There are at least 7,000 languages actively spoken today across the world, yet much of the focus of embedding models has been on English and a limited subset of languages that typically have economic or political importance to the US and Europe. For the languages supported by multilingual embedding models, given that most multilingual models are still strongly biased towards English, how do the results differ between applying the model to the original native content versus first machine translating it into English?
To explore this question, ChatGPT was asked to generate sample 50-word passages in Arabic, Chinese, Thai, Russian, German, Spanish, Korean and Turkish for four topics (inflation, gas prices, obesity and asthma) that naturally form into two related areas (economics and health). These eight languages were selected to mix ideographic and alphabetic, different scripts, language families, etc, within the bounds of the 16 languages supported by USEv3-Multilingual so that the full native multilingual capabilities of the model could be tested against the translated versions. While we could have simply generated a single English-language passage for each of the four topics and then machine translated them into each language, this would yield near-exact passages across the languages which could have skewed our results, especially for LaBSE. Instead, by allowing ChatGPT to generate a novel passage for all four topics for each of the eight languages (32 unique passages in all), we are able to evaluate multilingual embedding in a more natural and realistic environment in which the text across languages is similar but not exact. While ChatGPT does reuse several stock phrases across its generated passages, this mirrors the typical environment of a breaking global news story in which reports across languages report generally the same details, often with a few exact repeated phrases (quotes from international figures or those involved in the story) and with the arc of the story similar but differently contextualized.
Overall, true multilingual models perform strongly in the languages they support, but nevertheless still exhibit language affinity in which some languages are systematically scored more similarly to English queries than others. If the set of required languages fits within the list of languages supported by a multilingual model like USE Multilingual, the text can simply be processed as-is without translation. The ability to construct embeddings for text in its original language means the high cost of translation and the risk of translation error are avoided. One challenge is that the resulting embeddings are biased towards specific languages when computing similarity scores with English queries. The larger issue is that embedding models are fixed in time. If a model must be updated to support a new language, the updated model will yield different embeddings, requiring that the entire embedding database be recomputed from scratch.
Conversely, the results below show that when content is first machine translated into English and then embedded using an English-only model, the results are superior to the native language embeddings with no systematic language biases. Most importantly, however, this workflow has the enormous benefit of allowing new languages to be instantly integrated into the embedding database at any time without requiring regeneration of the embedding database, since languages are just translated into English and then embedded using an English model that never needs to change. Adding a new language simply requires a suitable translation preprocessor into English.
In short, multilingual models can be used out-of-the-box to construct instant embeddings for the languages they support. Those embeddings will exhibit language bias when used for semantic search and LLM external memory against English queries and are limited to the specific set of languages they were trained on. They offer the great benefit of being able to simply run "as is" with no extra steps required. In contrast, machine translating all text into English first and embedding the translations using an English-only model eliminates language bias and allows new languages to be added over time simply by running them through a translation service as well as yielding better topical stratification of the results.
The final workflow and all results can be seen below.
The prompts used with ChatGPT were the following, repeated for each language:
Write a 50-word paragraph about inflation in Arabic. Write a 50-word paragraph about gasoline prices in Arabic. Write a 50-word paragraph about obesity in Arabic. Write a 50-word paragraph about asthma in Arabic.
The final list of generated passages (with four English queries appended to the start for testing) were:
sentences = [ "inflation", "gasoline prices", "obesity", "asthma", "التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأسعار للسلع والخدمات على مدى فترة طويلة من الزمن. يمكن أن يتسبب التضخم في تقليل قوة الشراء للعملة وتآكل قيمتها. يعتبر التضخم تحديًا اقتصاديًا للحكومات والمستهلكين على حد سواء، ويحتاج إلى سياسات وإجراءات فعالة للسيطرة عليه والحد من تأثيراته السلبية على الاقتصاد.", "أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين دفعها للحصول على وقود السيارات. تختلف أسعار البنزين بناءً على العديد من العوامل مثل أسعار النفط العالمية والضرائب وتكاليف التوزيع. قد يؤثر ارتفاع أسعار البنزين على ميزانيات الأفراد وقطاعات النقل والاقتصاد بشكل عام.", "السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن الجسمي بسبب تراكم الدهون. تعتبر السمنة مشكلة صحية عالمية تزداد انتشارًا، وترتبط بزيادة خطر الإصابة بالأمراض المزمنة مثل أمراض القلب والسكري وبعض أنواع السرطان. يتطلب التعامل مع السمنة تغييرات في نمط الحياة والتغذية السليمة وممارسة النشاط البدني المنتظم.", "الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقباض وتضيق مجاري الهواء، مما يسبب صعوبة في التنفس والشعور بالضيق. يمكن أن يكون الربو مسببًا للتهيج والتوتر وتفاقم الأعراض بسبب العوامل المحيطة والحساسية. يتطلب إدارة الربو استخدام الأدوية المناسبة واتباع خطة العناية الشخصية وتجنب المثيرات المحتملة.", "通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨胀对政府和消费者都是经济挑战,需要有效的政策和措施来控制和减轻其负面影响。", "汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽油价格的上涨可能对个人预算、交通领域和整体经济产生影响。", "肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、糖尿病和某些癌症等慢性疾病的风险增加相关。处理肥胖需要改变生活方式,采取健康饮食和定期进行身体活动。", "哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引起症状加重。管理哮喘需要使用适当的药物,遵循个人护理计划,并避免可能的触发因素。", "เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อระดับราคาสินค้าและบริการเพิ่มขึ้นในระยะเวลานาน. เงินเฟ้ออาจทำให้ค่าซื้อลดลงและมูลค่าเงินลดลง. เงินเฟ้อเป็นท้าทายทางเศรษฐกิจทั้งสำหรับรัฐบาลและผู้บริโภค และจำเป็นต้องมีนโยบายและมาตรการที่เหมาะสมในการควบคุมและลดผลกระทบที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ต่อเศรษฐกิจ.", "ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้องจ่ายเพื่อได้รับเชื้อเพลิงสำหรับรถยนต์ ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงจะแตกต่างกันตามปัจจัยหลายๆ อย่าง เช่น ราคาน้ำมันโลก ภาษีและค่าจัดส่ง การเพิ่มขึ้นของราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงอาจมีผลต่องบประมาณของบุคคลและอุตสาหกรรมขนส่งทั้งหมดในเศรษฐกิจ", "โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไขมันเกินความจำเป็นในร่างกาย โรคอ้วนเป็นปัญหาสุขภาพที่เพิ่มขึ้นทั่วโลก และเกี่ยวข้องกับความเสี่ยงสูงต่อการเกิดโรคเช่นโรคหัวใจ เบาหวาน และบาดทะยักษ์บาดทะยาน การจัดการโรคอ้วนต้องใช้ยาที่เหมาะสม ปฏิบัติตามแผนการดูแลส่วนตัว และหลีกเลี่ยงปัจจัยส่งผลเสียได้", "โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษณะคือการหดตัวและการแค้นของทางเดินหายใจทำให้หายใจลำบากและรู้สึกอึดอัด โรคหอบหืดอาจเกิดจากสิ่งกระตุ้นทางสิ่งแวดล้อมและการแพ้ต่อสิ่งที่มีภูมิต้านทาน