Author: Kalev Leetaru
Mapping the Global Twitter Heartbeat: The Geography of Twitter
This collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory debuted the first-ever analysis of…
Stanford University / USIP Blogs & Bullets Workshop on Syria
Kalev presented at the Stanford University / United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Blogs & Bullets Workshop on Syria.
GDELT: a big data history of life, the universe and everything
The Guardian introduces GDELT as "the ultimate big database – and an amazing tool for data journalists" and extols its…
Jay Yonamine's Forecasting Future Violence in Afghanistan
Jay Yonamine of Penn State used GDELT in his doctoral dissertation to explore how the spatial resolution of GDELT can…
Alex Hanna's Egyptian Timeline
Alex Hanna at the University of Wisconsin-Madison made this great timeline showing the 2011 Egyptian revolution and the various actor…
The Last 200 Million Things That Happened in the World
Foreign Policy magazine writes the first mainstream news article introducing GDELT to the world! Read the Full Article in Foreign…
David Masad's Python Visualizations
David Masad of George Mason University put together this great tutorial demonstrating how to replicate some of Rolf Fredheim's R-based visualizations for…
Rolf Fredheim's Visualization Tutorial
Rolf Fredheim of Cambridge University put together a fantastic assortment of basic analyses and some sophisticated visualizations of GDELT, including…
Rolf Fredheim's Russia Network Visualizations
Rolf Fredheim of Cambridge University created this visually stunning series of network displays of Russia's interactions with the world over…
The debut paper on GDELT was presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) meeting. Read the Full Paper.
Dissertation: Can We Forecast Conflict?
Kalev's doctoral dissertation was successfully defended in March 2013 at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information…
University of Texas at Austin iSchool Research Colloquium
Kalev gave an invited speech on "Using Big Data To Understand the World Around Us: Towards Realtime Modeling, Monitoring, and…
University of Maryland iSchool Research Colloquium
Kalev gave an invited speech on "Using Big Data To Understand the World Around Us: Towards Realtime Modeling, Monitoring, and Forecasting…
Interview with Wired Magazine: Big Data and the Death of the Theorist
In December 2012 while in London, GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru spoke with Ian Steadman of Wired Magazine about the future…
On the Interpretability of Law
An implicit element of many theories of constitutional enforcement is the degree to which those subject to constitutional law can…
New Routledge Book: Data Mining Methods for the Content Analyst
Kalev's latest book is now available from Routledge, titled Data Mining Methods for the Content Analyst: An Introduction to the…
Council on Foreign Relations Workshop on Social Media and Conflict Prevention
In December 2012, GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru traveled to Washington DC to speak at the Council on Foreign Relations Workshop…
Big Data Analytics 2012 in London
In December 2012 GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru traveled to London to speak at Big Data Analytics 2012, the United Kingdom's…
United Kingdom Science & Technology Facilities Council Big Data Conference
In December 2012 GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru traveled to Daresbury in the United Kingdom to present at the joint SGI…
UCI Evoke Laboratory Presentation
Kalev gave an invited presentation on "Using Big Data to Understand the World Around Us: Towards Realtime Modeling, Monitoring, and Forecasting…
National Academies Keck Futures Initiative
In November 2012 GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru was selected to participate in the 2012 National Academies Keck Futures Initiative, The…
Mapping the Civil War Through HathiTrust's One Billion Pages of Books
In a collaboration with noted Civil War historian Vernon Burton, Kalev mapped the geography of the Civil War discourse through…
Global Twitter Heartbeat Project: Making Of
In a collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory we debuted the first-ever…
Global Twitter Heartbeat Project: US Presidential Election
In a collaboration with SGI and the University of Illinois' CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information (CIGI) Laboratory we debuted the first-ever…