What Happens When Fake News Is Real News?
What happens to free speech in a world where a small group of elites decide what is true and what…
Has The World Of Big Data Forgotten Africa?
How the massive datasets that fuel the big data revolution are leaving Africa behind. Read The Full Article.
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers
Pulling back the curtain, we find that the fact checkers may not be as open and transparent as we thought….
New Research Tool for Visualizing Two Million Hours of Television News
We are immensely excited to announce today the release of a powerful new timeline visualization in collaboration with the Internet…
Should We Fight Fake News By Banning Gullible People From The Internet?
Stopping fake news isn’t just about assigning a label, it also requires going back and alerting everyone who read that…
How Academia, Google Scholar And Predatory Publishers Help Feed Academic Fake News
Its not just the general public that is having problems with “fake news” – the academic community has been experiencing…
What Santa And The Dying Child Story Teaches Us About Fake News, Data And Verification
Even in a week preoccupied with coverage of “fake news” an unverified story goes viral and offers a powerful lesson…
How Data And Information Literacy Could End Fake News
Technology alone cannot solve the fake news problem – only through teaching society to be data and information literate can…
The Global Perspective On Fake News
“Fake news” is not just an American problem and is not limited to social media. Read The Full Article.
Identifying Discordant Cybersecurity Terms between English and Russian Speakers
Ashe Magalhaes used GDELT to explore the language and narrative around cyber and crisis escalation between the US and Russia…
The Inverted Pyramid And How Fake News Weaponized Modern Journalistic Practice
A look at how modern journalistic practice from the inverted pyramid to writing for one’s audience to skipping complex detail…
ABC News Live Segment On Fake News
Kalev was interviewed for an ABC News Live story on fake news alongside Pierre Thomas, ABC News' senior justice correspondent….
Republic Of Estonia Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Public Lecture
Kicking off a week-long visit in Estonia, Kalev gave a public lecture in the main auditorium of the Estonian Ministry Of…
Using GDELT 2 with PHP to Analyze the World
Patrick van Bergen wrote this great article showing how to analyze GDELT in PHP using BigQuery! Read The Full Article.
Networks, Big Data, and Intermedia Agenda Setting: An Analysis of Traditional, Partisan, and Emerging Online U.S. News
This fascinating study by Chris J. Vargo and Lei Guo, published in the December 1st issue of Journalism & Mass…
Why Stopping 'Fake' News Is So Hard
While it sounds technically easy to block “fake” news, the reality is much more complex, as much of “fake” news…
Places & Spaces XI 2015: Macroscope Video
This video offers a brief overview of interacting with one of the GDELT macroscopes that was selected as just one…
What Hotels Teach Us About Data And Prioritizing User Experience Over Security
What being accidently checked out of a hotel this week teaches about the tension of authentication and user experience and…
VGKG 2.0 Now Includes Full Tag Specifier With Group Family
Based on fantastic feedback we've heard from many of you, today we've released an updated version of the VGKG 2.0…
No This Election Was Not The 'The Death Of Data:' Filter Bubbles And Analysis
What the election teaches us about understanding data and selecting the right data sources and the role of filter bubbles…
Is Elon Musk Right And Will AI Replace Most Human Jobs?
As more and more prognosticators claim that AI will replace human jobs, what does the future hold for humanity? Read…
What Reviewing 650,000 Emails Can Teach Us About Human Versus Machine Analysis
Much of the tech press this week argued how trivial technology made it for the FBI to review the 650,000…
What Opinion Polls Teach Us About Data Versus Truth
Kalev's latest Forbes piece explores how all data has a huge number of assumptions built into it and why we…
Charleston Library Opening Keynote
Kalev gave the opening keynote on Friday at the Charleston Conference in the stunning Gaillard Center performance hall in South Carolina, speaking…