Social Tension And Social Protests As Consequences Of Covid-19 Pandemic
This analysis by Maria Volkova in the proceedings of the 53rd International Scientific Conference On Economic and Social Development Development…
Credibility Coalition: Combatting Misinformation And Lending Context Through GDELT’s Global Open News Annotation Datasets
Kalev will be giving a talk to the Credibility Coalition next week titled "Combatting Misinformation And Lending Context Through GDELT’s…
DataTV 2020: What Google's Cloud Video AI Sees Watching Decade Of Television News
Kalev will be speaking at DataTV 2020 next week in a presentation titled "What Google's Cloud Video AI Sees Watching…
Finding Television News Coverage Of Twitter Rules Violations
How often does television news cover tweets that Twitter flags as a violation of its rules? Coverage of such tweets…
An Example Of A Trump Tweet Collage On Television News
The majority of times that television news outlets showcase a tweet, they show the tweet by itself on screen. However,…
An Example Of Television News Showing Trump "Liking" A Tweet
How does television news depict visually onscreen Donald Trump "liking" a tweet? MSNBC's "The Reid Out" shows one such example…
Campaign 2020 Dashboard Updated With New Defaults And Visual Styling
Now that the 2020 US presidential race has officially narrowed to Trump vs Biden, we've updated our Campaign 2020 dashboard…
Making Use Of Big Data To Inform Policy: Lebanon Case Study
This analysis by the Institute of Development Studies uses GDELT to explore realtime analysis of Security and Rule Of Law…
A Look At CNN & MSNBC's Ebola Infections Dashboards
CNN's COVID-19 dashboard has been an ever-present fixture of its pandemic reporting since March 20th. Did it do the same…
AI TV Explorer Now Searches By Disease Outbreak
We're excited to announce today that the AI TV Explorer has been updated with the initial results from the Media-Data…
CNN Phases Out COVID-19 Dashboard Then Rushes It Back
This timeline shows the total seconds of airtime on CNN each day since the start of this year in which…
WashPost: After Weeks Of Trump Rhetoric On Crime, Voters Have A Clear Preference On The Issue: Joe Biden
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at media coverage and polling about the protests. Read The Full Article.
AI TV Explorer Interface Updates For COVID-19
Collaborating with the Media-Data Research Consortium under its Google Cloud COVID-19 Research Grant “Quantifying the COVID-19 Public Health Media Narrative…
WashPost: Americans Solidly Oppose Violent Protests. But That Hasn't Helped Trump.
The Washington Post's David Byler references several TV Explorer queries in examining media coverage versus polling around the national protests….
WashPost: Nobody Can Predict This Election. Here's Why.
The Washington Post's David Byler includes a GDELT graph of media coverage of protests in his most recent analysis of…
Hourly Heatmap Of CNN's COVID-19 Dashboard
The timeline below shows the number of seconds per hour by day on CNN over the course of this year…
Google Earth Use Steady On Television News With CNN & MSNBC Leading
The timeline below uses Google's Cloud Video API to nonconsumptively search the onscreen text of each second of airtime on…
2009 H1N1 Outbreak On CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Now Available In AI TV Explorer
The 2009 H1N1 outbreak, which became available yesterday in the VGEG is now available in the AI TV Explorer!
FES: Global Labour Unrest On Platforms
This fascinating report relies in part on GDELT to catalog labour unrest in food delivery. Read The Full Report.
A Concept-Based Sentiment Analysis Approach For Arabic
This new study by researchers Ahmed Nasser (Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq) and Hayri Sever (Department…
2015 MERS Outbreak On CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Now Available In AI TV Explorer
The 2015 MERS outbreak, which became available earlier today in the VGEG is now available in the AI TV Explorer!
2010 Cholera Outbreak On CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Now Available In AI TV Explorer
The 2010 Cholera outbreak, which became available earlier today in the VGEG is now available in the AI TV Explorer!
2014 Ebola Outbreak On CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Now Available In AI TV Explorer
The 2014 Ebola outbreak, which became available earlier today in the VGEG is now available in the AI TV Explorer!
2019 Measles Outbreak On CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Now Available In AI TV Explorer
The 2019 Measles outbreak, which became available earlier today in the VGEG is now available in the AI TV Explorer!