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Chicago Tribune Summarizes RealClearPolitics Big Tech And Democracy Commentary

Page 13 of today's print edition of the Chicago Tribune includes an excerpted summary of the RealClearPolitics commentary "The Perils…

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20th Annual University Of Illinois Web Conference Keynote

Kalev will be one of the three keynotes of the 20th Annual University Of Illinois Web Conference Keynote being held on…

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Harper's Magazine On Twitter

An article in this month's issue of Harper's Magazine by Nora Caplan-Bricker includes a quote from an interview with Kalev…

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Google Cloud Developer Community Istanbul Talk

While in Istanbul, Kalev spoke today to the Google Cloud Developer Community Istanbul on using the Google Cloud Platform for planetary…

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Fifth Istanbul Mediation Conference: Policy Lab: Big Data for Global Conflict and the Future of Mediation

Kalev spoke today at the Fifth Istanbul Mediation Conference: Enhancing The Practice Of Mediation For Sustaining Peace in Istanbul, organized by…

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Is the Khashoggi Story Really About Trump?

The slaying of Jamal Khashoggi last month has defied the traditional media curve in which coverage of even the biggest…

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Mapping World Happiness 2015-2018 Through 850 Million News Articles

What might it look like to literally “map world happiness” over the past four years and how can the cloud…

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Mapping Global Happiness 2015-2018 Through 850 Million News Articles

In 2016 and 2017 we explored what it looked like to try and literally map "global happiness" through the eyes…

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Seeing The World Through The Eyes Of Others: Mass Machine Translation

Imagine a world without language barriers, where anyone can access real-time information from anywhere in the world in any language,…

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New GDELT Keynote And Paired Half Day Workshop Available In January

We’re tremendously excited to announce that we will be debuting in January a paired keynote and half day workshop covering…

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Television And Geography As Big Data: Mapping A Decade Of Television News

When we begin to think of television as data and geography as a lens through which to explore it, we…

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Should Social Media Be Held Responsible For The Atrocities And Deaths It Facilitates?

As social media is increasingly used to facilitate horrific activities across the world, should the companies behind those platforms bear…

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If Social Media Algorithms Control Our Lives Why Can't They Eliminate Hate Speech?

Are the vaunted algorithms that power social media not nearly as powerful as we believe? Or if they are, why…

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Animating The Geography Of Television News 2009-2018

Earlier this week we created a series of maps visualizing the geography of American and British television news through the…

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WashPost: Cable News Networks Spend Far More Time Talking About Hurricanes Than Wildfires

The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how television news pays far more attention to hurricanes than it does wild fires….

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Mapping The Geography Of Television News 2009-2018

Nearly half a decade ago one of the first major visualizations we created using the Internet Archive's Television News Archive…

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Mapping the Linguistic Geography Of GDELT: 2015-2018

In 2015 we created a map of the linguistic geography of Planet Earth as seen through the eyes of GDELT….

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Mapping The Geography Of GDELT: 2015-2018

In 2015 we created a map of the world as seen through the eyes GDELT. This original map examined just…

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A Global Cooccurrence Network Of Cities 2015-2018

Three years ago we asked what it would look like to create a massive global network visualization that shows how…

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Is It Time To Move From Web Hosting Companies To The Cloud?

As the commercial cloud has come to revolutionize how the modern web is built, perhaps the ultimate answer is for…

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Is It Time To Give Up On Using Humans For Tech Support?

Machines are getting better and better at understanding human conversation at the same time human technical support staffing appears to…

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The Perils to Democracy Posed by Big Tech

A look at how Silicon Valley's obsession with censorship of ideas over moderation of expression has led to a dangerous…

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Zuckerberg's Manifesto And Our Algorithmically Controlled Future

As Facebook increasingly reorients its company towards an AI future in which algorithms make all decisions across the site, what…

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Do Algorithms Really Control Society?

For all its vaunted technological might and all its claims that its behavioral engineering algorithms can readily nudge its users…