Twitter's Great Bot Purge And Can We Really Trust Active User Numbers?
Is Twitter’s recent bot purge a publicity stunt to show lawmakers it cares or does it represent a company that…
The GDELT Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) At 5 Months: 35 Billion URLs And Counting
Since the launch of GDELT's Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) on March 2nd of this year, the dataset has rapidly evolved…
Mapping Spies Through Fitness Trackers And Phones: Privacy Is Dead Even For Those In the Shadows
Silicon Valley needs experts outside the technology world to help it think in new and creative ways about how its…
Facebook As The Ultimate Government Surveillance Tool?
Facebook’s international reach, massive centralized data warehouse and algorithms that can divine the most sensitive and intimate elements of our…
Are Toilets The New Twitter? Using Smart City Data To Measure Interest
How water usage in Tokyo during the World Cup offers a lesson in the ways smart city data can be…
WashPost: People Who Say They Aren’t Following The Russia Investigation Are Much More Likely To Approve Of Trump
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how the major networks have covered the Russian story. Read The Full Article.
Is Social Media Becoming Too Toxic?
Somewhere along the way social media lost its way and it remains to be seen whether the current generation of…
When Will Cities Begin To Monetize Their Residents' Data?
What happens as cash-strapped cities wake up to the immense monetary value of the vast archives of sensitive information they…
Are Facebook's New Restrictions On Data Harvesting Actually Working?
The academic world that had so stridently attacked Facebook for its user data practices now condemns the company for limiting…
Facebook's Automated Ad Labels Plus Facial Recognition: The Real-Life Minority Report?
Facebook’s algorithms secretly guess which of its two billion users are interested in treason while the company files patents on…
GDELT At Google Cloud NEXT 2018
GDELT makes two appearances at Google Cloud NEXT next week! Anand Autar, Head of Portfolio Risk Management at ING, Pieter…
The New Yorker: Are Things Getting Better or Worse?
An article in the July 23rd issue of The New Yorker talks about how we understand and assess the world…
GDELT 3.0: GEN 3 Crawlers & Document Extraction Infrastructure
We're incredibly excited to announce today that over the past 24 hours GDELT's entire fleet of front line article crawlers…
BBVA: Monitoring Global Trade Support in real time using BigData
BBVA's latest report offers a fascinating glimpse of the global discussion of global trade support, including a number of innovative…
Vox: Nearly 2 Years Into The Trump Presidency, Fox News Is Still Obsessed With Hillary Clinton
Vox's Alvin Chang compares the major networks' coverage of Clinton in the era of Trump. Read The Full Article.
Watching The Media Wake Up In The Morning Through Crawler CPU Graphs
The global media has a definitive circadian rhythm of its own, with the total journalistic output of each country following…
A Large-Scale Arabic Sentiment Corpus Construction Using Online News Media
This new study by researchers Ahmed Nasser (Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq) and Hayri Sever…
RealClearPolitics: Is 'Doxxing' the Future of Political Protest?
Kalev's latest RealClearPolitics piece explores the role of "doxing" in the modern political discourse. Read The Full Article.
Media Matters: The Big Problem With The Term "Catch And Release"
Dina Radtke of Media Matters used the Television Explorer to examine coverage of the phrase "catch and release" on the…
Vox: On Fox News, Family Separation At The Border Isn't Trump’s Fault. It's Democrats'.
Vox' Alvin Chang explores how the networks contextualized family separation at the border. Read The Full Article.
How The Cloud Could Empower The Future Of Academic Publisher Text And Data Mining
As computational methods continue to infuse across the scholarly disciplines, academic publishers will face increasing calls to permit text and…
Verizon's Lesson That You Can't Buy Your Privacy And What It Means For Facebook
Verizon teaches us that in today’s surveillance society, purchasing a product no longer protects you from becoming a product yourself…
Could The Verizon Location Data Sale Have Compromised US Spy Networks?
Verizon’s resale of its customer location data poses not just a threat to the privacy of ordinary citizens, but in…
Verizon Reselling Its Customers' Locations Is A Reminder We Are All Just Data For Sale
Verizon's resale of its customer location data reminds us that in our surveillance society there is no way to escape…