The Hill: Schumer Implores Fox News Leaders To Stop 'Amplification' Of 'Replacement Theory'
The Hill reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by…
Daily Mail: Chuck Schumer Writes Letter To Rupert Murdoch And Fox News Executives Demanding They 'Cease' Pushing The 'Great Replacement Theory'
The Daily Mail reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting…
NYTimes: Read Senator Chuck Schumer's Letter To Fox News About Tucker Carlson And Replacement Theory
The New York Times reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on…
Daily Beast: Chuck Schumer Calls On Fox News To Stop Spreading 'Great Replacement' Nonsense
The Daily Beast reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting…
Bloomberg: Schumer Urges Murdoch to End 'Great Replacement' Rhetoric
Bloomberg reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by the…
Variety: Chuck Schumer Demands Fox News Stop Amplifying 'Far-Right Conspiracy Theories' Following Buffalo Shooting
Variety reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by the…
WashPost: Schumer Calls On Murdochs, Fox To Curb Broadcasting Of Racist Theory
The Washington Post reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting…
Deadline: Chuck Schumer Sends Letter To Rupert Murdoch Calling For End To Amplification Of “Great Replacement Theory”
Deadline reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by the…
Axios: Schumer: Fox News Must Stop "Reckless Amplification" Of Replacement Theory
Axios reports on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by the…
Senate Democrats On Schumer Letter To Fox News
The Senate Democrats republished Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's letter to Fox News that relied in part on reporting by…
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer Letter To Fox News
A letter sent today by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer relied in part on reporting by the New York Times…
The Independent: Buffalo Shooting: Anti-Racism Experts Condemn 'Great Replacement' Conspiracy Pushed By Tucker Carlson And GOP
The Independent references the New York Times' Tucker Carlson analysis. Read The Full Article.
Business Insider: The Racist 'Replacement Theory' Tied To The Buffalo Shootings Has Increasingly Become A Right Wing Media Rallying Call
Business Insider references the New York Times' Tucker Carlson analysis. Read The Full Article.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer Floor Speech Mentions NYTimes Tucker Carlson Analysis
In a speech on the floor of the US Senate today, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer referenced the New York…
Russian Television News' Fascination With US Media Coverage Of Domestic "Disinformation" Stories
Russian television news has aired some fascinating segments focusing on US domestic "disinformation" stories. A recent May 2, 2022 segment on…
WashPost: Tucker Carlson Says Buffalo Suspect's Alleged Screed 'Not Really Political'
An article today in the Washington Post references the New York Times' Tucker Carlson analysis. Read The Full Article.
GEN4: Building Robust Chained Networking Pipelines
Applications that must reach beyond the confines of their own virtual machine must contend with an almost limitless array of…
Russia1's "Antifake" Show: Countering Narratives Through Counter Framing
One of the more fascinating ways in which Russian television news is framing the invasion of Ukraine for its domestic…
Global Realignments: Understanding Peace Process Interventions Through News
This report describes the methodology and findings from analysis of in-country and global media perceptions of the interventions of international…
Experiments With Television News: SAR, DAR, PAL And NTSC
Unlike digital still imagery, which comes in a standardized set of containers and formats regardless of where it was produced…
Video: Geospatial Queries With The GDELT Data Set – MongoDB World Hackathon Series
As part of their World Hackathon Series, MongoDB today walked through geographic analysis from GDELT. Watch The Video. More About…
How The Invasion Of Ukraine Is Being Mapped On Russian Television News
The map at the top of this page offers a fascinating glimpse at the ways in which Russian television news…
How Has Twitter Changed Since Elon Musk's Purchase?
On April 14, 2022, Elon Musk announced his intent to purchase Twitter, with the company accepting his offer eleven days…
WashPost: Victory On Roe imminent, Republicans Cast Themselves As Victims
The Washington Post's Philip Bump includes an analysis of television news coverage of abortion. Read The Full Article.