Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Depictions Up On CNN
Unsurprisingly, imagery depicting PPE has been increasing on CNN, largely since around March 18. Such imagery is not related to…
Mentions Of A Covid-19 Vaccine Steadily Increasing
In online news coverage, mentions of the word "vaccine" begin January 21, surge again starting February 24, again March 10…
The State Of The 2020 US Presidential Race In Media Coverage: Democratic Presidential Candidate Mentions 2019-2020 (Online News)
Biden first emerged as a significant force in March 2019, but exploded into a dominate figure in September 2019, though…
The State Of The 2020 US Presidential Race In Media Coverage: Democratic Presidential Candidate Mentions 2019-2020 (CNN/MSNBC/Fox Chyrons)
Biden has long been mentioned the most of any of the candidates in the chyron text, with fairly steady coverage…
The State Of The 2020 US Presidential Race In Media Coverage: Democratic Presidential Candidate Mentions 2019-2020 (ABC/NBC/CBS Evening News)
While evening news coverage mentioned the race sporadically in several bursts, coverage really took off in January 2020, ending in…
WashPost: Trump And Fox News Suggest Caution On Hydroxychloroquine Studies (After One Undercuts Their Case)
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how Fox coverage of hydroxychloroquine has changed as studies have countered the White…
The State Of The 2020 US Presidential Race In Media Coverage: Democratic Presidential Candidate Mentions 2019-2020 (CNN/MSNBC/Fox)
A RealClearPublicAffairs Charticle comparing CNN/MSNBC/Fox coverage of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Read The Full Article.
Facebook's COVID-Protest Ban Renews Censorship Concerns
Facebook’s growing power over the public square is back in the news this week as the company announced it is…
Mentions Of Covid-19 "Immunity" Trend Steadily Upwards
In contrast to "immunity passports", mentions of Covid-19 "immunity" in general have risen steadily since January 20th, dramatically accelerating from…
Mentions Of "Immunity Passports" Fading
So-called "immunity passports" have emerged as one possible safety measure for governments looking to reopen their economies. Mentions of such…
Fox News Emphasizes "Wuhan Lab"
Fox News stands alone among its peers CNN and MSNBC in its emphasis on "Wuhan Lab". Mentions began taking off…
Increasing Portion Of Onscreen Text On CNN Is Numbers
In the midst of a pandemic, it might make sense for an increasing percentage of onscreen text to be numbers,…
Onscreen Mentions Of "Physician", "Doctor" And "Nurse" Up In Covid-19 Era On CNN
Onscreen textual mentions of the singular "Physician" on CNN have soared since March 3, reflecting a growing reliance of the…
Onscreen Mentions Of "Professor" Up In Covid-19 Era On CNN
Onscreen textual mentions of "Professor" or "Prof" on CNN have noticeably increased at the end of February and since March…
Using Chyrons Instead Of Biometrics To Catalog Expert Commentary On Television News
A key societal question involves just who all of the experts are that television news stations are turning to during…
TFIDF Using BigQuery + Cloud Video AI To Chronicle Visual Trends In CNN Coverage In Covid-19
How has CNN's visual narrative changed over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic? One of the metrics we track in…
Buzz Cuts The New Hairstyle Of Covid-19 On CNN
As the timeline below shows, the amount of daily airtime on CNN since Jan. 25 featuring a person wearing a…
No Increase In American Flag On CNN During Covid-19
In an era dominated by political press conferences, it might seem reasonable that the American flag would be everywhere on…
Imagery Of Bookcases Are Soaring On CNN During Covid-19 As Interviewees Call In From Home
As CNN relies more and more heavily on interviewing people at home during the Covid-19 crisis, imagery of bookcases are…
How Trend Detection Can Flag Bursty Advertising Campaigns
One of the metrics we track in the Visual Global Entity Graph (VGEG) 2.0 using Google's Cloud Video API to analyze…
We're Talking About "Experts" At Twice The Rate Of The Past Three Years
Mentions of the word "experts" in worldwide online news have nearly doubled in the past four months compared to their…
Greater Variety Of Objects And Activities Depicted On CNN In Covid-19 Era
One of the metrics we track in the Visual Global Entity Graph (VGEG) 2.0 using Google's Cloud Video API to analyze…
Little Change In Total Daily Words Spoken On CNN During Covid-19
One of the metrics we track in the Visual Global Entity Graph (VGEG) 2.0 using Google's Cloud Video API to analyze…
Fewer Speaker Changes On CNN During Covid-19
One of the metrics we track in the Visual Global Entity Graph (VGEG) 2.0 using Google's Cloud Video API to analyze…