การจัดการโรคหอบหืดจำเป็นต้องใช้ยาที่เหมาะสม ปฏิบัติตามแผนการดูแลส่วนตัว และหลีกเลี่ยงสิ่งกระตุ้นที่เป็นไปได้", "Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое характеризуется длительным ростом уровня цен на товары и услуги. Инфляция может привести к снижению покупательной способности денег и девальвации их стоимости. Инфляция является экономическим вызовом как для правительств, так и для потребителей, требуя эффективных политик и мер для контроля и смягчения ее негативных последствий на экономику.", "Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потребители для получения топлива для автомобилей. Цены на бензин зависят от многих факторов, таких как мировые цены на нефть, налоги и расходы на доставку. Повышение цен на бензин может повлиять на бюджеты индивидуальных лиц, транспортные секторы и экономику в целом.", "Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается избыточный вес и накопление жира в организме. Ожирение является всемирной проблемой здоровья, связанной с увеличенным риском развития хронических заболеваний, таких как сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, диабет и некоторые виды рака. Управление ожирением требует изменения образа жизни, правильного питания и регулярной физической активности.", "Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной системы, характеризующееся сужением и спазмом дыхательных путей, что приводит к затрудненному дыханию и ощущению стеснения. Астма может обостряться из-за факторов окружающей среды и аллергических реакций. Управление астмой требует использования соответствующих лекарств, следования индивидуальному плану ухода и избегания возможных провоцирующих факторов.", "Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das sich durch langfristige Preisanstiege bei Gütern und Dienstleistungen auszeichnet. Inflation kann zu einer Verringerung der Kaufkraft von Geld und zur Entwertung seiner Wertigkeit führen. Inflation stellt eine wirtschaftliche Herausforderung für Regierungen und Verbraucher dar und erfordert effektive Politiken und Maßnahmen, um ihre negativen Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft zu kontrollieren und zu mildern.", "Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher für den Kauf von Kraftstoff für ihre Fahrzeuge tragen müssen. Die Benzinpreise werden von verschiedenen Faktoren wie den weltweiten Ölpreisen, Steuern und Lieferkosten beeinflusst. Steigende Benzinpreise können sich auf das Budget von Einzelpersonen, den Verkehrssektor und die Gesamtwirtschaft auswirken.", "Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der durch übermäßige Gewichtszunahme und die Ansammlung von Fett im Körper gekennzeichnet ist. Fettleibigkeit ist ein weltweites Gesundheitsproblem, das mit einem erhöhten Risiko für chronische Krankheiten wie Herzkrankheiten, Diabetes und bestimmte Krebsarten verbunden ist. Die Bewältigung von Fettleibigkeit erfordert Veränderungen im Lebensstil, eine gesunde Ernährung und regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität.", "Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die durch eine Verengung und Krampf der Atemwege gekennzeichnet ist, was zu Atembeschwerden und Engegefühl führt. Asthma kann durch Umweltreize und Allergien verschlimmert werden. Die Behandlung von Asthma erfordert den Einsatz geeigneter Medikamente, die Einhaltung eines individuellen Pflegeplans und das Vermeiden möglicher Auslöser.", "La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se caracteriza por el aumento prolongado de los precios de bienes y servicios. La inflación puede llevar a una disminución del poder adquisitivo del dinero y a la devaluación de su valor. La inflación representa un desafío económico tanto para los gobiernos como para los consumidores, requiriendo políticas y medidas efectivas para controlar y mitigar sus impactos negativos en la economía.", "Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los consumidores deben pagar para obtener combustible para sus vehículos. Los precios de la gasolina están influenciados por diversos factores como los precios mundiales del petróleo, impuestos y costos de distribución. El aumento en los precios de la gasolina puede afectar los presupuestos individuales, el sector del transporte y la economía en general.", "La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se produce un exceso de peso y acumulación de grasa en el cuerpo. La obesidad es un problema global que se asocia con un mayor riesgo de enfermedades crónicas como enfermedades cardíacas, diabetes y algunos tipos de cáncer. El manejo de la obesidad requiere cambios en el estilo de vida, una alimentación saludable y actividad física regular.", "El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema respiratorio caracterizada por la constricción y espasmo de las vías respiratorias, lo que provoca dificultad para respirar y sensación de opresión en el pecho. El asma puede ser exacerbada por factores ambientales y reacciones alérgicas. El manejo del asma requiere el uso de medicamentos adecuados, seguir un plan de cuidado personalizado y evitar posibles desencadenantes.", "인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하락과 가치 하락을 초래할 수 있습니다. 인플레이션은 정부와 소비자 모두에게 경제적 도전으로 작용하여 부정적인 영향을 완화하고 통제하기 위해 적절한 정책과 조치가 필요합니다.", "휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가격은 세계적인 원유 가격, 세금 및 유통 비용 등 다양한 요인에 영향을 받습니다. 휘발유 가격의 상승은 개인의 예산, 교통 부문 및 전반적인 경제에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.", "비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심장 질환, 당뇨병 및 일부 암 등 만성 질환의 위험을 증가시킵니다. 비만 관리는 생활습관의 변화, 건강한 식습관 및 규칙적인 신체 활동을 포함하는 다양한 접근 방식이 필요합니다.", "천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환입니다. 환경적인 자극과 알레르기 반응으로 악화될 수 있습니다. 천식 관리는 적절한 약물 사용, 맞춤형 관리 계획 및 가능한 자극물 피하기가 필요합니다.", "Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak fiyatlarının yükseldiği bir ekonomik fenomendir. Enflasyon, paranın satın alma gücünün azalması ve değerinin düşmesine neden olabilir. Enflasyon, hükümetler ve tüketiciler için ekonomik bir zorluktur ve ekonomi üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini kontrol altına almak ve hafifletmek için etkili politikalar ve önlemler gerektirir.", "Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakıt almak için ödemek zorunda olduğu maliyetlerdir. Benzin fiyatları, dünya petrol fiyatları, vergiler ve dağıtım maliyetleri gibi çeşitli faktörlerden etkilenir. Yükselen benzin fiyatları, bireylerin bütçelerini, ulaşım sektörünü ve genel ekonomiyi etkileyebilir.", "Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ birikimiyle karakterize bir sağlık durumudur. Obezite, kalp hastalıkları, diyabet ve bazı kanser türleri gibi kronik hastalıkların riskini artırır. Obezite yönetimi, yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri, sağlıklı beslenme ve düzenli fiziksel aktivite gerektirir.", "Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması sonucu solunum güçlüğü ve göğüs sıkışmasıyla karakterize olan kronik bir solunum yolu hastalığıdır. Astım, çevresel uyarıcılara ve alerjik reaksiyonlara bağlı olarak kötüleşebilir. Astım yönetimi uygun ilaç kullanımını, kişiye özel bakım planını ve olası tetikleyicilerden kaçınmayı gerektirir.", ]
For the embedding models, we'll use our embedding visualization template with our standard set of models: the English-only USEv4, the larger English-only USEv5-Large, the 16-language USEv3-Multilingual and the larger 16-language USEv3-Multilingual-Large models (supporting 16 languages: Arabic, Chinese-simplified, Chinese-traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Russian), the 100-language LaBSEv2 model optimized for translation-pair scoring and the Vertex AI Embeddings for Text API.
