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The Effect Of Corporate Media Ownership On The Depth Of Local Coverage And Issue Agendas: A Computational Case Study Of Six Sinclair TV Station Websites

This paper explores online news coverage on television news websites for a set of Sinclair stations and how it is…

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Does Regional Variation In Pathogen Prevalence Predict The Moralization Of Language In COVID-19 News?

An analysis of "moralization" language in Covid-19 news coverage: While there is substantial research on COVID-19’s general framing in the…

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How Is Social Media Being Covered On Television News?

The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the phrase "social media" across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News over the past decade,…

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Translingual 2.0: Uyghur Language Translation

We are excited to announce that the forthcoming GDELT Translingual 2.0 platform will translate Uyghur language news coverage, expanding upon…

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Translingual 2.0: Reaching Into Languages Like Amharic And Burmese

We are incredibly excited by the forthcoming GDELT Translingual 2.0 platform's expansion into an array of new languages like Amharic…

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How Is Censorship Being Covered On Television News?

The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the word "censorship" across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News over the past decade, showing…

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Publico: Facebook Is An Easy Target, But The Algorithm Shows What People Want

A lengthy feature in today's Publico (in Portuguese) includes several quotes from Kalev about social platforms. Read The Full Article.

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Translingual 2.0: A New Approach To Scriptio Continua Languages

Translingual 1.0 was based on the concept of language as space-delimited sequences of discrete "words." For scriptio continua languages like…

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Translingual 2.0: Burmese Language Translation

We are excited to announce that the forthcoming GDELT Translingual 2.0 platform will translate Burmese language news coverage, expanding upon…

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A Real-Time Platform For Contextualized Conspiracy Theory Analysis

A fascinating paper by researchers at UCLA and Berkeley applying relationship extraction and analyzing the result in a graph context…

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Translingual 2.0: Lao Language Translation

We are excited to announce that the forthcoming GDELT Translingual 2.0 platform will translate Lao language news coverage, expanding upon…

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Translingual 2.0: Khmer Language Translation

We are excited to announce that the forthcoming GDELT Translingual 2.0 platform will translate Khmer language news coverage, expanding upon…

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How Are Women's Rights In Afghanistan Being Covered On Television News?

How are women's rights in Afghanistan being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of women in Afghanistan since…

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Inaugural Google Cloud Innovators Champions

We're excited to announce that Kalev is part of the inaugural group of Google Cloud Innovators Champions, that "recognize[s] all…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: The Perils Of Fluency

One of the most striking aspects of modern Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is the way in which even a small…

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How Is China Being Covered On Television News?

How is China being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of China across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: The Difficulties In Teaching Neural Machine Translation New Words

Despite its enormous fluency advantages over traditional statistical SMT systems, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems have a critical weakness: the…

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FiveThirtyEight: Why Abortion May Now Motivate Democrats More Than Republicans

A new article in FiveThirtyEight references media coverage of abortion. Read The Full Article.

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How Is The Supreme Court Being Covered On Television News?

How is the US Supreme Court being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the court across CNN,…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: KWIC Through BigQuery's ML.NGRAMS

As we carefully construct the training and test corpi for our machine translation models, one tool we rely heavily upon…

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FiveThirtyEight: Why Has Biden's Approval Rating Gotten So Low So Quickly?

A new analysis by FiveThirtyEight includes this fascinating comparison of television news coverage of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan compared…

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How Are School Boards Being Covered On Television News?

How are school boards being covered on television news? The timeline below shows the percentage of monthly airtime across CNN, MSNBC and…

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International Power Rankings: Theory And Evidence From International Exchanges

This exploration by Matteo Camboni and Michael Porcellacchia examines power rankings leveraging data from GDELT: Throughout history, countries competed with…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: The Many Forms Of A Character

When working with the full extent of the world's languages represented in Unicode, one comes across myriad examples of characters…