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Project Sailor Moon Shiny App

Donny Chen and Yixin Zhang created this really neat Shiny app with a number of great visualizations. Under the hood…

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New "Showcase" Format For GDELT GEO 2.0 API

We're excited to announce today the debut of the new "showcase" format in the GDELT GEO 2.0 API! This new…

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Dev Fest DC 2017

Kalev spoke at DevFest DC today on how GDELT uses Google Cloud Platform, especially tools like BigQuery and Google's AI…

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How Facebook Secretly Turned Us All Into Digital Lab Rats

The Australian's expose that Facebook researchers conducted secret emotional marketing research on young children to identify their most vulnerable moments…

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Can AI Rescue Us From Violent Images Online?

With all of the recent conversation about depictions of violence deluging the online world, can AI offer a solution? Read…

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Will Twitter Replace The Photojournalist?

Over the past two years the mainstream journalism world has increasingly turned to Twitter and Instagram for images of breaking…

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Mapping Global Pollution And Natural Disasters Through AI And News Images

How advances in deep learning can be used to watch the daily firehose of global news imagery to catalog illegal…

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GDELT GEO 2.0 API Debuts!

We are immensely excited today to announce the debut of the first of the GDELT 2.0 APIs: the GDELT GEO…

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No The EPA's Open Data Website Is Not Going Away – The Future Of Open Science Data

Reports that the EPA’s open data website is shutting down this Friday are just normal government shutdown bureaucracy and the…

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Why Don't Social Media Companies Stop Violent Imagery?

The technology exists to prevent violent imagery from being shown and to stop banned images from being reposted, so why…

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New York Times Magazine Cites Television Candidate Tracker

The New York Times Magazine's in-depth feature (both online and in print) on how CNN covered the Trump campaign over…

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Why Congress' FCC Broadband Privacy Vote Might Actually Help Privacy

Given how Silicon Valley accelerated the web’s transition to HTTPS in reaction to government surveillance, could Congress’ vote last week…

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What To Do When The 'Government-Backed Attackers' Come For You

How I joined the ranks of the 0.1% of Google users to get the “government-backed attackers may be trying to…

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New GDELT 2.0 API Interactive Maps: ADM1

As geography becomes an ever more central modality for understanding the world around us, we've heard loud and clear from…

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BBVA: Tracking Chinese Vulnerability in Real Time Using Big Data

BBVA's has put out another fascinating report using GDELT's emotional data as part of its Chinese Vulnerability and Sentiment Index (CVSI) exploring…

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What Research Libraries And Web Archives Could Learn From The Commercial Cloud

Today’s modern cloud platforms have transformed business computing and in fact are highly aligned with the needs of libraries and…

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Why Are Libraries Failing At Web Archiving And Are We Losing Our Digital History?

Have libraries become irrelevant in the web archiving world and how can they learn from their technological neighbors who have…

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Book: Mastering Spark For Data Science

A new book called "Mastering Spark For Data Science" by Andrew Morgan, Antoine Amend, David George and Matthew Hallett includes…

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Charleston Library Opening Keynote Video Now Available

The video of Kalev's opening keynote address at the Charleston Library Conference this past November is now available.

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Which Web Servers Power Global News Imagery?

What 48 hours of global news images tell us about the most popular web servers powering news websites (NGINX is…

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Would Twitter's Proposed Premium Offering Effectively Lead To 'Two Twitters'?

As Twitter considers creating a subscription Tweetdeck offering, could its latest moves portend a future in which it reorganizes into…

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Recapping Google NEXT 2017: Deep Learning As A Service

Deep learning was a huge focus of Google’s annual cloud conference, from its hosted AI platform to the company’s myriad…

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GDELT 3.0 And Using BigQuery And Streaming Google Cloud Storage For Logging

One of the most incredible aspects of working in Google's cloud environment is that no matter what you need, chances are…

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The Backfire Effect And Why Facebook's 'Fake News' Warning Gets It All Wrong

Facebook’s latest attempt to fight fake news is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of basic psychology and showcases that Silicon…