Last week Russia 24 aired a BesogonTV show called "Indefatigable George" focusing on George Soros, showing Russian TV's continuing focus on framing current events in terms of a historical narrative crafted to present Russia as savior and victim. Hosted by Nikita Mikhalkov, it was previously posted online in 2016 with the summary:
Let's continue talking about George Soros and his "help" to Russia. It seemed that this topic was exhausted, but the reaction to the latest release of the program suggests otherwise. Soros was defended by our former compatriot, his friend and colleague Valery Soifer, who reproached Mikhalkov for not paying attention to facts. Let's turn to those very facts, get to know George Soros unknown to us: his biography, guidelines and ideals, delve into the details of Soros's work in Russia and other countries.
This analysis is part of an ongoing collaboration between the Internet Archive and its TV News Archive, the multi-party Media-Data Research Consortium and GDELT.