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Google's New 'AI Workshop' Offers Early Access To The Frontier Of AI Research

Google’s new AI Workshop represents a unique new step in Google’s efforts to democratize access to AI, opening up broader…

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The Future Of The Cloud Lies In Analyzing All Those Petabytes

The cloud has upended how we think about data. Simply storing petascale data is no longer a limiting factor. It…

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Measuring Our 'Not Normal' and 'Divisive' Times

It seems not a day goes by in the Trump Era without the media mentioning that we live in a…

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Did President Trump Help Popularize The Phrase 'Tweet Storm'?

Where did the phrase "tweet storm" come from and why is the concept so uniquely associated with Twitter? Read The…

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Cloud AI Isn't About Outsourcing Compute It Is About Joining The Front Row Of The AI Revolution

Deep learning in the cloud today is no longer merely about outsourcing compute, but actually joining the front row of…

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600 Forbes Columns And Counting

Today Kalev published his 600th Forbes column, just 41 days after publishing his 500th column! In the just over three…

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Facebook Is Already Working Towards Germany's End-to-End Encryption Backdoor Vision

It is almost a certainty that the days of being able to securely converse through end-to-end encryption are coming to…

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Google's AutoML And BigQuery ML: The Rise Of One-Click Hyperscale Machine Learning

The cloud is no longer just a place where AI experts go to pioneer the future or scarce deep learning…

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FiveThirtyEight: Which 2020 Candidate Was Mentioned Most On Cable News Last Week?

FiveThirtyEight's latest analysis of the 2020 Democratic field by Dhrumil Mehta shows Biden's continuing lead but also Buttigieg's rise. Read…

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Are Social Media Platforms Engaging In Legal Cyberwarfare?

How does cyber attribution work in a world where private companies are increasingly engaging in the kinds of activities once…

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Online Toxicity Is As Old As The Web Itself But The Return To Communities May Help

A closer look back at the early days of the Web reminds us that online toxicity is as old as…

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Could 'Government By Code' Eliminate Special Interests And Restore Democracy?

What might happen if our legal systems were codified into software algorithms that were immune from bribes and personal friendships,…

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Are We Retreating From Algorithms Or Recreating Community?

This retreat from the global commons to local community is a return to the interest-based and geographically-defined roots upon which…

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GDPR Reminds Us The Best Privacy Laws Were Written Before The Social Media Era

The few laws that have actually granted some degree of privacy all predate the social media era, reminding us of…

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'Deep Fakes' Are Just An Updated War Of The Worlds For The Digital Era

Reflecting on Orson Welles’ infamous October 30, 1938 radio adaptation of The War of The Worlds reminds us that believable…

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We Keep Forgetting That We Didn't Want Democratic Social Media

As rumblings grow for Facebook to turn back into a democracy, we would do well to reflect on the 2009-2012…

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As EternalBlue Racks Up Damages It Reminds Us There Is No Such Thing As A Safe Cyber Weapon

The way in which EternalBlue has come back to wreak harm across the United States reminds us that there is…

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The Web Brought Us Limitless Information But Not The Tools To Manage It

It is not book-laden shelves or digital publishing platforms that drive or destroy democracy, it is those curators that help…

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The Pelosi Video: Should Social Media Ban Falsehoods Or Does Democracy Require Free Speech?

Facebook’s choice to limit the distribution of the video and warn users that it has been doctored presents the best…

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WhatsApp's Massive Security Flaw Serves To Remind Us The Limits Of Consumer Encryption Apps

The existence of a now-fixed buffer overflow exploit in Facebook’s marquee encrypted communications application reminds us that despite all of…

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GDPR's Massive 'Research' Exemption: Facebook And Social Science One

The European Union’s GDPR was supposed to afford EU citizens unprecedented digital privacy rights. Instead, Social Science One reminds us…

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The GDELT Global Frontpage Graph (GFG): 109 Billion URLs And Half A Trillion Datapoints

GDELT's Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) launched in March of last year, crossed the 100 billion URL threshold last month. As it…

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Using Deep Learning To Measure The Facial Emotion Of Television

Using Google’s off-the-shelf cloud AI algorithms to “watch” a week of television news from the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive…

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Using AI To Tally The Top Onscreen Television Topics Via OCR And NGrams

Using Google’s off-the-shelf cloud AI algorithms to “watch” a week of television news from the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive,…