A Primer On Mis/Disinformation, Propaganda, Falsehoods And Digital Literacy

Given the growing interest in mis/disinformation, propaganda, falsehoods, deep fakes and digital literacy, we've pulled together a collection of links from our writing, that of colleagues and works of particular note that offer critical background to understand the modern world of contested narratives, the history of influence and persuasion research in the domain of conflict and other works of interest to researchers interested in the field. We'll update this list periodically over time, so check back and feel free to use this as a starting point for courses in information warfare!

Agenda Setting

A brief introduction to agenda setting, originally developed a number of years ago for teaching, that offers starting points on the magic bullet model, the Payne Fund Studies and lessons learned from WWI and WWII. This unit just barely scratches the surface of the topic, but offers a set of starting points for those just learning about historical perspectives and who are not already deeply immersed in works such as Lasswell.


The early history of what eventually became known as FBMS, FBIS and today the OSC was built on a foundation of propaganda and narrative analysis.

An Insider's Global Perspective

Tony Olcott's book offers an extraordinary and pragmatic insider's look at how narratives shape our understanding from around the world, how they are wielded by states and industries alike and how to think about the information environment.

Martin Gurri offers a similarly powerful and pragmatic look at "truth" and narratives in our modern age:

Thoughts & Analyses

A small collection of my columns over the years on related topics.

Information Literacy

Influence & Persuasion.

Fact Checking.

Deep Fakes

We hope these links are of use to you in exploring a range of perspectives around our modern world.