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Fox News Covers Psaki's "Personal Capacity" Walensky Comment Twice As Much As CNN And MSNBC Combined

On February 3, 2021, CDC Director Dr. Walensky stated at a press conference that schools could be safely reopened without…

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Fox News Mentions Jen Psaki More Than CNN And MSNBC Combined

The graph below shows how many times White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been mentioned across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…

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MSNBC Stops Talking About Lincoln Project In Aftermath Of Allegations As Fox News Ramps Up Coverage

The timeline below shows the smoothed number of daily mentions of the Lincoln Project since November 2019 across television news. MSNBC has…

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Updated Dr.'s Chronology From Television News OCR: 2020-2021

We've updated our chronology of Dr.'s from the onscreen OCR'd text of television news that we first released early last year. The latest…

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A Look At Mask Imagery On Television News

The timeline below shows the total seconds of daily airtime since the start of last year that depicted some form of "personal…

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How Often Have Doctors Been Interviewed On Television Evening News Broadcasts 2010-2021?

The timeline below shows the total monthly seconds of airtime in which the title "Dr." appeared somewhere in the onscreen text…

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WashPost: A Year Of Election Misinformation From Trump, Visualized

The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how television news covered Trump's election claims. Read The Full Article.

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Fox News Leads Coverage Of "Cancel Culture"

The timeline below shows the total weekly seconds of airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News in which the phrase "cancel culture"…

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Speaker Identification By Merging Captioning With Rush Transcripts

Human-generated closed captioning and machine-generated automatic speech recognition (ASR) both offer transcripts of television news programming, but while they capture…

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Capitol Storming Received Fraction Of The Television News Airtime Devoted To George Floyd Protests

How can we compare the television news airtime devoted to the January 6, 2021 Capitol storming with that of the…

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Few Television News Mentions Of LGBTQ Issues During Trump's Presidency

The timeline below shows the percentage of monthly airtime across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News since July 2009 that mentioned LGBTQ issues….

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Indian Glacier Flood Receives Little Airtime On American Television News

The graph below shows the percentage of airtime across a set of US and international television news stations that mentioned the Indian glacier…

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Since Trump's Twitter Ban His Tweets Have Appeared On Television News 98 Minutes And Counting

Twitter's permanent ban of @realDonaldTrump was supposed to bring to a close Donald Trump's Twitter-fueled media stardom in which he…

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Fox News Leads With Imagery Of Police In 2020

The timeline below shows the total daily seconds of airtime (using a 7-day rolling average) that depicted police or military personnel somewhere…

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Video: RCP´s Kalev Leetaru "Ask Your Doctor" How Medical Television Commercials Faded In The Early Pandemic

The timeline below tracks the seconds of daily airtime in which the phrase "ask your doctor" is visible in the…

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How The Pandemic Made The Rest Of The World Fade On Television News

Television news programming in the US has long relied on Google Earth to show viewers where a particular location is…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Versus AOC On Television News

How has television news covered Marjorie Taylor Greene versus Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) since the start of this year? The graph below shows the…

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Television News Mentions Of The Justice Department Surge In Trump Era

The timeline below shows the number of weekly mentions of "Justice Department" on television news since July 2009, using a 7-week rolling…

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Tracing Google Earth Use Across Evening Television News

Using the TV AI Explorer we can search for all appearances of the credit line "Google Earth" on evening television…

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Fox’s effort to clean up its post-election misinformation is not terribly convincing

The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how television news covered Fox's attempts to clean up after its coverage of…

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Video: RCP's Kalev Leetaru: A 12-Year Look At @realDonaldTrump

Donald Trump was permanently banned from Twitter on Jan. 8, bringing to an end to perhaps the world’s most prolific…

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Announcing The Television News Advertising Inventory Files (AIF) Video Time ASR-Aligned Dataset

We're tremendously excited to announce today the debut of the new "video time" Advertising Inventory Files (AIF) dataset for television…

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United Nations ESCWA: Big Data For Good: Can Big Data Illustrate the Challenges Facing Syrian Refugees in Lebanon?

This fascinating report under the auspices of the United Nation's ESCWA uses GDELT to examine Arabic language coverage: Timely evidence…

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Global Embedded Metadata Graph Reaches 705M Articles

We're excited to announce that the Global Embedded Metadata Graph, released this past December and running July 2018 to present,…