Author: Kalev Leetaru
WashPost: Why An Anti-Ocasio-Cortez Chant At A Trump Rally Was All But Inevitable
The Washington Post's Philip Bump looks at how CNN, MSNBC and Fox News have covered AOC and her popularity across…
Vox: Do Male Candidates Get More Coverage Than Women? It's Complicated
Vox's Anna North uses FiveThirtyEight's media analysis to examine the role of gender in the media coverage of the 2020…
Two New NGram Datasets For Exploring How Television News Has Covered Trump And Mueller
Most analyses of television news coverage explore differences in media attention across topics, over time, between networks or all of…
Latin American Advisor: Energy Advisor
Kalev appears in the March 29th issue of The Dialogue's Latin America Advisor: Energy Advisor discussing his Forbes piece exploring…
Financial Times: How Facebook Could Target Ads In Age Of Encryption
The Financial Times spoke with Kalev for their recent coverage of Facebook's evolving advertising machine in the age of encryption….
Campaign 2020: Getting Started With GDELT For Tracking The US Presidential Race
As the United States' 2020 presidential race begins in earnest, here are just a few of the ways GDELT can…
Newsroom: The AI Failures Of Facebook & YouTube
New Zealand's Newsroom referenced Kalev in its coverage of how the AI systems of the major social platforms failed to…
Data Science Has Become About Lending False Credibility To Decisions We've Already Made
One of the greatest failures of data science has been the way in which it has devolved from the genuine…
Silicon Valley – Not Governments – Will Kill Encryption
It is Silicon Valley that will roll back the protections of encryption, not for the needs of governments to combat…
Could Facebook Start Mining Decrypted WhatsApp Messages For Ads And Counter-Terrorism?
Facebook’s efforts to monetize an end-to-end encrypted environment and recent remarks by Mark Zuckerberg himself raise the question of whether…
Facebook Succeeded In Killing Cybersecurity Like It Did Privacy
Two billion users no longer care that Facebook shares their data with myriad companies all over the world to misuse…
Facebook's Password Breach Suggests The Public Sees Cybersecurity As Obsolete
As Facebook suffers security breach after breach after breach after breach without any consequence and continues to grow rapidly, it…
Facebook Reminds Us That Binary Deep Learning Classifiers Don't Work For Content Moderation
Rather than treating everything as a binary classification problem, we need to recognize that some problems require more complex deep…
Facebook's Failed AI Showcases The Dangers Of Technologists Running The World
The world’s most influential social media company appears to lack even the most rudimentary understanding of the deep learning and…
WashPost: Cable News Has Covered A Dead Senator More Than Living Flood Victims
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how television news has mentioned John McCain more than the massive floods in Nebraska…
Internet Blacklisting Is Taking Off Across The World
Rather than rendering governments obsolete and ensuring unfettered information access, the web has actually not only entrenched the power of…
WashPost: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Not The 'Second Most Talked-About Politician In America'
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, despite her social media fame, is not the second most talked-about…
Data Show MSNBC Has Been Robert Mueller's Biggest Fan
With the Mueller investigation in the headlines again this week amid (renewed) claims it may finally be wrapping up, it’s…
FiveThirtyEight: Which Candidate Got The Most Kickoff Coverage?
FiveThirtyEight's Dhrumil Mehta and Oliver Roeder explore how the 2020 presidential candidates have fared in television news for their kickoff…
Stuff: After Christchurch Shootings, Facebook, Google Have To Weed Out White Supremacists republished New Zealand's Newsroom article that referenced Kalev in its coverage of how social media companies have failed to…
Anti-Semitism Coverage Surges With Fox Taking the Lead
The historic diversity of Congress’ freshman class has upended decades of tradition regarding the body’s historically unwavering support of Israel….
The Problem With AI-Powered Content Moderation Is Incentives Not Technology
It is worth looking more closely at how automated content moderation works today and especially the cost-capability tradeoff and the…
People's Daily Covers Twitter Analysis
The People's Daily explored the highlights and implications of Kalev's 2012-2018 Twitter analysis. Read The Full Article.
WashPost: Fox News May Be Driving Skepticism About The Mueller Investigation
The Washington Post's Philip Bump explores how Fox News has been minimizing the Mueller investigation. Read The Full Article.