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Making Of: Mapping Three Months of Poaching, Drones, and Cyber

Despite being up less than 12 hours, we've already been getting some great feedback on our latest map series, which…

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Mapping Cyber: Three Months of Global Discussion of Cyberattacks

In the latest addition to our map series using CartoDB, we plot all worldwide news coverage monitored by GDELT 2.0 from…

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Mapping Drones: Three Months of Global Discussion of Drones

In the latest addition to our map series using CartoDB, we plot all worldwide news coverage monitored by GDELT 2.0 from…

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Mapping Poaching: Three Months of Wildlife Crime

In the latest addition to our map series using CartoDB, we plot all worldwide news coverage monitored by GDELT 2.0 from…

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Simon Rogers Tweets News Co-occur Globe

Simon Rogers, formerly Data Editor at Twitter and founder of the Guardian's Datablog, and now Data Editor at Google, tweeted…

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GDELT Makes Cameo Appearance at Google I/O Afterparty

GDELT made a cameo appearance on one of the big screens at the Google I/O afterparty last week through a clip from…

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Mapping Media Geographic Networks: The News Co-occurrence Globe

Today we’re tremendously excited to unveil a long-awaited visualization that explores how the world’s news media groups countries into distinct…

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Tutorial: Instant News Maps Using CartoDB + GKG API

A week and a half ago we unveiled a tutorial on mapping GDELT in CartoDB using our GKG GeoJSON files….

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Embed This Map!

Earlier today we debuted the new GDELT Geographic News Search service, which allows you to interactively map the people, organizations, GDELT Themes,…

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Exploring the 2016 US Presidential Campaign Through GDELT

A number of you have asked how GDELT might be used to explore the narrative of a presidential election campaign,…

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Announcing GDELT Geographic News Search!

We are enormously excited today to announce the formal unveiling of GDELT Geographic News Search!  The Geographic News Search service allows…

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IRIN News Features GDELT Map

IRIN News featured yesterday's animated map of the geography of its last three months of coverage in today's DataViz section!…

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Mapping Three Months of IRIN's Coverage

In a similar vein to our past maps of A Week in the Life of the World's News Media and A…

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Creating a Customized Global GKG GeoJSON Feed

After posting about the new GDELT GKG Global GeoJSON files, we heard from quite a number of you that you were…

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Visualizing the Linguistic Geography of the World's News

There's an old adage in journalism that "all news is local" – meaning that reporters filter and narrate the news to…

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Visualization and Model Explores Insurgent Dynamics

Denes Csala created this really neat visualization of GDELT by country from 1979 to present for each country, overlaying key…

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Paper Explores Locally Adaptive Dynamic Networks

Researchers Daniele Durante (University of Padova), Xi Yang (Duke University), and David B. Dunson (Duke University) explore network inference using…

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Announcing Our First API: GKG GeoJSON!

Today we're incredibly excited to announce the official debut of our new GDELT API suite, with our very first API…

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Data Skeptics New York Meetup

Kalev presented this evening to the Data Skeptics New York Meetup on GDELT, quantitative "big data" analysis of global conflict,…

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Presentation to USASOC Futures Forum

Kalev presented today to the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Futures Forum based at Fort Bragg, focusing on GDELT and…

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Metro Features New GDELT Maps

The Metro's Harry Readhead featured three of the new GDELT maps in today's edition! See the Full Article.

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BBVA MENA May 2015 Report

The research staff at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)’s Cross-Country Emerging Markets Unit have produced another series of captivating risk visuals, this…

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Washington Post Features New GDELT Maps

The Washington Post's Adam Taylor featured several of the new GDELT maps in today's issue of the Washington Post! Read the…

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Mapping GDELT in CartoDB: A Tutorial – Part 2

The first part of this tutorial walked through the process of creating maps in CartoDB using the GDELT GKG GeoJSON…