Multilingual Embedding
First, let's test how well the multilingual models perform.
Vertex AI
Vertex embeddings at this time support only English language content. This is clearly visible in the graph below, with passages exclusively clustered by language and script, with no cross-language affinity:
When ranking sentences by similarity to each query there is some topical affinity, but only in some languages and it is largely overcome by language affinity:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.735) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.713) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.700) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.696) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.693) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.649) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.588) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.588) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.578) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.570) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.551) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.548) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.548) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.547) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.546) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.545) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.545) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.545) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.536) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.534) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.532) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.532) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.530) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.529) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.526) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.526) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.524) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.520) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.515) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.515) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.513) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.512) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.510) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.490) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.490) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.693) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.680) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.646) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.643) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.642) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.611) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.608) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.585) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.582) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.580) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.576) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.570) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.563) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.561) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.552) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.547) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.545) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.545) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.543) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.542) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.540) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.538) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.538) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.537) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.534) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.533) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.533) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.530) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.530) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.509) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.507) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.502) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.492) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.466) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.455) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.735) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.714) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.694) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.657) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.643) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.596) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.589) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.588) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.588) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.586) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.569) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.568) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.565) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.563) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.563) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.562) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.559) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.553) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.549) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.547) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.547) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.538) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.526) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.523) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.523) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.522) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.521) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.521) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.519) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.514) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.513) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.513) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.513) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.507) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.506) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.723) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.714) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.713) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.690) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.646) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.646) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.594) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.593) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.571) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.567) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.567) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.566) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.566) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.565) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.565) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.558) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.555) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.555) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.554) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.553) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.553) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.552) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.547) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.547) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.545) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.543) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.543) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.541) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.536) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.534) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.531) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.522) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.521) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.517) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.515) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (1.000) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.999) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.999) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.988) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.985) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.984) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.983) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.914) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.903) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.887) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.842) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.779) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.761) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.755) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.727) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.708) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.661) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.657) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.655) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.642) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.634) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.623) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.622) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.598) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.587) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.584) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.582) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.582) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.571) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.567) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.560) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.553) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.545) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.526) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.522) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)
USE English
Interestingly, the results for the base USE English model are somewhat similar, capturing that English-only models have some zero-shot abilities due likely to noise and codeswitching in their training datasets, but that language affinity largely drives their results:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.315) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.272) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.271) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.231) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.228) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.179) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.176) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.123) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.122) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.108) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.064) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.024) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.006) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.001) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (-0.007) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.009) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (-0.020) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (-0.028) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (-0.040) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (-0.041) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (-0.052) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (-0.055) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (-0.055) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (-0.057) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.060) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (-0.076) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.077) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (-0.078) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.087) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.091) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (-0.095) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.097) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (-0.099) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.104) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.111) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.315) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.273) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.187) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.154) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.071) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.055) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.052) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.050) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.049) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.043) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.031) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.029) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.027) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.010) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.007) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (-0.001) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (-0.012) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (-0.027) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (-0.036) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (-0.037) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (-0.050) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.063) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.069) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (-0.071) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (-0.083) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.091) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.092) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (-0.092) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.092) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (-0.094) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.098) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (-0.103) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.103) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.129) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.130) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.277) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.272) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.267) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.201) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.177) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.154) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.154) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.129) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.087) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.064) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.029) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.024) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.021) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.015) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.012) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.001) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.007) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (-0.007) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (-0.012) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.013) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (-0.015) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.015) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (-0.015) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (-0.015) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.021) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (-0.024) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.027) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.039) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.045) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.059) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.067) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (-0.067) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.074) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (-0.106) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (-0.174) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.396) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.277) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.223) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.187) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.176) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.175) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.089) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.086) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.063) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.061) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.058) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.054) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.032) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.030) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.029) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.028) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.017) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.012) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.003) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (-0.004) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (-0.020) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.020) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.022) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (-0.033) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.034) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (-0.037) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.048) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.050) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.060) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.064) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (-0.074) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (-0.075) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (-0.075) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.078) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.087) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.795) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.661) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.649) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.491) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.470) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.469) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.463) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.462) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.448) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.446) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.403) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.399) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.356) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.307) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.292) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.279) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.249) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.235) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.235) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.233) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.224) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.219) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.183) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.181) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.091) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.050) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.030) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.025) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.012) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.011) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.000) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (-0.010) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (-0.010) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (-0.012) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (-0.028) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation)
USE Multilingual
What about a true multilingual model? Given that the languages we chose are all in USE Multilingual's core supported languages, we should achieve reasonable results. Here we can see that USE Multilingual strongly groups the passages into four clusters representing the four topics:
Complications arise when we attempt to use these embeddings for semantic search and LLM external memory. Overall in each case the passages most related to the query are scored as being the most similar, but this varies significantly by language. For example, looking at Sentence 0 (inflation), the European languages Spanish and German are scored at the top, while Turkish is scored much lower. In fact, Turkish systematically scores lower than the other languages for each of the queries, while Spanish and German systematically score at the top for each, creating innate linguistic bias. Overall USE Multilingual correctly scores the topically relevant passages as most similar to each query, but there are systemic biases in which languages are consistently scored more or less similarly to our queries.
