The DOC 2.0 API allows rich keyword search over English machine translations of GDELT's online news monitoring in 65 languages. The API returns the headlines of the most relevant 75 articles from the last 3 months matching the requested query. Let's explore how those headlines can be piped through LLMs for summarization, making use of the LLM to translate the headlines from multiple languages (traditional NMT systems can't translate text in many languages), reason over conflicting information and synthesize and distill down to a final summary that optionally is broken down different ways.
The end results are quite promising and demonstrate that despite their significant limitations in codification and extraction tasks, multilingual summarization reminds a strong point for LLMs. As with all other LLM use cases, the results can vary considerably between runs and further work will be required to test just how faithfully the summarizations capture the detail of the results.
Let's start with the query "(turkey OR turkiye) AND (investment OR investing)" over the past 30 days. We'll click on the CSV button at the top right of the displayed search results to get their headlines. The first 75 returned headlines are:
50 . 7 milyar dolarlık imza ! İşte Türkiye ve BAE arasında yapılan 13 anlaşma Aralarında suçluların iadesi de var ! Türkiye ve BAE arasında imzalanan 13 anlaşmanın detayları belli oldu BAE ile Türkiye arasında 51 milyar dolarlık anlaşma imzalandı Elektrik karşılıklı iletilecek Suudi Arabistan kabinesi Türkiye ile imzalanan anlaşmalara övgüde bulundu Suudiler , imzalanan anlaşmalardan memnun Gambia : MOHERST , Turkish Delegation Hold High - Level Tech . Committee Meeting Cumhuriyet Altını Fiyatı 2023 - Canlı Ve Anlık Cumhuriyet Altını Fiyatları Ne Kadar ( Güncel ) Türkiyeye övgü ! Gündemde Suudi Arabistan ile imzalanan 9 anlaşma var Qatari , Turkish Businessmen : Strong Economic Ties Can Lead To Stronger Partnerships Katarla stratejik iş birliği Türkiye ile BAE arasındaki Ekonomik Ortaklık Anlaşması na yeni yönetmelik Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük teknoloji fonunun ortağı oldu Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük teknoloji fonuna katıldı ! Abu Dhabi ADQ signs $11 . 5 bln deals with Turkey for earthquake relief , exports Arıklı : Nihai hedef Ercan ı uluslararası uçuşlara açmaktır Türkiye , NATO İnovasyon Fonunun yeni ortağı oldu Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük teknoloji fonunun ortağı oldu Foreign investors buy $179m in Turkey stocks amid Erdogan economic reset 15 yıl , 45 milyon avro ... Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük teknoloji fonuna ortak oldu Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük teknoloji fonunun ortağı oldu Suudi Arabistan Türkiyeden İHA satın alacak Murat Şenkul : Bu ülkenin kurtuluşu Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile doğru zemi Türkiye , Avrupanın en büyük fonuna ortak oldu Sedat Peker BAEden iade edilecek mi ? Türkiye ile Katar Arasında Diplomatik İlişkilerin 50 . Yıldönümü Kutlandı CHPli Karabat açıkladı : Körfez fiyaskosunda neyin pazarlığı yapıldı ? Habervitrini . com | BAE ile suçluların iadesi anlaşması yapıldı .. Sedat Peker e Türkiye yolu göründü Suudi Arabistana ihracat 1 , 2 milyar doları aştı AK Parti Ortahisar İlçe Başkanı Çebiden Körfez turu eleştirilerine tepki Turkish envoy : Turkiye - Malaysia bilateral trade to double with latest FTA protocol Türkiyenin Suudi Arabistana ihracatı 1 , 2 milyar doları aştı Suudi Arabistana ihracat 1 , 2 milyar doları aştı İmzalar atıldı : Türkiye - Katar arasında 50 nci yıl bildirisi – Güncel Haberler , Son Dakika Haberleri , Turktime Haber Portalı Suudi Arabistana ihracat 1 , 2 milyar doları aştı ! Katar Emiri Al Saniden Erdoğan paylaşımı : Dohada ağırlamaktan memnuniyet duydum Körfez turunda 3 ülkeyle işbirliği anlaşması Erdoğan ın Körfez turunda 3 ülkeyle işbirliğini glendiren anlaşmalar imzalandı Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives in Doha for state visit CANiK IDEF 23 ile yepyeni bir dönemin perdelerini aralıyor Yerli ve milli silahlar gövde gösterisine hazır : CANiK IDEF 23 için son hazırlıklarını tamamladı Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ın Körfez turunda 3 ülkeyle işbirliğini glendiren anlaşmalar imzalandı Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ın Körfez turunda 3 ülkeyle işbirliğini glendiren anlaşmalar imzalandı Türkiye - Arnavutluk Diplomatik İlişkilerinin 100 . Yılı Karşıyakada Kutlandı Totalenergies , rönesans enerjiye yüzde 50 ortak oldu Turkey , Saudi Arabia ink deal for Baykar Akinci drones as Erdogan swings through Gulf Arıklı : Nihai hedef Ercan ı uluslararası uçuşlara açmaktır MOHERST , Turkish delegation hold high - level tech . committee meeting Turkiye - UAE economic agreement to create 100 , 000 jobs in Turkiye : UAE envoy Turkish president meets with senior Chinese diplomat on bilateral ties Turkish president meets with senior Chinese diplomat on bilateral ties Turkey Erdogan signs $50 billion in deals during UAE visit UAE ADQ signs MoU worth $11 . 