Author: Kalev Leetaru
WashPost: Are Americans As Interested In Impeachment As The Media Is?
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines media coverage of impeachment against the backdrop of popular interest and congressional discourse. Read…
Impeachment Coverage Has Surged as Public Interest Wanes
The Democratic clamor for presidential impeachment seems to be growing by the day. The topic became front-page news again this…
AI Watching Television News: The Importance Of The Human Face To Television Journalism
Using Google’s off-the-shelf cloud AI algorithms to “watch” a week of television news from the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive,…
AI Watches Television News: A Tweet's Worth Of Onscreen Text Every Second
Using Google’s off-the-shelf cloud AI algorithms to “watch” a week of television news from the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive,…
What Does AI See When It Watches A Week Of Television News?
What might it look like to use Google’s off-the-shelf cloud AI algorithms to “watch” a week of television news from…
AI Watching Television News: Deep Learning Meets A Week Of Television
What would it look like to have a computer watch a week of television news from CNN, MSNBC and Fox…
FiveThirtyEight: Beto O'Rourke Ignored Cable News – And It Ignored Him
FiveThirtyEight's Dhrumil Mehta explores how Beto O'Rourke has fared on television news. Read The Full Article.
The Lessons of Poynter's Retracted 'Unreliable News' Blacklist
Last month, the Poynter Institute, home of PolitiFact, published through its International Fact-Checking Network a list of what it deemed…
Towards Data Science: Polls and Press
A look at media coverage of the 2020 race to date. Read The Full Article.
La Presse: La Reconnaissance Faciale Mise Au Ban à San Francisco
La Presse quotes Kalev in their coverage of the San Francisco city ban on facial recognition, following on his coverage…
Proppy: Organizing The News Based On Their Propagandistic Content
This paper uses GDELT to explore propaganda detection in the news. Propaganda is a mechanism to influence public opinion, which…
Sentiment Mining 500 Years Of History: Is The World Really Darkening?
Is the world really as dark as we believe or has increased access to information made us see a darkening…
Why San Francisco's Facial Recognition Ban Won't Actually Have Any Impact
San Francisco's facial recognition ban will have little impact, with the technology deployed widely throughout the city but will be…
What Might The AI-Powered Corporate Library Of The Future Look Like?
As the Web becomes increasingly personalized and intelligent, with algorithms that understand our interests and deep learning systems that can…
Facebook And Social Science One: The Academics Are Rushing To Mine Our Private Data
Facebook’s rush to make our data available to academics around the world to mine reminds us that all its talk…
Would Forcing Longer Social Media Posts Reduce Online Toxicity?
What might happen if social media enforced a minimum length on posts rather than a maximum and required us to…
Is Social Media Curating Hate And Scouring The Web For Our Greatest Fears?
Are social algorithms ensuring we are deluged with hate and our deepest and darkest fears in order to maintain us…
FiveThirtyEight: Biden Is (Still) Leading Cable News Coverage
FiveThirtyEight's Dhrumil Mehta offers his weekly update on the 2020 Democratic race. Read The Full Article.
Facebook's Pivot To Groups Could Help It Create Privacy-Protecting Ads
Could Facebook’s pivot to fostering community through Groups actually help it reinvent its advertising business for this new regulatory climate?…
The US Has Stopped Talking About 'Fake News' But Not The Rest Of The World
A closer look at both media coverage and search interest shows the phrase "fake news" has steadily faded from interest…
The Web That Once Sought To Destroy Community Is Working To Rebuild It
After a quarter century of ceaseless efforts to minimize and even eradicate the very concept of togetherness, the web is…
Could Data Analytics Force Electric Scooters To Obey Traffic Laws?
Would it be feasible to force the electric ride sharing scooters that are increasingly deluging our cities to integrate technological…
Deep Learning Will Be The End Of End To End Encryption
Rather than governments demanding encryption backdoors, it will likely be technology companies themselves building in those bypasses to ensure the…
Trump Era Coverage of AG 'Contempt' Dwarfs Obama Era 'Crisis'
A White House citing executive privilege in refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents to Congress. An attorney general held in…