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.502) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.493) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.466) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.458) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.392) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.364) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.317) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.297) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.293) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.288) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.286) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.222) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.222) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.217) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.213) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.186) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.170) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.169) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.151) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.050) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.046) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.045) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.044) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.034) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.025) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.015) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.015) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.012) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.002) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.000) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (-0.004) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.004) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.009) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.019) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.048) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.556) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.539) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.538) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.495) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.475) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.466) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.451) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.446) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.404) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.256) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.241) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.238) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.230) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.219) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.192) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.188) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.160) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.136) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.107) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.069) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.056) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.047) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.042) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.035) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.029) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.028) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.028) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.023) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.021) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.019) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.019) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.017) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.032) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.038) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.058) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.493) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.472) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.392) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.383) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.375) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.362) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.355) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.326) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.307) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.292) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.241) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.100) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.074) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.068) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.068) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.064) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.062) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.062) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.061) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.058) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.051) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.038) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.037) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.033) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.031) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.030) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.028) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.027) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.024) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.020) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.002) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.002) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (-0.020) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (-0.030) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (-0.046) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.560) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.514) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.474) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.472) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.412) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.386) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.331) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.318) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.317) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.315) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.219) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.125) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.111) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.105) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.082) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.079) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.054) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.052) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.041) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.038) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.037) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.035) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.035) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.034) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.026) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.025) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.023) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.020) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.018) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.017) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.016) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.015) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.000) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (-0.013) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.016) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.849) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.790) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.790) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.770) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.768) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.701) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.587) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.477) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.443) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.435) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.388) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.385) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.364) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.342) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.341) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.313) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.176) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.162) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.160) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.157) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.154) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.133) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.132) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.131) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.119) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.118) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.106) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.100) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.099) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.092) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.077) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.057) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.053) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.026) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (-0.002) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)
USE Multilingual Large
The Large edition of USE Multilingual yields even tighter clustering:
However, it too exhibits the same underlying linguistic affinity bias as the smaller model, though here Korean, Thai and Arabic systematically rank lower:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.543) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.541) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.529) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.451) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.414) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.408) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.396) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.389) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.382) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.345) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.276) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.218) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.217) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.203) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.199) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.196) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.184) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.102) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.072) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.050) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.046) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.031) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.016) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.014) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.014) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.007) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.004) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.003) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (-0.002) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (-0.016) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.027) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (-0.029) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (-0.062) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (-0.091) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.102) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.578) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.561) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.550) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.538) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.521) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.451) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.442) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.419) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.321) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.234) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.183) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.156) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.148) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.131) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.124) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.110) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.103) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.101) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.097) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.052) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.034) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.029) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.004) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (-0.003) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.006) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (-0.019) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (-0.024) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.029) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (-0.032) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.037) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (-0.042) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (-0.056) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.057) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.058) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.069) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.485) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.382) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.342) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.312) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.309) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.293) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.293) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.234) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.220) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.211) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.179) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.060) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.056) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.054) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.044) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.031) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.031) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.029) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.029) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.016) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.008) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (-0.002) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (-0.007) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (-0.012) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (-0.016) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (-0.018) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (-0.026) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (-0.033) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (-0.034) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (-0.039) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.041) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (-0.043) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (-0.044) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (-0.067) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (-0.072) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.508) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.490) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.485) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.473) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.466) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.419) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.408) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.352) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.337) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.293) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.183) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.042) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.034) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.024) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.022) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.020) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.019) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.008) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.001) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (-0.001) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (-0.006) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (-0.019) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (-0.038) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (-0.052) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (-0.053) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (-0.059) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.060) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (-0.064) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (-0.066) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (-0.072) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (-0.074) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (-0.078) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (-0.081) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (-0.088) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (-0.100) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.873) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.820) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.777) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.750) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.724) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.564) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.533) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.396) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.361) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.333) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.331) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.329) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.321) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.304) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.301) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.279) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.261) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.202) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.182) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.177) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.166) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.162) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.159) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.143) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.138) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.136) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.134) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.133) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.122) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.122) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.101) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.084) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.060) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (-0.001) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (-0.016) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)
In keeping with its translation bitext optimization, LaBSE generates extremely tight clustering for the passages, while isolating the individual words:
LaBSE performs similarly to USE Multilingual:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.492) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.413) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.404) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.399) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.382) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.377) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.348) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.344) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.333) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.305) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.299) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.235) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.218) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.209) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.205) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.195) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.194) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.192) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.188) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.131) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.129) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.127) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.123) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.120) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.119) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.106) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.105) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.101) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.097) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.093) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.093) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.092) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.081) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.080) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.078) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.531) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.529) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.502) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.487) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.484) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.481) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.479) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.465) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.399) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.323) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.319) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.295) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.293) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.286) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.282) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.263) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.261) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.257) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.229) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.218) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.196) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.192) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.177) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.169) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.160) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.159) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.136) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.120) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.120) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.114) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.112) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.112) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.082) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.072) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.026) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.569) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.492) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.383) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.367) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.353) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.338) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.331) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.327) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.319) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.319) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.294) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.152) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.151) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.141) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.140) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.139) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.138) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.130) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.125) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.125) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.122) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.121) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.121) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.120) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.119) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.117) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.113) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.101) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.098) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.078) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.067) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.066) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.061) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.060) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.045) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.569) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.443) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.424) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.413) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.351) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.341) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.316) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.303) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.293) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.291) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.266) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.207) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.201) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.201) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.198) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.186) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.180) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.179) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.179) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.173) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.170) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.170) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.167) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.163) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.163) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.160) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.156) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.151) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.151) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.148) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.142) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.134) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.130) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.116) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.109) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 310): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri (التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ) (0.954) (ID 8) (Len: 87): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to (通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨) (0.947) (ID 24) (Len: 433): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac) (0.916) (ID 32) (Len: 373): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p (Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f) (0.916) (ID 20) (Len: 458): Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized (Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s) (0.915) (ID 16) (Len: 389): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac (Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара) (0.888) (ID 12) (Len: 293): Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh (เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร) (0.857) (ID 28) (Len: 146): Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price (인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하) (0.583) (ID 9) (Len: 78): Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel (汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽) (0.581) (ID 21) (Len: 355): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have (Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher ) (0.578) (ID 29) (Len: 147): Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay (휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가) (0.574) (ID 25) (Len: 402): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must (Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los ) (0.574) (ID 33) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa (Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı) (0.557) (ID 5) (Len: 265): Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t (أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين) (0.537) (ID 17) (Len: 312): Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur (Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб) (0.532) (ID 13) (Len: 273): The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get (ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง) (0.513) (ID 27) (Len: 421): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp) (0.510) (ID 23) (Len: 383): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die) (0.507) (ID 15) (Len: 304): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ) (0.497) (ID 19) (Len: 403): Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys (Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си) (0.496) (ID 7) (Len: 295): Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte (الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا) (0.492) (ID 31) (Len: 135): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause (천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환) (0.484) (ID 18) (Len: 390): Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we (Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается ) (0.476) (ID 35) (Len: 343): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s) (0.476) (ID 22) (Len: 454): Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc (Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur) (0.467) (ID 11) (Len: 90): Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri (哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引) (0.462) (ID 26) (Len: 390): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se) (0.451) (ID 6) (Len: 301): Obesity is a health condition characterized by an (السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال) (0.450) (ID 14) (Len: 300): Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h (โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ) (0.446) (ID 34) (Len: 296): Obesity is a health condition characterized by the (Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki) (0.446) (ID 30) (Len: 149): Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig (비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심) (0.436) (ID 10) (Len: 100): Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex (肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、) (0.299) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.263) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.173) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.117) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)
Machine Translation + English Embedding
Given that even true multilingual embedding models typically exhibit strong English bias, what if we first machine translated each passage into English using Google Translate? This would allow the models to fully leverage the larger volume of English content in their training data and theoretically yield better results.
