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Why We Need To Verify Our Big Data Results

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how triangulating word patterns drawn from the Google Books ngram viewer against those from the…

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One-Click Network Visualization With BigQuery+Gephi

For his latest Forbes piece, Kalev took a network visualization developed by the BBVA Research Emerging Markets Unit of how…

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Visualizing Russian Sanctions and China's Economic Slowdown

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes builds upon the work of the BBVA Research Emerging Markets Unit to explore the state of…

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Is The Era of Reader Comments On News Websites Fading?

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores the changing landscape of how citizens engage and interaction with the news media, from…

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Graph-Based Detection of Occupy Protests

This paper by Fengcai Qiao, Pei Li, Jingsheng Deng, Zhaoyun Ding, and Hui Wang of the College of Information Systems…

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How Drones Are Changing Humanitarian Disaster Response

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how drones are changing the humanitarian disaster response landscape and presents a vision of…

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Digitizing The World's Libraries Using Smartphones

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores how we could leverage advances in smartphone technology and crowd sourcing to collaboratively digitize…

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San Francisco 2015 Ad Viewer Experiment

In keeping with our Philadelphia 2014 experiment from this past July, we have released a similar viewer for a selection…

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Network Diagram of David Cameron

John Swain made this interesting visualization of people mentioned in conjunction with David Cameron over the last 12 months using…

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How The Internet Of Things Is Reshaping The Cyber Battleground

Kalev's latest piece for Forbes explores the current landscape of cyberwarfare and charts out a vision of what the cyber…

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Analyzing The Third GOP Debate And Insights Into Television's Role In Politics

Kalev's analysis for the Washington Post's Monkey Cage examined television coverage of the third GOP debate and evolving trends over…

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IRIN News: Waking up to the refugee issue in Europe

In their latest GDELT visualization, IRIN News looks at coverage of the refugee crisis over 2015 broken down by country…

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IRIN News: Germany, Refugees, News Tone, and Search Trends

IRIN News' latest GDELT analysis compares the average tone of Germany news coverage of the refugee crisis against Google Trends…

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Mapping at Infinite Scale: Terascale and Petascale Cartography and Big Data in the BigQuery Era

This past Saturday, on Halloween, the GDELT 2.0 Global Knowledge Graph reached 150 million articles in 65 languages from just…

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New One Minute Maps: BigQuery UDF + CartoDB

We're incredibly excited to announce today the ability to generate rich interactive geographic maps in less than 60 seconds from…

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Tableau Iron Viz 2015: Bias In The News Media

Matt Chamber's fascinating entry in last week's Tableau 2015 Iron Viz Championship at the MGM Grand focuses on using the emotional dimensions of GDELT…

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Tableau Iron Viz 2015: Optimism vs Pessimism in News Sources

Another exciting entry is last week's Tableau 2015 Iron Viz Championship at the MGM Grand was a dashboard by Skyler Johnson that…

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GDELT 2.0 GKG Reaches 150 Million Records

We're excited to announce that earlier today the GDELT 2.0 Global Knowledge Graph (GKG) reached a total of just over 150 million…

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Stability Dashboard API Examples: Assessing Non-Events

Daily life across the planet involves an incredible array of activities that can impact the overall "stability" and "mood" of…

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Getting Started with GDELT + Google Cloud Datalab: Simple Network Visualizations

Following up from our last post of simple timeline visualizations you can make using Google's new Cloud Datalab, Felipe Hoffa…

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Getting Started with GDELT + Google Cloud Datalab: Simple Timelines

Google recently released Google Cloud Datalab which provides a cloud-hosted version of Jupyter/IPython that is tightly coupled with Google BigQuery, Google…

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O'Reilly Strata+Hadoop World

Kalev and Felipe Hoffa of Google will be presenting at the O'Reilly Strata+Hadoop World conference in Singapore this coming December…

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Structure Data 2016

Kalev will be speaking at Structure Data 2016 in San Francisco on March 9-10th of next year alongside some of…

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International Business Times Features Candidate Television Tracker

The International Business Times recently used GDELT's 2016 Candidate Television Tracker, which uses data from the Internet Archive's Television News Archive, to…