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Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Has Faded In The Media

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) rocketed into the media limelight in January 2019, peaking in March of that year and remaining…

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Getting Started With GCP's Chirp / Universal Speech Model (USM) Multilingual Speech Transcription: Transcribing A 2.5 Hour Russian Broadcast In 4 Minutes

How can you leverage GCP's powerful Universal Speech Model (USM) known as "Chirp" for multilingual speech transcription? USM is a "family…

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CEPR: Black Tulips And The Russian War In Ukraine

A look at protests and coverage of casualties in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Read The Full Article.

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Slator: Meta Debuts SeamlessM4T, The Swiss Army Knife Of Translation Models

Slator referenced our analyses of Meta's new SeamlessM4T model in their coverage of its release. Read The Full Article.

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Experiments With Speech Transcription & Translation: Meta's SeamlessM4T Vs OpenAI's Whisper Vs GCP's STT+GT Vs GCP's USM/Chirp+GT

As the final piece in our our series of evaluating Meta's new SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model, let's evaluate its speech transcription and…

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Experiments With Meta's SeamlessM4T Open Machine Translation Model: Medium Model Outperforming Large Model

Continuing our series of evaluating Meta's new SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model, there are actually two versions of the model: large and medium. We've…

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Experiments With Meta's SeamlessM4T Open Machine Translation Model: News Articles

Continuing our series of evaluating Meta's new SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model, let's expand our social media experiments with a full-length news article. While…

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Experiments With Meta's SeamlessM4T Open Machine Translation Model: Social Media Posts

Continuing our series of evaluating Meta's new SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model. Let's try translating some Weibo social media posts that…

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Experiments With Meta's SeamlessM4T Open Machine Translation Model: Government Publication Translations

Yesterday, Meta announced its new SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model. Let's run a quick simple benchmark of its textual Chinese to…

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WashPost: Debate Or Not, Fox News Is Still Trump Territory

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines media coverage of the GOP presidential candidates. Read The Full Article.

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Miami Herald: From Backbench Congressman To Debate Limelight: The Rise Of Ron DeSantis, Soundbite By Soundbite

This fascinating and extensive analysis by the Miami Herald includes a number of findings from the TV Explorer. Read The…

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Introducing Television News Monitoring For All: A New Pipeline For Instant Monitoring Of Breaking Global Events

The Internet Archive's Television News Archive encompasses over 9.5 million broadcasts totaling 6.6 million hours of airtime from 108 television…

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LLM-Based Landscape Summarization Demos Coming Soon

Stay tuned for some exciting new demos coming soon combining GDELT's datasets with a series of LLM pipelines for global…

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Updated Donald Trump Airtime Analysis Coming Soon

Stay tuned for an updated workflow tracking Donald Trump appearances coming soon.

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GCP USM/Chirp ASR Tutorial Coming Next Week

Stay tuned for a new tutorial on using GCP's USM/Chirp ASR model next week!

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New Television News Monitoring Workflow Coming Next Week

Stay tuned for a major new announcement about television news monitoring coming next week!

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DOC 2.0 API + LLMs = Summarizing Headlines: Turkish Investment, Inflation & The Niger Coup

The DOC 2.0 API allows rich keyword search over English machine translations of GDELT's online news monitoring in 65 languages….

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Extracting & Codifying Disease Outbreaks Using LLMs: Experiments With Bison, ChatGPT & Claude

Earlier this year we explored the use of LLMs for disease extraction and codification tasks from news coverage, testing how…

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How Are Africans Talking About Climate Change And Who Is Doing The Talking?

This study identifies who is talking about climate change in Africa, both in the mainstream media and on Twitter, and…

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Visually Describing TV News Broadcasts Using Generative AI Image Captioning: Experiments With Google's New Imagen

With the recent release into general availability of Imagen on Vertex AI, Google's new image-based generative AI foundational model for…

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How Putin's Victory Day Parade Was Covered On Television News

Putin's Victory Day parade this past May was supposed to feature "10,000 people and 125 units of various types of…

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Experiments In Meme Tracking: Extracting Titles, Affiliations & Relationships

Continuing our meme tracking series, we've seen that LLMs provide subpar entity extraction compared with traditional neural entity extractors. On…

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Understanding Hallucination In LLMs: A Brief Introduction

There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about what "hallucination" is in large language models (LLMs), how it can…

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The Growing Trend & Vast Dangers Of Outsourcing Decisions To LLMs

Not a day goes by the last few months were I don't receive at least a dozen pitches from various…