Below are the final Google Translate API translations of the passages from above.
sentences = [ "inflation", "gasoline prices", "obesity", "asthma", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the rise in the price level of goods and services over a long period of time. Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of a currency and erode its value. Inflation is an economic challenge for governments and consumers alike, and it needs effective policies and measures to control it and limit its negative effects on the economy.", "Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have to pay to obtain motor fuel. Gasoline prices vary based on many factors such as global oil prices, taxes and distribution costs. The rise in gasoline prices may affect the budgets of individuals, the transportation sectors and the economy in general.", "Obesity is a health condition characterized by an excessive increase in body weight due to the accumulation of fat. Obesity is an increasingly prevalent global health problem associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Dealing with obesity requires lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by constriction and narrowing of the airways, causing difficulty breathing and a feeling of tightness. Asthma can be irritating, stressful, and symptoms exacerbated by environmental factors and allergies. Managing asthma requires using the right medications, following a personal care plan, and avoiding potential triggers.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to the increase in the price of goods and services over a long period of time. Inflation can cause a currency to lose its purchasing power and depreciate in value. Inflation is an economic challenge to both governments and consumers, and effective policies and measures are needed to control and mitigate its negative effects.", "Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel for their cars. Gasoline prices are affected by several factors including global oil prices, taxes and delivery costs. Higher gasoline prices can have an impact on personal budgets, the transportation sector and the overall economy.", "Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive weight gain with the accumulation of fat. Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide, associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Dealing with obesity requires lifestyle changes, a healthy diet and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by constriction and narrowing of the airways, resulting in difficulty breathing and a feeling of choking. Asthma may be exacerbated by environmental stimuli and allergies. Managing asthma requires using appropriate medications, following a personal care plan, and avoiding possible triggers.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs when the price level of goods and services increases over a long period of time. Inflation can cause a decrease in purchase values and a decrease in the value of money. Inflation is an economic challenge for both governments and consumers. And appropriate policies and measures are needed to control and reduce adverse effects on the economy.", "The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get fuel for their cars. Fuel prices vary according to many factors such as world oil prices. taxes and shipping An increase in the price of fuel can affect the budgets of individuals and the entire transport industry in the economy.", "Obesity is the condition of being overweight and having excess fat stored in the body. Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide. and is associated with a higher risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and tetanus. Managing obesity requires appropriate medication. Follow a personal care plan. and avoid negative factors", "Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. It is characterized by constriction and constriction of the airways, making it difficult to breathe and feeling uncomfortable. Asthma can be caused by environmental triggers and allergies to antibodies. Managing asthma requires the right medication. Follow a personal care plan. and avoid possible triggers", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is characterized by a prolonged rise in the level of prices for goods and services. Inflation can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of money and devaluation of its value. Inflation is an economic challenge for both governments and consumers, requiring effective policies and measures to control and mitigate its negative effects on the economy.", "Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur to obtain fuel for cars. Gasoline prices depend on many factors such as global oil prices, taxes and shipping costs. Rising gasoline prices can affect individual budgets, transport sectors and the economy as a whole.", "Obesity is a condition in which there is excess weight and accumulation of fat in the body. Obesity is a worldwide health problem associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Managing obesity requires lifestyle changes, proper nutrition and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system characterized by narrowing and spasm of the airways, resulting in difficulty breathing and a feeling of tightness. Asthma can worsen due to environmental factors and allergic reactions. Asthma management requires the use of appropriate medications, following an individualized care plan, and avoiding possible precipitating factors.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized by long-term increases in the price of goods and services. Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of money and devalue it. Inflation poses an economic challenge for governments and consumers, and requires effective policies and measures to control and mitigate its negative impact on the economy.", "Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have to bear to buy fuel for their vehicles. Gasoline prices are influenced by various factors such as global oil prices, taxes and delivery costs. Rising gasoline prices can impact individuals' budgets, the transportation sector and the overall economy.", "Obesity is a health condition characterized by excessive weight gain and accumulation of fat in the body. Obesity is a global health problem associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Coping with obesity requires lifestyle changes, a healthy diet and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by narrowing and spasm of the airways, leading to difficulty breathing and a feeling of tightness. Asthma can be made worse by environmental irritants and allergies. Treating asthma requires the use of appropriate medication, adherence to an individualized care plan, and avoidance of potential triggers.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is characterized by the prolonged increase in the prices of goods and services. Inflation can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of money and a devaluation of its value. Inflation represents an economic challenge for both governments and consumers, requiring effective policies and measures to control and mitigate its negative impacts on the economy.", "Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must pay to obtain fuel for their vehicles. Gasoline prices are influenced by various factors such as world oil prices, taxes and distribution costs. Rising gasoline prices can affect individual budgets, the transportation sector, and the economy in general.", "Obesity is a health condition in which excess weight and fat accumulation occurs in the body. Obesity is a global problem that is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Managing obesity requires lifestyle changes, healthy eating, and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system characterized by constriction and spasm of the airways, causing shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Asthma can be exacerbated by environmental factors and allergic reactions. Asthma management requires using the right medications, following a personalized care plan, and avoiding potential triggers.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which prices rise over a long period of time. Inflation can cause money to lose its purchasing power and decrease in value. Inflation presents an economic challenge for both governments and consumers, requiring appropriate policies and actions to mitigate and control the negative impacts.", "Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay to buy fuel for their vehicles. Gasoline prices are affected by a number of factors, including global crude oil prices, taxes and distribution costs. Rising gasoline prices can affect individual budgets, the transportation sector and the overall economy.", "Obesity is a health condition in which excess weight is gained and fat accumulates in the body. Obesity increases your risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Obesity management requires a different approach, including lifestyle changes, healthy eating and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes shortness of breath and tightness in the chest due to constriction and spasm of the bronchi. It can be aggravated by environmental stimuli and allergic reactions. Asthma management requires appropriate medication use, a tailored management plan, and avoidance of possible irritants.", "Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the prices of goods and services rise over a long period of time. Inflation can cause the purchasing power of money to decrease and its value to fall. Inflation is an economic challenge for governments and consumers and requires effective policies and measures to contain and mitigate its negative effects on the economy.", "Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pay to buy fuel for their vehicles. Gasoline prices are affected by a variety of factors, including world oil prices, taxes, and distribution costs. Rising gasoline prices can affect individuals' budgets, the transportation industry, and the overall economy.", "Obesity is a health condition characterized by the accumulation of excess weight and fat in the body. Obesity increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Obesity management requires lifestyle changes, healthy eating and regular physical activity.", "Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by respiratory distress and chest tightness as a result of narrowing and contraction of the airways. Asthma may worsen due to environmental stimuli and allergic reactions. Asthma management requires appropriate medication, a personalized care plan, and avoidance of potential triggers.", ]
Vertex AI
Vertex strongly clusters the English translations, resulting in tight condensed groupings.
