Author: Kalev Leetaru
Jerry Rogers Show Radio Interview On Immigration News Coverage
Kalev appeared on the Jerry Rogers Show today to discuss his analysis of media coverage of the immigration crisis.
TV News Highlights Immigration, But It's a 'Crisis' Only on Fox
President Trump has made curbing illegal immigration one of his signature policy initiatives, but how is the border “crisis” playing…
Will E-Commerce Be The Death Of Brands?
As e-commerce sites increasingly eliminate the selection control and preferred placement of the retail era and confront consumers with almost…
Will More Data And AI Really Help Solve All The World's Problems And Bring World Peace?
As the humanitarian and governmental sectors become infatuated with the utopian dream that sufficient training data and sophisticated enough algorithms…
Why Is There So Little Understanding Of Deep Learning's Limitations?
Do computer science curriculums need to spend more time explaining the weaknesses of today’s correlative deep learning rather than merely…
700 Forbes Columns And Counting
Today Kalev published his 700th Forbes column! In the just over three years and four months since his debut Forbes…
In Our Rush To Combat "Fake News" We Are Heading Towards Orwell's 1984
In our rush to combat digital falsehoods, we have rushed headfirst into our Orwellian future. Read The Full Article.
How Were Social Media Platforms So Unprepared For 'Fake News' And Foreign Influence?
Silicon Valley is still at the end of the day ruled by technologists guided by technological determinism and who lack…
We Already Have Off-The-Shelf Tools To Combat Digital Falsehoods
The reality is that much of technology landscape we need to combat “fake news,” misinformation, disinformation, digital falsehoods and foreign…
We Need Better E-Commerce Search Engines
As e-commerce stores have branched out to nearly every kind of object sold today, their generic keyword-based search engines have…
Why AI Document Summarization Needs Personalization
Like all other deep learning efforts today, once the hype and hyperbole is cleared away, the oversimplifications driving today’s AI…
Deep Learning Must Move Beyond Cheap Parlor Tricks
For deep learning to truly take off we must move beyond cheap parlor tricks towards systems that can do more…
Today's Deep Learning Is Like Magic – In All The Wrong Ways
Much like a good magic show, the wonderment of today’s deep learning systems is based on carefully stage-managed illusion and…
As Workers Are Increasingly Treated Like Robots Where Will The Breaking Point Be?
Workers today are increasingly being treated like robots. The data revolution that has led to unprecedented efficiency in companies’ digital…
FiveThirtyEight: Which Democratic Presidential Candidate Was Mentioned Most In The News Last Week?
FiveThirtyEight's latest weekly roundup of the 2020 Democratic race. Read The Full Article.
A Reminder That 'Fake News' Is An Information Literacy Problem – Not A Technology Problem
Beneath all “fake news,” misinformation, disinformation, digital falsehoods and foreign influence lies society’s failure to teach its citizenry information literacy:…
The Rise Of 'Fake News' Coincides With Society Outsourcing Its Thinking To Algorithms
We no longer actively explore the informational landscape, we passively await the decisions of algorithms to tell us what to…
Automatic Image Captioning And Why Not Every AI Problem Can Be Solved Through More Data
Automated image captioning offers a cautionary reminder that not every problem can be solved merely by throwing more training data…
Building Better Deep Learning Requires New Approaches Not Just Bigger Data
Today’s deep learning algorithms are simply too primitive to encode the complex subjective and semantic decision-making processes that underlie many…
Facebook's ALT Tags Remind Us That Deep Learning Still Sees Images As Keywords
Facebook’s image outage earlier this week offered the general public a brief glimpse at how today’s deep learning algorithms “see”…
Why Do We Fix AI Bias But Ignore Accessibility Bias?
In stark contrast with the enormous resources being poured into combating AI bias, accessibility bias has received little attention, reminding…
Facebook's Image Outage Reminds Us How Bad Social Media Accessibility Really Is
Facebook’s brief image outage earlier this week exposed the general public just how bad accessibly really is in our modern…
We Are Now The Product Even If We Pay For A Service
Paying money for a product or service no longer grants us privacy. Whether something is provided free of charge or…
BBVA: Geo-World: Conflict & Protest June 2019
BBVA's June 2019 Geo-World: Conflict & Protest report summarizes the state of global conflict and civil unrest. Read The Full…