Visualizing The Visual Entity Graph Of A Decade Of Television News
Using the new visual entity graph constructed by having the Cloud Video API watch a decade of evening news broadcasts…
Visualizing The Most Important Relationships of 2009-2019 Through The Eyes of TV News
Having had Google's Cloud Natural Language API non-consumptively read through the transcripts of a decade of television news from the Internet Archive's Television…
Tracing Merriam-Webster's Words Of The Year 2010-2019 In Television News
Looking back at the words choosen as the word of the year by Merriam-Webster each year over the past decade,…
A Television News Chronology Of The Most Important Topics & Things 2009-2019 Using Cloud Inference & Natural Language APIs
Last week we unveiled the results of having Google's Cloud Natural Language API non-consumptively read through the transcripts of a decade of television news…
New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?
The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the candidates. Read…
A By-Station Topical Chronology Of A Decade Of Television News Using Cloud Natural Language & BigQuery
Earlier today we showed how the Cloud Natural Language API could read through a decade of television news transcripts to…
A Topical Chronology Of A Decade Of Television News Using Cloud Natural Language & BigQuery
Last week we unveiled the results of having Google's Cloud Natural Language API non-consumptively read through the transcripts of a…
WashPost: Trump Takes Solace In Fox News Even As Impeachment Looms
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at a number of statistics relating to media coverage and trust in the media….
A Master Spreadsheet Of The Visual Entities Of A Decade Of Evening Television News Broadcasts
When Google's Cloud Video API watches a decade of evening television news broadcasts on ABC, CBS and NBC using the…
Machines Watching Television News: The Military Is Depicted Less Today Than A Decade Ago
Using Google's Cloud Video API to watch a decade of television news broadcasts on ABC, CBS and NBC using the…
Machines Watching Television News: We're Seeing Police More And More In The News
Using Google's Cloud Video API to watch a decade of television news broadcasts on ABC, CBS and NBC using the…
Tracing Coverage Of The "March For Our Lives" Movement
Climate change activism has dominated headlines this year, garnering magazine covers and award nominations. What became of last year's "March…
Machines Watching Television News: Cataloging Protest Coverage On The Evening News 2010-2019
Earlier this week we released a massive new dataset in which Google's Cloud Video API watched a decade of evening…
What a Decade of Data Says About the TV News Landscape
Americans of all political stripes increasingly perceive a fractured Fourth Estate in which news outlets report on parallel universes, covering…
Charting Television's Evening News Coverage Using The Closed Captioning Entity Graph
Using deep learning algorithms to read through a decade of closed captioning transcripts and compile a list of all of…
Is There Merit To White House Claims That Impeachment Has Overshadowed USMCA & China?
President Trump scored two major legislative victories this week in tentative agreements for USMCA (the successor to NAFTA) and a…
How Impeachment So Dominates The News Even A Volcanic Eruption Earns Barely A Mention
Ordinarily one might expect a volcanic eruption that left at least 16 dead and at least 29 injured would have…
Tracking The Similarity Of Word Usage On Television News Coverage 2009-2019
What would it look like to use the closed captioning of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News to compare every word…
Comparing Word Usage Across Television News Stations
Are there words that appear more often on one television news station than another? To explore this question in more…
Tracking The Similarity Of Television News Coverage Over Time
Earlier today we used the Television News Entity Graph, which tracks the primary things and topics discussed on television news…
Television News GEG: How Similar Is The Coverage On The Major Television News Stations?
How similar is the coverage across the major television news stations? When you turn on CNN, MSNBC or Fox News,…
Television News GEG: Master Ranked List Of Unique Spoken Entities From Television News 2009-2019 By Station
Yesterday we looked at the top overall well known entities (those with MID codes) spoken on television news over the…
Television News GEG: Master Ranked List Of Unique Spoken Entities From Television News 2009-2019
The inaugural Television News Entity Graph processed the closed captioning of each broadcast on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and the…
Recognizing Text In Television News: OCR In The Video Era
The exponential advances in machine vision of the past half-decade have entirely transformed the accuracy and capabilities of optical text…