The English translations strongly surface the most related passages first, though as with the multilingual models, the four one-word queries do tend to be ranked as most similar across the board due to length affinity. As similarity scores decrease, there is more intermixing of unrelated topics like asthma and gas prices, though this simply reflects that they are, in Vertex's eyes, equally distant. To make the comparison easier to understand below, for each row the first 50 characters of the original native language text is shown first, followed by the first 50 characters of the English translation in parentheses second. The full text of the translation text was used to create each embedding.
Most importantly, unlike with USE Multilingual, there is no real systematic ordering of the languages. For each query, the most similar languages are often the least similar languages for another query, suggesting the defining similarity determiner now is not the source language, but the actual semantic contents of each passage.
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.735) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.713) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.697) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.693) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.693) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.692) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.692) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.691) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.691) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.688) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.687) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.582) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.581) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.580) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.579) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.577) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.572) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.572) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.572) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.540) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.533) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.529) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.529) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.526) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.526) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.525) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.524) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.512) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.507) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.506) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.502) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.497) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.492) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.482) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.479) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.730) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.725) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.724) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.719) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.717) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.716) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.715) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.693) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.686) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.646) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.643) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.582) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.577) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.576) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.572) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.569) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.568) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.568) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.561) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.523) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.520) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.520) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.516) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.513) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.511) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.503) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.503) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.495) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.480) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.471) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.468) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.468) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.463) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.460) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.458) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.735) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.714) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.687) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.683) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.682) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.681) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.680) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.680) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.667) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.658) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.643) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.580) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.579) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.578) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.577) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.576) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.575) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.571) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.571) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.571) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.571) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.569) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.568) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.568) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.568) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.556) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.555) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.524) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.516) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.515) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.513) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.512) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.511) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.510) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.508) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.734) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.733) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.727) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.727) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.725) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.718) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.714) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.713) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.712) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.702) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.646) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.554) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.549) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.546) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.544) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.541) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.540) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.540) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.537) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.535) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.534) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.531) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.531) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.529) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.523) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.521) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.520) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.495) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.489) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.487) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.486) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.486) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.483) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.480) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.471) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.989) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.989) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.986) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.984) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.984) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.980) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.978) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.755) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.754) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.754) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.754) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.753) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.752) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.750) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.749) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.745) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.741) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.734) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.732) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.732) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.724) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.721) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.712) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.697) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.676) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.672) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.669) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.666) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.665) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.664) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.661) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.654) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.577) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.576) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.531) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma)
Universal Sentence Encoder
Like Vertex, USE strongly clusters the passages into four tightly-defined groups:
Sentence ordering exhibits strong topical affinity in the top results. Interestingly, unlike Vertex, the one-word queries typically rank below the actual relevant sentences. Importantly, as with Vertex, there is no major linguistic bias, with the languages appearing in different orders for each query reflecting the actual contents of the underlying passages rather than the language they were written in.
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.474) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.471) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.447) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.442) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.429) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.417) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.413) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.393) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.315) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.272) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.198) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.188) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.186) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.186) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.183) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.176) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.153) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.148) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.139) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.131) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.126) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.110) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.099) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.098) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.098) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.097) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.086) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.018) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.010) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.007) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.006) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.005) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.008) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.014) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.018) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.562) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.560) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.547) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.544) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.542) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.533) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.530) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.483) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.315) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.187) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.154) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.139) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.135) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.130) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.128) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.128) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.122) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.111) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.110) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.065) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.055) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.053) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.051) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.044) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.043) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.031) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.029) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.029) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.024) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.023) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.023) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.020) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.019) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.019) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.014) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.494) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.488) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.487) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.484) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.481) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.481) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.478) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.470) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.277) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.272) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.154) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.152) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.145) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.141) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.138) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.132) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.130) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.129) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.126) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.125) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.118) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.118) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.118) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.114) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.114) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.113) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.110) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.108) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.107) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.106) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.101) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.100) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.099) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.099) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.098) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.592) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.591) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.591) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.586) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.580) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.578) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.574) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.536) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.277) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.187) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.176) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.167) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.153) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.147) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.136) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.132) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.130) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.103) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.100) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.007) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.000) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (-0.002) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (-0.005) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (-0.011) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (-0.011) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (-0.017) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (-0.018) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (-0.024) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (-0.025) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (-0.027) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (-0.030) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (-0.033) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (-0.036) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (-0.049) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (-0.061) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.956) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.954) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.941) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.937) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.933) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.932) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.913) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.429) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.422) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.421) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.407) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.407) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.406) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.400) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.400) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.381) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.307) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.300) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.298) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.297) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.286) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.286) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.273) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.254) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.170) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.165) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.151) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.151) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.143) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.143) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.137) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.135) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.134) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.118) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (-0.030) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma)
Universal Sentence Encoder Large
USE Large yields even tighter clusters.
