being the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, we've received a number of requests for visualizations and…

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Understanding Megacities

Megacities will play an outsized role in global politics and national stability over the coming decades with some estimates suggesting…

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Frank 2014: Forecasting Society from the Global Heartbeat

Kalev spoke at Frank 2014 at the University of Florida. Watch The Video.

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Networking The World’s Newsmakers

Perhaps one of the GDELT Analysis Service’s most eagerly-awaited new visualizations is its Global Knowledge Graph Network Visualizer, which allows…

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Geographic Networks: Contextualizing Relationships in Space

Perhaps the most famous visualizations from Culturomics 2.0 were the geographic networks that illustrated how the geography of the world…

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Timelines of Countries and of Themes

One of the first requests from early previews of the Timeline Visualization tool was the ability to plot countries and…

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Timelining Tone: Visualizing Emotional Timelines

Emotion has become an increasingly powerful lens through which to explore the world, as a growing literature demonstrates the ability…

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Visualizing the Timelines of Conflict

The concept of time is at once one of the most basic dimensions through which to understand and visualize conflict,…

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Heatmapping Hotspots: The New Heatmapper Visualization

One of the most-requested features for the new GDELT Analytics Service has been the addition of GIS-friendly export file formats…

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Expediting Extraction and Exporting: GDELT Event and GKG Exporter Tools

The massive size of GDELT’s data archives can make it difficult to extract just the subset of data you need…

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Introducing the GDELT Analysis Service

Today we are extraordinarily excited to announce a spectacular new addition to the GDELT family: the GDELT Analysis Service! This…

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TimeMapper: Visualize The Pulse of Our Global World

One of the most exciting announcements that will be coming shortly to GDELT is a fundamental new way of working…