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RealClearPolitics: Is Facebook Driving Our Country Apart?

A look at how Facebook is and isn't reshaping our national dialog. Read The Full Article.

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The Smart Home Battle Front And Can Our ISP Interfere With Our Heat?

An ISP warns its customers they could lose remote control of thermostats and security cameras. As our homes become extensions…

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Facebook's Deletion of Ramzan Kadyrov And Who Controls The Web?

Facebook’s removal of Ramzan Kadyrov’s accounts remind us that was once a global cooperative of interconnected computers spread across the…

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What Apple's Secret iPhone Slowdown Teaches Us About Our Digital Rights

Apple’s quiet throttling of its iPhones stands as a reminder that the devices we purchase today are never truly ours…

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The Library Of Congress In the Digital Age: From Archiving Twitter To Innovation Lab

From its announcement this week that it will cease archiving the Twitter firehose to its creation of a new innovation…

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Updates To The DOC 2.0 API

As we work to extend the searchable date range of the DOC 2.0 API beyond a rolling window of 3 months…

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Using GDELT Summary To Track The Jerusalem Response

Two weeks ago when US President Trump declared that the US would officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,…

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Why 2017 Was The Year Of The Filter Bubble?

We’ve been talking about filter bubbles for years, so why all of a sudden have they leapt to the forefront…

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WashPost: What National News Networks Were Talking About During 2017

The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks back at the year in review to explore what the national television networks were…

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Can AI Assistants Help Curb Harassment?

As AI-powered “smart” assistants evolve from simple voice controlled dumb terminals towards virtual personalities that interact with users, can they…

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Eesti Ekspress: The Estonian Man Who Created A "Machine" For Predicting The Future

Eesti Ekspress interviewed Kalev about his work exploring how we can forecast the future. Read The Full Article.

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BuzzFeed: Which Sexual Misconduct Allegations Are Getting The Most Attention On Cable News?

BuzzFeed looks at which sexual misconduct cases are getting the most attention. Read The Full Article.

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The Trace: Data Shows Shrinking Cable News Cycles for This Fall’s Mass Shootings

The Trace examines how cable news is devoting less and less attention to mass shootings. Read The Full Article.

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Web Summit And Building Bridges Across Geography And Technology

Conferences like Web Summit that bridge the technical and non-technical worlds, combining the people who build technological tools with the…

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From Passive Host To Active Moderator: Why We Must Have Visibility Into Facebook's Algorithms

As Facebook rolls out laudable new initiatives like its counter-terrorism and counter-suicide programs, the company’s transition towards actively moderating its…

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Ubering To Loading Docks: Mailing Addresses As Location In the GPS Era

As we become ever more dependent on GPS navigation, mailing addresses have been repurposed as pedestrian addresses, creating an entertaining…

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In A VoIP World Why Does It Still Cost $20 For A 10 Minute International Call?

Even while companies have rushed to move their workforces to VoIP, they have largely left customers to fend for themselves…

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What The Net Neutrality Comments Bot Army Teaches Us About The Future Of Citizen Feedback

In a world in which bots increasingly act on our behalves, we should be focusing on digital signatures and authenticating…

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What Facebook's Latest Revenge Porn Effort Gets Wrong

A laudable and critical step towards fighting revenge porn, how might Facebook’s latest effort be redesigned to better address safety…

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Announcing GDELT Summary

Since the launch of the GDELT DOC 2.0 and GEO 2.0 APIs earlier this year, they've become developer staples for…

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BBVA: Big Data Spain 2017: Monitoring World Geopolitics Through Big Data: Video

You can watch the video below of Tomasa Rodrigo and Alvaro Ortiz's fantastic talk titled "Monitoring World Geopolitics Through Big…

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BBVA: Big Data Spain 2017: Monitoring World Geopolitics Through Big Data

Tomasa Rodrigo and Alvaro Ortiz presented this fantastic talk titled "Monitoring World Geopolitics Through Big Data" at Big Data Spain…

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BBVA: Tracking China Vulnerability in Real Time Using Big Data: The CVSI Index

Alvaro Ortiz presented BBVA's "Tracking China Vulnerability in Real Time Using Big Data: The CVSI Index" at the Big Data…

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Video: Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference 2017 Keynote

The video of Kalev's keynote at Bucknell University's 2017 Digital Scholarship Conference is now available. Watch it below!