As with the smaller model, languages do not systematically appear in any specific order, with similarity being based on the contents rather than the language.
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.565) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.555) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.551) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.548) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.541) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.536) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.534) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.531) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.515) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.404) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.254) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.254) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.246) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.244) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.241) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.238) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.236) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.226) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.226) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.030) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.030) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.027) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.024) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.021) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.020) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.020) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.019) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (-0.005) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (-0.020) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.041) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.043) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.044) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.045) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (-0.055) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.061) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.589) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.567) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.567) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.558) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.550) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.545) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.539) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.528) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.515) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.379) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.252) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.176) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.173) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.161) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.160) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.158) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.156) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.148) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.142) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.063) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.039) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.038) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.029) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.029) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.024) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.007) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.005) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (-0.000) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.002) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (-0.008) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.008) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.009) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (-0.012) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.024) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.037) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.536) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.525) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.523) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.522) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.508) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.506) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.488) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.476) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.460) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.404) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.379) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.118) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.109) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.090) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.087) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.074) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.074) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.074) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.072) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.072) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.069) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.068) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.066) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.066) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.065) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.063) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.059) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.047) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.047) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.039) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.035) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.034) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.031) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.027) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.023) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.664) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.654) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.622) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.615) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.602) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.589) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.567) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.548) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.488) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.252) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.241) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.231) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.194) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.192) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.190) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.188) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.186) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.164) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.161) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.039) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.036) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.036) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.035) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.034) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.031) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.022) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.019) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (-0.016) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (-0.023) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (-0.023) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (-0.026) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (-0.026) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (-0.033) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (-0.047) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (-0.048) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.986) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.985) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.983) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.978) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.976) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.962) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.946) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.565) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.469) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.468) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.460) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.457) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.439) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.430) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.419) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.391) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.263) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.261) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.256) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.253) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.238) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.237) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.236) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.220) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.190) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.186) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.176) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.176) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.175) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.175) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.170) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.167) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.148) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.047) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (-0.016) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma)
Universal Sentence Encoder Multilingual
USE Multilingual has similarly strong clustering:
USE Multilingual has similar strong stratification for the top results, but like Vertex has much greater intermixing in the less-relevant results and intersperses the queries in the top results:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.516) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.487) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.479) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.471) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.466) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.454) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.437) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.428) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.410) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.392) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.317) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.231) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.228) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.223) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.215) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.214) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.213) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.212) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.193) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.058) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.031) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.031) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.029) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.028) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.025) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.025) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.024) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.023) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.021) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.019) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.016) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.014) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.013) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.011) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.002) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.562) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.562) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.557) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.552) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.543) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.540) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.538) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.477) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.466) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.248) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.241) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.225) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.224) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.223) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.222) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.221) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.219) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.204) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.196) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.048) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.039) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.038) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.037) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.035) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.030) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.027) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.024) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (-0.012) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (-0.019) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (-0.022) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (-0.024) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (-0.027) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (-0.027) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.029) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.035) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.472) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.463) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.416) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.415) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.412) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.403) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.394) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.392) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.385) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.370) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.241) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.093) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.081) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.078) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.077) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.076) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.075) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.075) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.074) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.069) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.068) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.064) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.061) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.060) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.058) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.054) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.053) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.050) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.049) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.044) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.043) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.040) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.039) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.038) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.037) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.607) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.528) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.528) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.527) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.522) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.506) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.501) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.485) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.472) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.317) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.219) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.080) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.079) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.060) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.054) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.050) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.049) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.049) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.048) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.044) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.044) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.043) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.042) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.041) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.041) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.039) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.038) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.033) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.033) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.027) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.027) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.025) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.024) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.022) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.019) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.971) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.970) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.967) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.964) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.956) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.954) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.933) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.471) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.442) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.436) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.432) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.427) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.424) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.420) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.411) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.398) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.225) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.208) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.208) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.204) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.199) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.195) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.188) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.186) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.185) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.169) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.155) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.147) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.142) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.140) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.136) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.134) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.119) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.058) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.044) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma)
Universal Sentence Encoder Multilingual Large
USE Multilingual Large yields similarly tight clustering:
