Asia Weekly Coronavirus Watch: Continued Economic Weakness Amid Rising Second-Wave Contagion Risks
Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at NATIXIS, used GDELT to analyze market sentiment around second-wave contagion risks from…
Tara Reade All But Disappears From Television News
The rise of the #MeToo movement over the past three years meant allegations of sexual assault against powerful figures typically…
The “Deep State” Is Coming Back In The Covid-19 Era
The phrase “deep state” entered the media lexicon in January 2017 with Donald Trump’s inauguration, reaching its pinnacle in September…
Media Coverage Of Looming Food Shortages Has Decreased Since Late March
While the direct medical impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have dominated headlines over the last few months, the resulting economic…
With Covid-19 Falsehoods “Misinformation” Beats “Fake News” And “Disinformation” But Not By Much
When it comes to the myriad falsehoods swirling around the Covid-19 discourse, which term is most commonly used to describe…
“Fake News” Has Faded Away To Be Replaced By “Misinformation” With “Disinformation” Now Second On Television News
Popularized by Mark Zuckerberg in November 2016, the phrase “fake news” was once everywhere, but has faded nearly linearly in…
Mentions Of Obama Soar – On Fox News
CNN argued this week that a key facet of President Trump’s Covid-19 messaging strategy in recent days has been to…
CNN Is Right That Top Health Officials Are Less Prominent On Television News Lately
CNN’s Oliver Darcy noted this week that the US Government’s top Covid-19 health officials, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr….
2020 Race Enters “New Normal” Steady State Of 200-300 Biden Mentions Per Day On TV News
Like everything else in the Covid-19 era, the 2020 presidential race is adapting to its own “new normal” in media…
Mentions Of "Testing" Decline Even As Public Health Officials Urge More
Media Matters’ John Whitehouse noted last week that since late April, mentions of “testing” have been falling across the board on television…
Media Matters: Mentions Of "Testing" On Cable News
John Whitehouse, News Director at Media Matters, tweeted this fascinating graph last week showing how mentions of "testing" on television…
The Perils of Facebook's 'Hateful Meme' Competition
Social media was supposed to usher in a new era of freedom of expression worldwide, eliminating government censorship. Instead, the…
Chicago's Morning Answer: The Dan Proft Show
Kalev appeared on The Dan Proft Show on Chicago's AM 560 WIND today to talk about his latest RealClearPolitics analysis…
The Guardian: 'Obamagate': Fox News Focuses On Conspiracy Theory Rather Than Covid-19
In an article today on Fox News' Covid-19-era coverage, The Guardian cites Philip Bump's Washington Post analysis using the TV…
Monash SoDa Labs: On The Politics Of Distraction
This interesting analysis from Monash University's SoDa Labs explores a synthetic metric they constructed called "domestic turmoil" and assesses how…
Fox News Decreasing Its Covid-19 Coverage Since April 26th
Since April 26th, Fox News has steadily decreased the percentage of its airtime mentioning "Covid OR coronavirus OR virus", from…
Armenian Reporter: Trump Deepens 'Obamagate' Conspiracy Theory With Biden Unmasking Move
The Armenian Reporter covered the Washington Post's story. Read The Full Article.
Facebook's Evidence-Free 'False' Rating
As social media platforms rely ever more heavily on outside parties to arbitrate what is “true,” one prominent journalist’s recent…
NLP At Planetary Scale: GDELT's Language Understanding Datasets: Video
The video of Kalev's "NLP At Planetary Scale" talk is now live! Watch The Video!
WashPost: Trump And His Allies Are Much More Interested In Talking Flynn Than Coronavirus
Philip Bump's latest analysis for the Washington Post examines how Fox News has shifted its coverage from Covid-19 to Michael…
Announcing The GDELT Context 2.0 API
We're incredibly excited to announce today the release of the GDELT Context 2.0 API! This newest addition to the stable…
China Data Institute: Understanding The Covid-19 Data Of The US And China
This video by the China Data Institute surveys datasets around Covid-19 including GDELT. Watch The Full Video.
A Four-Month Look At Part Of Speech Distribution In A Multilingual World
In January, we visualized one week's worth of the part of speech distribution of the 11 languages annotated by Google's…
NY-NLP: NLP At Planetary Scale: GDELT's Language Understanding Datasets
Kalev is the May 11th speaker for the Natural Language Processing – New York (NY-NLP) meetup. GDELT today encompasses more…