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Using BigQuery DML & External Temporary Tables To Perform Realtime Reformatting Inserts For Television News Ngrams

As we prepare to release the 2.0 release of our television news ngrams dataset, a guiding design goal has been…

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Omdena: Artificial Intelligence For Environmental Sustainability: Connecting Land Conflicts And Policies

The United Nations' Convention To Combat Desertification discusses Omdena's AI challenge around "Artificial Intelligence For Environmental Sustainability: Connecting Land Conflicts…

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After Two Months CNN Drops Covid-19 Dashboard To Focus On Protests

For two months, CNN’s Johns Hopkins-sourced Covid-19 infections and death count dashboard has been an ever-present fixture of its coverage,…

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The Protests Have Completely Displaced Covid-19 On TV News But Not Online News

Television news offers one of the most powerful lenses through which to understand agenda setting due to its fixed airtime…

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Depictions Of Police And Military Soar On TV News With Fox Leading

Police and military forces have become an ever-present visual metaphor of the protests on television news. Using Google’s Cloud Video…

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Depictions Of Crowds Soar On TV News

Crowds largely disappeared from television news by mid-March as Covid-19 social distancing rules went into effect across the country. However,…

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Television News Mentioned Protests This Weekend More Than Past Decade

The protests of the past week received more television news mentions this weekend across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News than…

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How The Media Is Framing The Protests: “Peaceful” Gatherings Versus “Violent” “Looters”

What is the language the media is using to describe the national (and now global) protests sparked by the death…

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Antifa’s Rise On Television News

The Antifa movement rose to television news prominence in August 2017, with spikes in August and October 2018 and July…

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The Language Of Covid-19: Lockdowns, Masks, Reopening And Social Distancing

Among the concepts and terms Covid-19 has ushered into household status are lockdowns, N95 masks, economic “reopenings” and the idea…

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The Very Different Media Coverage Of Shelley Luther’s Versus Elon Musk’s Reopenings

Shelley Luther is the Dallas hair salon owner who was arrested and sent to jail for reopening her salon in defiance of…

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When Did The Term “Covidiot” Come Into Being?

The term “covidiot” came into being in March as a catch-all description of those who willfully ignored health authority guidance…

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Historic SpaceX Launch Got Just Fraction Of Covid-19 Coverage

As SpaceX this weekend became the first private company to put humans into space and inaugurated a new era in…

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Axios: Protest Coverage Dwarfs Coronavirus

Axios notes that television news coverage of the protests has exceeded that of Covid-19 and notes how the visceral visual…

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Is It “Covid” Or “Coronavirus” In The Media?

Axios noted recently that in Google searches, “coronavirus” had collapsed to less than a quarter of its peak, placing it just above…

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Coverage Of George Floyd Protests Eclipsed Covid-19 Coverage Yesterday

Online US news coverage of the George Floyd protests eclipsed coverage of Covid-19 yesterday, as seen in the timeline below,…

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A Week When Social Media Showed Its True Face

Last week Silicon Valley reminded the world just how much control it now wields over the national discourse. On Tuesday,…

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Mentions Of Lockdowns And Shelter-In-Place Steadily Decreasing

It seems the world is ready to reopen and emerge from its Covid-19-induced pause, at least through the eyes of…

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TV News Mentions Of “Distraction” Have Doubled In The Trump Era

On Friday, RealClearPolitics’ Tom Bevan noted the media’s use of the term “distraction” over the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. How much…

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The Fading Prominence Of “In This Together”

The catchphrase “in this together” has emerged as one of the iconic statements of the Covid-19 era, intended to mean…

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Mentions Of “Partisanship” Have Surged During Trump’s Presidency

Mentions of “partisan” and “partisanship” increased sharply in November 2016 with the election of Donald Trump and continued steadily upwards…

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Tara Reade Has Now Completely Disappeared From Television News

Not that long ago, the #MeToo movement ensured allegations of sexual assault were frontpage news. It seems the movement’s media…

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Global News Coverage Of Covid-19 Continues To Decline

Global news coverage of Covid-19 began in earnest around January 18, accelerating February 21 and surging in early March as…

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News Coverage Of Unemployment Begins Declining

It seems the world’s attention has shifted away from unemployment over the last two weeks, at least through the eyes…