Store Loyalty Cards Offer Insights Into The Value Of Our Data
Loyalty card data is a very imperfect view into the monetary value associated with our data but offers at least…
Computer Science Curriculums Must Emphasize Privacy Over Capability
Rather than enshrining mottos like “data is the new oil” into the vocabulary of tomorrow’s future technology leaders, perhaps we…
It Was The Government Not Silicon Valley That Pioneered The Digital Surveillance State
One of the great ironies of the digital era is that we ascribe credit for today’s digital surveillance state to…
CNN's Coverage vs. 2020 Issues Viewers Deem Important
CNN's Coverage vs. 2020 Issues Viewers Deem Important ANALYSIS By Kalev LeetaruAugust 03, 2019 CNN's Coverage vs. 2020 Issues Viewers…
Today's AI 'Revolution' Is More Of An Evolution
We speak of an “AI revolution” upending society overnight. Yet if we look a bit closer it seems this “revolution”…
New York Times: Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race?
The New York Times' look at the 2020 Democratic field uses the TV Explorer to examine media coverage of the…
Do Facial Recognition Laws Matter In A Globalized World?
In a world in which the underlying technology is globally available and the training datasets are no longer constrained by…
Doorbell Camera Networks Reinforce The Dangers Of Crowdsourced Policing
As new technologies like doorbell camera networks embrace the idea of ordinary citizens watching surveillance cameras and identifying “suspicious” individuals…
Doorbell Cameras Remind Us Of The Dangers Of Data Without Understanding
The digital world is deluging us with ever more data arriving ever faster, but it isn’t equipping us with the…
How Federated Learning Combined With Gamification Could Restore Privacy To AI Training
Federated learning, combined with gamification, could provide a powerful new privacy-protecting model for training tomorrow’s future deep learning models. Read…
Is The Quest For The Perfect Selfie Destroying Nature?
In our share-first world, if influencers could no longer share images that were created in a way that harmed nature,…
The Future Of Content Moderation Emphasizes Words Not Ideas
When it comes to the future of content moderation, a shift from censoring ideas to moderating words might lead to…
If Social Media Prioritized Reading Over Responding Could That Stop 'Fake News'?
Would forcing users to actually read and deeply comprehend articles before sharing or commenting on them on social media curtail…
Even Apple Adjusts Its Privacy Promises To Advance Its AI Offerings
It turns out that in its quest to improve its AI offerings, Apple has adopted the same controversial practice as…
Apple Reminds Us That Behind The AI Revolution Lies An Army Of Humans Seeing Our Data
Apple’s concession last week that it relies on an army of human contractors to review a small portion of the…
Development Of A Global Infectious Disease Activity Database Using Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, And Human Expertise
This new analysis researchers Joshua Feldman, Andrea Thomas-Bachli, Jack Forsyth, Zaki Hasnain Patel and Kamran Khan at Harvard University's School…
The Top Daily Terms By Station On American Television 2009-2019 Using BigQuery And TV Ngrams
Converting piles of unstructured text into structured tables like ngrams opens the door to all kinds of powerful new analyses…
Apollo 11 Reminds Us There Is No 'Natural' Way Of Doing Things In Tech
Perhaps the greatest lesson from the Apollo 11 moon landing was that there is no “natural” way of doing things…
What If The Web Had Been Subscription-Based Instead Of Today's Ad-Supported Surveillance State?
The vast surveillance state that stalks us across the digital world, harvesting our every interest, hoovering up our every post,…
Should We Limit Social Media Posting To Experts?
What would happen if social media enforced such gatekeeping rules and could more control over who speaks on social media…
What If Social Media Posts Were Pre-Reviewed Rather Than Post-Moderated?
It is worth contemplating: if social media platforms had been built upon pre-review rather than post-moderation, could all of today’s…
FiveThirtyEight: Which Democratic Presidential Candidate Was Mentioned Most In The News Last Week?
FiveThirtyEight's latest weekly roundup of the 2020 Democratic race. Read The Full Article.
Could Personalized Content Moderation Be The Future Of Healthy Social Media?
In an ever more personalized and customized world, in which algorithms curate individualized feeds for us, could personalized content moderation…
Why Won't Facebook Create 'Safe Spaces' From Political Ads?
Why don’t platforms like Facebook allow users to opt-out of political advertisements, creating digital safe spaces from content that triggers…