The Large results are highly similar, though with better stratification in the lesser-similarity results:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.520) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.519) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.514) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.510) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.509) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.507) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.500) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.457) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.451) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.408) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.382) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.178) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.178) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.175) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.162) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.158) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.154) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.152) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.136) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.010) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.006) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.001) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.002) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.009) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.014) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.021) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (-0.021) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.028) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.031) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (-0.031) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (-0.035) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (-0.037) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (-0.037) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (-0.038) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.053) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.529) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.521) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.511) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.502) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.498) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.487) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.477) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.461) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.451) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.234) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.183) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.135) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.123) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.119) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.118) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.117) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.115) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.113) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.100) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (-0.018) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (-0.021) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (-0.023) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (-0.023) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.031) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.033) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (-0.034) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (-0.035) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (-0.055) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.063) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.069) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.069) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (-0.072) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.076) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.081) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (-0.083) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.485) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.382) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.368) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.333) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.324) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.323) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.316) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.312) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.306) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.283) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.234) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.059) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.021) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.019) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.018) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.017) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.017) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.017) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.013) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.012) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.009) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.008) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.006) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.005) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.004) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.004) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.003) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (-0.011) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.024) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (-0.032) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.036) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.037) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.037) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (-0.055) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.070) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.543) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.508) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.498) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.485) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.485) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.485) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.484) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.450) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.433) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.408) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.183) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.036) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.027) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.025) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.023) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.020) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.018) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.015) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.013) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.007) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (-0.002) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (-0.005) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.007) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (-0.012) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (-0.014) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (-0.014) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (-0.033) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (-0.062) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (-0.066) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (-0.070) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (-0.070) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (-0.071) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (-0.071) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (-0.075) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (-0.081) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.983) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.981) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.977) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.976) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.973) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.957) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.948) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.519) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.389) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.387) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.381) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.374) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.371) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.352) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.349) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.345) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.276) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.275) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.274) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.273) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.270) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.260) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.257) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.219) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.219) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.214) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.211) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.210) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.208) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.201) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.200) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.193) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.113) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.015) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.009) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)
LaBSE yields strong clustering, but with even greater separation of the four query isolates:
LaBSE yields similar stratification for the top results, though the short queries are surfaced more strongly:
Sentence 0 : (1.000) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.492) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.413) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.399) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.313) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.312) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.310) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.308) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.307) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.301) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.300) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.297) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.157) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.152) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.151) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.150) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.148) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.144) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.137) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.115) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.076) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.069) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.063) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.056) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.055) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.048) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.047) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.042) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.041) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.040) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.038) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.033) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.029) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.029) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.025) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (-0.001) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) Sentence 1 : (1.000) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.442) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.433) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.433) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.432) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.430) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.429) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.420) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.399) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.378) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.319) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.293) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.196) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.182) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.181) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.172) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.171) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.170) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.163) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.148) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.084) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.081) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.080) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.073) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.067) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.063) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.062) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.061) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.049) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.044) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.044) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.041) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.039) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.037) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.030) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.016) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) Sentence 2 : (1.000) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.569) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.492) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.319) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.311) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.309) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.306) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.306) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.304) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.297) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.281) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.270) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.064) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.063) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.063) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.060) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.056) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.056) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.054) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.052) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.052) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.050) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.050) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.049) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.048) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.048) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.048) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.039) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.038) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.038) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.037) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.037) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.035) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.032) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.030) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.028) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) Sentence 3 : (1.000) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.569) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity) (0.413) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.402) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.400) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.398) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.390) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.383) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.383) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.364) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.362) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.293) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.132) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.131) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.128) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.128) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.123) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.122) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.121) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.121) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.115) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.114) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.113) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.112) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.109) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.108) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.106) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.105) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.085) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.082) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.082) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.077) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.076) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.075) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.071) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.067) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) Sentence 4 : (1.000) (ID 4) (Len: 376): التضخم هو ظاهرة اقتصادية تتمثل في ارتفاع مستوى الأ (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is the ri) (0.989) (ID 8) (Len: 374): 通货膨胀是经济现象,指在长期内商品和服务价格的上涨。通货膨胀可能导致货币购买力下降和价值贬值。通货膨 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to) (0.986) (ID 32) (Len: 366): Enflasyon, mal ve hizmetlerin uzun süreli olarak f (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which the p) (0.982) (ID 20) (Len: 349): Inflation ist ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen, das s (Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized ) (0.982) (ID 16) (Len: 394): Инфляция - это экономическое явление, которое хара (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.980) (ID 24) (Len: 400): La inflación es un fenómeno económico que se carac (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is charac) (0.965) (ID 12) (Len: 390): เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อร (Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs wh) (0.952) (ID 28) (Len: 328): 인플레이션은 장기적으로 물가가 상승하는 경제 현상을 말합니다. 인플레이션은 돈의 구매력 하 (Inflation is an economic phenomenon in which price) (0.578) (ID 29) (Len: 304): 휘발유 가격은 소비자들이 차량에 연료를 구매하기 위해 지불해야 하는 비용입니다. 휘발유 가 (Gasoline price is the price consumers have to pay ) (0.574) (ID 33) (Len: 306): Benzin fiyatları, tüketicilerin araçları için yakı (Gasoline prices are the costs consumers have to pa) (0.573) (ID 21) (Len: 299): Die Benzinpreise sind die Kosten, die Verbraucher (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers have ) (0.570) (ID 25) (Len: 303): Los precios de la gasolina son los costos que los (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers must ) (0.570) (ID 13) (Len: 280): ราคาน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิงเป็นค่าใช้จ่ายที่ผู้บริโภคต้อง (The price of fuel is the cost consumers pay to get) (0.550) (ID 17) (Len: 267): Цены на бензин - это расходы, которые несут потреб (Gasoline prices are the costs that consumers incur) (0.543) (ID 5) (Len: 299): أسعار البنزين هي التكلفة التي يتعين على المستهلكين (Gasoline prices are the cost that consumers have t) (0.536) (ID 9) (Len: 283): 汽油价格是消费者购买汽车燃料所需支付的费用。汽油价格会受全球油价、税费和配送成本等多个因素的影响。汽 (Gasoline prices are what consumers pay to buy fuel) (0.518) (ID 7) (Len: 379): الربو هو حالة مزمنة في الجهاز التنفسي تتميز بانقبا (Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characte) (0.512) (ID 11) (Len: 345): 哮喘是一种慢性呼吸系统疾病,其特点是气道收缩和狭窄,导致呼吸困难和窒息感。哮喘可能由环境刺激和过敏引 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.510) (ID 19) (Len: 386): Астма - это хроническое заболевание дыхательной си (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.509) (ID 31) (Len: 334): 천식은 기관지의 수축과 경련으로 인해 호흡 곤란과 가슴 압박감을 유발하는 만성 호흡기 질환 (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cause) (0.506) (ID 27) (Len: 378): El asma es una enfermedad crónica del sistema resp (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.500) (ID 35) (Len: 339): Astım, solunum yollarının daralması ve kasılması s (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.499) (ID 23) (Len: 358): Asthma ist eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung, die (Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characteri) (0.498) (ID 15) (Len: 361): โรคหอบหืดเป็นโรคเรื้อรังของระบบทางเดินหายใจ มีลักษ (Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory sys) (0.482) (ID 26) (Len: 334): La obesidad es una condición de salud en la que se (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.474) (ID 18) (Len: 354): Ожирение - это состояние, при котором наблюдается (Obesity is a condition in which there is excess we) (0.464) (ID 22) (Len: 349): Fettleibigkeit ist ein Gesundheitszustand, der dur (Obesity is a health condition characterized by exc) (0.464) (ID 10) (Len: 348): 肥胖是一种健康状况,特征是体重过度增加并伴有脂肪积聚。肥胖是全球范围内不断增加的健康问题,与心脏病、 (Obesity is a medical condition characterized by ex) (0.453) (ID 6) (Len: 384): السمنة هي حالة صحية تتميز بزيادة مفرطة في الوزن ال (Obesity is a health condition characterized by an ) (0.451) (ID 34) (Len: 299): Obezite, vücutta aşırı kilo birikimi ve yağ biriki (Obesity is a health condition characterized by the) (0.444) (ID 30) (Len: 321): 비만은 체중이 과도하게 증가하고 체내에 지방이 축적되는 건강 상태를 의미합니다. 비만은 심 (Obesity is a health condition in which excess weig) (0.416) (ID 14) (Len: 345): โรคอ้วนเป็นสภาวะที่มีน้ำหนักตัวเกินไปและมีการสะสมไ (Obesity is the condition of being overweight and h) (0.301) (ID 0) (Len: 9): inflation (inflation) (0.172) (ID 1) (Len: 15): gasoline prices (gasoline prices) (0.115) (ID 3) (Len: 6): asthma (asthma) (0.052) (ID 2) (Len: 7): obesity (obesity)