Money & Politics on Television: Philadelphia 2014 Campaigns
In collaboration with the Internet Archive, human coding and machine tracking was used to identify all 74 political ads that ran on…
Mapping the Geographic Networks of Global Refugee Flows
Today we unveil a visualization of global refugee flows as seen through the eyes of the world's press. More precisely,…
IRIN News: Burundi Update July 2015
IRIN News used GDELT to explore how total news coverage volume and average emotional tone of Burundi has evolved over the…
GDELT Mentioned in New Routledge Book
GDELT is mentioned in a chapter in the new book "Digital Technology and the Future of Broadcasting: Global Perspectives", edited…
International Labour Organization WESO Trends 2015
The International Labour Organization's annual World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2015 report features on page 30 a visualization…
Mapping Greece Through the Eyes of the World
Today we unveil a map of the unfolding Greek crisis as seen through the eyes of the world's news media…
A Network Diagram of Greece July 1-15
Using the sample GKG 2.0 BigQuery network query, the following visualization shows the network of the top 1,500 connections among…
How to Really Counter the Islamic State's Messaging
Kalev's latest column for Foreign Policy focuses on how to rethink our approach to counter-messaging the Islamic State, offering a…
A Montage of 500 Years of the Imagery of Books
Its been just under a year since GDELT creator Kalev Leetaru collaborated with the Internet Archive and Flickr to extract the images…
Linguistic Geography: Mapping the Languages of GDELT February-July 2015
We're excited to unveil a new visualization that showcases the power of GDELT's realtime machine translation of the world's local news…
Mapping the Geography of GDELT: February-July 2015
We're excited to unveil a new visualization that showcases the incredible reach of GDELT 2.0. The map below displays a…
Wildlife Crime Map Featured in National Geographic Article
The interactive map of global wildlife crime discussed in last month's Foreign Policy article titled "Can You Use Big Data to…
CrisisLex Taxonomies Now Available in GKG
The initiative offers a variety of datasets and tools relating to the use of social media for crisis and…
IRIN News: Burundi Topical Network
IRIN News has published two previous pieces using GDELT to explore trends relating to the overall emotional tenor of global news…
BBVA The Refugee Crisis: Challenges for Europe
The research staff at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)’s Cross-Country Emerging Markets Unit have produced a fascinating animated map of refugee…
BBVA Social Unrest Dynamics in Eurasian Countries
The research staff at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)’s Cross-Country Emerging Markets Unit have produced another series of captivating risk visuals, this…
Tracking the Islamic State — With Words
Kalev's latest column for Foreign Policy magazine explores how creating an interactive map of three months of global news coverage…
Scalable Bayesian Non-Negative Tensor Factorization
Researchers Changwei Hu, Piyush Rai, Changyou Chen, Matthew Harding, and Lawrence Carin, all of Duke University, explore extracting patterns at…
Can You Use Big Data to Track an Elephant Poacher?
Kalev's latest column for Foreign Policy magazine explores how creating an interactive map of three months of global news coverage about wildlife…
Advanced Mapping with the GDELT API + BigQuery
Today we feature the second half of the announcement of our incredible new collaboration with online mapping platform CartoDB to make…
A Discussion on Crisis Communications
Kalev will be speaking next week at an event at Blair House hosted by the Office of the Chief of…
Mapping Global Protests Redux
Two years ago Pennsylvania State University doctoral student John Beieler put together an animated map of global protests over the…
GDELT at National Defense University Senior Executive Seminar
Kalev spoke at the Countering Transnational Threats Senior Executive Seminar: "Understanding Perceptions and Countering Narratives" at National Defense University yesterday,…
Mapping ISIS: Three Month Cumulative Animation
To complement our interactive clickable map of the last three months of global media narrative around ISIS, we've created the…