How Has The Haitian Migrant Camp In Del Rio Been Covered On Television News?
How has the Haitian migrant camp in Del Rio, Texas been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of…
Public "agendamelding" In The United States: Assessing The Relative Influence Of Different Types Of Online News On Partisan Agendas From 2015 To 2020
This fascinating new analysis examines "agendamelding": Using Gallup survey data and online news from 2015 to 2020, this study explored…
A Framework For Institutional Risk Identification Using Knowledge Graphs And Automated News Profiling
This paper by researchers at J.P. Morgan Artificial Intelligence Research explores global news for risk signals: Organizations around the world…
New York Post: Media beat: Facebook's Two-Faced Transparency
The New York Post's Editorial Board summarized Kalev's RealClearPolitics fact checking piece from Friday. Read The Full Article.
More Experiments With Machine Translation: Improving Nounphrase Recovery
As we prepare the second generation of our massive GDELT Translingual global machine translation infrastructure, we are leveraging the wealth…
Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion Using Box Embeddings
This paper on temporal knowledge graph completion explores model performance on GDELT: Knowledge graph completion is the task of inferring…
How Is Climate Change Being Covered On Television News?
How is climate change being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News…
Leaks Renew Concern Over Facebook's Fact-Checking Sway
Kalev's latest analysis for RealClearPolitics explores the fact checking landscape and Facebook's interactions with its fact checking partners. Read The…
How Is Inflation Being Covered On Television News?
How much attention is inflation receiving on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the word "inflation" across CNN,…
Covering Conspiracy: Approaches To Reporting The COVID/5G Conspiracy Theory
A new study by researchers at the Digital Media Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia uses…
Is Afghanistan Associated More With Biden Or Trump?
Which president has the US withdrawal from Afghanistan been more closely associated with, Joe Biden or Donald Trump? The timeline below shows…
CJR: Our Damned Trump Fixation
This piece in Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) references television news coverage of Donald Trump using the TV Explorer. Read The…
Afghanistan Has Faded From Television News Except On Fox News
How has the US withdrawal from Afghanistan been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions across CNN, MSNBC and…
How Has 9/11 Been Covered On Television News?
How has September 11th and the Twin Towers been covered on television news? The timeline below shows weekly mentions of the World…
Web Part Of Speech Dataset Reaches 27.6 Billion Records
The Web Part Of Speech Dataset has reached 27.6 billion records! Learn More.
Understanding Television News: Our Audiovisual Memory Institutions As Research Platforms
This past Thursday the Internet Archive held a virtual event "Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News" that…
Video: Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News
The video from Internet Archive's event "Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News" is now available! Speakers include:…
Households In Conflict Network: Civil Conflict, Cash Transfers, And Child Nutrition In Yemen
This analysis by researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute and the Department of Economics at Lancaster University Management…
How Was Hurricane Ida Covered On Television News?
How was Hurricane Ida covered on television news? The timeline below shows how many daily mentions the hurricane received across CNN, MSNBC…
Today: Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News
Today the Internet Archive will host an online webinar, “Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News” Learn from scholars,…
SeDyT: A General Framework For Multi-Step Event Forecasting Via Sequence Modeling On Dynamic Entity Embeddings
A new paper by researchers at the University of Southern California and the US Army Research Lab explores temporal knowledge…
Despite Delta's Spread Television News Continues Its Pivot Away From Covid-19
The US headed into the 2021 Labor Day weekend with four times as many confirmed infections and twice as many hospitalizations as the same…
Politico: Opinion | Donald Trump Is Doing His Comeback All Wrong
Jack Shafer's opinion piece for Politico today references television news coverage of Donald Trump. Read The Full Article.
Afghanistan Displaced Trump From Television News
Donald Trump has remained a fixture of television news coverage more than half a year after leaving office, but the…