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Why Social Media Provenance Is More Important Than Ever In An AI-Falsified World

AI is rapidly reaching a point where the creation of nearly flawless artificial imagery and video will be within the…

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Is Academia Still Relevant In A Big Data World In Which Companies Lead The Way?

The era of "big data" is upending not just industry itself, but the traditional balance between applied and basic research…

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Facebook's Device Partners And How Nothing Has Changed Since Cambridge Analytica

The Cambridge Analytica scandal has changed little in Facebook's approach to user privacy and transparency in how it uses the…

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Should Social Media Ban Profanity And Name Calling?

Social media is the elusive elixir turning us from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde, but perhaps those same companies can…

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Could The U.S. Government's Move To The Commercial Cloud Stop Leaks And Breaches?

The US Government's growing move to the commercial cloud could dramatically improve its cybersecurity posture, reduce unauthorized leaking and lead…

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Why Do We Keep Blaming AI For Society's Ethical Concerns?

AI has increasingly become a catch-all scapegoat for the ethical conundrums of society, but the reality is that it is…

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Why Won't Facebook Talk About How Often Its Algorithms Are Wrong?

Facebook has bet the company on the success of its AI filtering algorithms and portrays them as a huge success,…

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How Social Media Is Teaching Us To Emphasize The What Over The Why

Social media’s fixation on realtime and short context-free communications that reward meme-worthy virality over informed conversation and deep understanding is…

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Does Facebook's "Is Facebook Good For the World" Poll Matter?

Throughout the year Facebook has been polling its users about its roll in the world, but does the survey’s design…

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WashPost: James Comey Had An Outsize Effect On Media Coverage Right Before The 2016 Election

The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how media coverage of several major topics evolved across the networks in the leadup…

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Could Google Image Search Help Fight Fake News On Social Media?

Could we fight fake news by reconnecting shared images to their origins, using automatic reverse image search to add context…

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RealClearPolitics: Why Fact Checkers Need to Accept That They Can Err

Kalev's latest RealClearPolitics piece explores the critical need for fact checking sites to be more forthcoming with their mistakes. Read…

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Could AI Help Reform Academic Publishing?

Filled with explosive growth in available knowledge, widespread citation errors and increasing use of datasets and methods outside their traditional…

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SINA: Trump Media Analysis

Chen Yu, a Lecturer at Wuhan University's Department of Sociology wrote this extensive analysis of a number of aspects of…

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Vox: Scott Pruitt Is Mired In Scandals – But You Wouldn't Know It From Watching Fox News

Vox's Alvin Chang explores how the networks are covering news about Scott Pruitt. Read The Full Article.

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Hannity’s Phone-Smashing Rhetoric Heads In A Different Direction

The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores Hannity's coverage of a Clinton staffer's phone smashing. Read The Full Article.

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Merging Billions of URLS Using BigQuery

One of the most amazing things about Google's BigQuery service is its nearly infinite scalability and the sheer speed at…

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RealClearPolitics: Stealth Editing & Transparency: Why Archiving Fact Checks Is Vital

Kalev's latest RealClearPolitics piece examines why it is so imperative to permit web archiving of fact checks for transparency and…

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WashPost: Here's How Much More Cable And Broadcast News Talked About Roseanne Than Puerto Rico

The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how the networks covered Roseanne versus Puerto Rico. Read The Full Article.

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Vox: How The Media Ignored Puerto Rico, In One Chart

Vox's Alvin Chang explores how the networks covered the Puerto Rico crisis. Read The Full Article.

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Merriam Webster Definition Examples

Merriam Webster's legendary dictionary now uses sentences from two of Kalev's Forbes columns to illustrate common literary usage for two…

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Vox: The Stories Fox News Covers Obsessively – And Those It Ignores – In Charts

Vox' Albert Chang published another fantastic data-driven analysis of the parallel media universes using the Television Explorer. Read The Full…

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Using GDELT Summary To Track Wildlife Crime

One of the most powerful features of GDELT Summary is the ability it gives you to search across the world's languages,…

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IU: Visualizing Our Global World: Correlation Between Article Tone and Emotion of Accompanying Images

A team of Indiana University students (Elizabeth Supinski, Hui Chen, Rusty Hann and Ding Li) explored the relationship of textual…