Center for Global Development
Kalev gave the opening breakfast keynote at an event for the Center for Global Development, discussing how big data is reshaping our…
National Academies NAKFI Conference: From Cells to Societies
Kalev participated in the 2014 National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) Conference “Collective Behavior: From Cells to Societies” last week in Irvine,…
Al Jazeera Interview on Ebola Coverage
Kalev appears on the latest episode of Al Jazeera's "Listening Post" show discussing media coverage of the Ebola outbreak and…
Romanian BigData/DataScience Contest on GDELT
This past September the Big Data / Data Science Meetup in Cluj-Napoca, Romania held a workshop titled “How to think in MapReduce”…
A Meeting in Paris
Kalev flew into Paris on Friday and was on the ground for just over 24 hours before returning to the US. More…
US Federal Reserve Chief Data Officer Speaker Series
Kalev spoke at the United States Federal Reserve Board of Governors as part of its Office of the Chief Data…
Carnegie Council / FES Meeting on Protests
Kalev spoke at "'Conflict' or 'Protest': Governments' approach impacts their pursuit of stability, peace and justice", an expert group meeting…
South Korea's "This Morning" on eFM 101.3
Kalev was interviewed for South Korea's "This Morning" show on eFM 101.3, the number one foreign language radio station in the…
China Central Television (CCTV) Interview
Kalev was interviewed for China Central Television (CCTV) about his GDELT Project and how it uncovered the earliest glimmers of…
Internet Archive Annual Library Leaders Forum
Kalev's work to "reimagine" the book by extracting the images from 600 million digitized book pages dating back 500 years from…
DOD Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Conference: A New Information Paradigm
Kalev presented on the GDELT Project and its applications for global realtime dashboarding and situational awareness at the 8th Annual Strategic…
Internet Archive Annual Gala: The Emotions of Television
At the Internet Archive's Annual Gala last year, Kalev's collaboration with Roger MacDonald and the Archive's Television News Archive was…
Filming for the History Channel
Kalev was filming today for an incredibly exciting new documentary to be aired on the History Channel/H2 in Spring 2015! We…
Kalev Speaks at Council on Foreign Relations: Voices of the Next Generation
Kalev spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) today as part of its Voices of the Next Generation series. His…
Don't Blame CNN for the Ebola Panic
Kalev's latest column for Foreign Policy magazine explores how American domestic news media has covered the Ebola outbreak over the…
Our global dreams and fears: News as emotion
Kalev’s guest post for the Knight Blog titled “Our global dreams and fears: News as emotion” explores the latest addition…
Data Innovation DC Meetup
Felipe Hoffa, a Developer Advocate on big data at Google, gave a series of live demos at Tuesday's Data Innovation DC…
Presenting on Big Data and GDELT Again at the Wharton School
Kalev was at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for a second time this past Thursday to speak about GDELT and…
Data Tactics: Statistical Programming DC Meetup
Amanda Traud, PhD, Data Scientist at L-3 Data Tactics, who wrote these two fantastic guest blog posts, GDELT-Board and GDELT Country Network…
Data Tactics: Network Analysis App: A GDELT Case Study
This guest post is by Amanda Traud, PhD, Data Scientist at L-3 Data Tactics. With the rise in social media sites, the…
Data Tactics: GDELT-Board and GDELT Country Network Dashboard
This guest post is by Amanda Traud, PhD, Data Scientist at L-3 Data Tactics. The news media holds a prominent place…
Lux Ebola GDELT+Shipping Maritime Pilot
Lux put together this brief pilot analysis of using their platform to combine GDELT's ebola and conflict tracking data with…
InformationWeek Healthcare Article
Kalev is quoted in a recent InformationWeek Healthcare article on data mining and the Ebola outbreak. View the Full Article.
UN Foundation / Data2X Report on Big Data For Development
Kalev's 2011 Culturomics 2.0 paper is mentioned in the latest report from the United Nations Foundation and Data2X titled "The Landscape of Big…