5bn with Turkish agencies to revive economy Türkiye yılda 360 milyon adet fişek üretecek Turkiye Erdogan signs $50 billion in deals during UAE visit UAE and Türkiye forge new paths for economic cooperation , sustainable growth Körfez Sermayesi geliyor … - Yeni Akit Bartında uygulanacak tarımsal projelere 22 milyon 473 bin lira hibe Venezuela y Türkiye firman acuerdo de protección recíproca de inversiones Will economy - driven Turkiye - Gulf relations yield political gains ? Türkiye ve BAE son 2 yılda imzalanan anlaşmalarla stratejik iş birliğini glendiriyor ! Hedef 40 milyar dolar Başkan Erdoğan BAE Devlet Başkanı Al Nahyan ile görüştü ve imzalar atıldı ! 50 . 7 milyar dolarlık anlaşma Salahi Şahiner : Yeni sözleşme ile KKTC mahkemeleri de saf dışı bırakı Bio Korea 2021 de Türk Biyoteknolojik ilaç şirketleri konuşuldu Türk şirket CIAR Medical , Balkanlarda Uluslararası Sağlık Hizmetleri Sempozyumu düzenleyecek Niğde Valisi Mustafa Koç tan veda mesajı - Niğde Haberleri Bir Terörist Bile Olsa F16 lar Kalkıyor Batmanda Otizmli Çocuklar İçin Özel Sınıf Turkiye finance chief heralds USD 50 . 7 billion deals with UAE as Erdogan tours Gulf nations Suudi Arabistan ile tarihi anlaşma UAE , Turkiye sign 13 pacts worth $50 . 7 bn during Erdogan visit Türkiye ABD ilişkilerinde heyecanlandıran gelişme ! Tam 100 milyar dolar ... Turkiye Erdogan caps economy - driven Gulf tour in UAE - World Reino Unido aprobó inversión para ferrocarril de Türkiye Turkiye finance chief heralds USD 50 . 7 billion deals with UAE as Erdogan tours Gulf nations
The headlines are primarily a mixture of English and Turkish. How might we use ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) and Claude to summarize these headlines?
Let's use the prompt:
Summarize the following list of news article headlines in different languages into a one paragraph summary in English of investment in Turkey:
This results in:
Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have solidified their strategic partnership through the signing of 13 agreements totaling $50.7 billion. These agreements encompass a range of sectors, including trade, technology, defense, and economic cooperation. The deals involve mutual exchange of electricity, recognition of investment protection, the extradition of criminals, and more. This collaboration also extends to nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, enhancing economic ties and fostering growth in various industries. The partnerships emphasize Turkey's growing influence in international innovation funds and highlight the strengthening economic bonds in the Gulf region.
A second run doesn't improve the results much:
Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have strengthened their strategic partnership through a series of significant agreements, totaling $50.7 billion, signed during President Erdogan's visit to Gulf nations. The agreements encompass various sectors, including economic cooperation, technology funds, trade, and defense. These deals aim to bolster job creation, sustainable growth, and innovation, while also enhancing diplomatic ties and mutual investments between the two nations. Additionally, Turkey has made substantial progress in expanding its economic relations with other Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as evidenced by the trade and investment agreements recently inked. This growing economic integration holds the potential to yield substantial benefits for Turkey's economy and geopolitical influence in the region.
Let's try changing the prompt to give it more room and to ask it to include more detail.
Summarize the following list of news article headlines in different languages into a one page summary in English of investment in Turkey, making sure to incorporate all of the detail from the different stories covered in the headlines.
It largely only expands on its initial summary, missing headlines like "Foreign investors buy $179m in Turkey stocks amid Erdogan economic reset" and "Turkiye – UAE economic agreement to create 100 , 000 jobs in Turkiye : UAE envoy":
Turkey Boosts Economic Partnerships through Multibillion-Dollar Agreements with Gulf Nations
In a series of strategic moves, Turkey has solidified its economic collaborations by signing a total of 13 agreements with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, amounting to a staggering $50.7 billion. These agreements encompass diverse sectors such as technology, trade, energy, and defense, illustrating Turkey's commitment to fostering regional economic growth and cooperation.
Among the notable agreements is the partnership with the UAE, which covers areas like mutual extradition of criminals and exchange of electricity. Saudi Arabia, too, has shown appreciation for the signed agreements, including deals involving investment in Turkish stocks, as well as the acquisition of Turkish-made drones. The Saudi Cabinet has lauded these partnerships, highlighting the positive impact on both nations' economies.
Turkey's engagement isn't limited to the Gulf region, as it also celebrates its 50th year of diplomatic relations with Qatar, emphasizing the potential of strong economic ties leading to even stronger partnerships. Meanwhile, Turkey has also joined forces with other international entities, becoming a member of the NATO Innovation Fund and partnering with Europe's largest technology fund.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Gulf tour has showcased Turkey's commitment to economic cooperation, evident in the flurry of agreements signed during his visits to various Gulf countries. These agreements, spanning investments, technological collaborations, and strategic partnerships, underpin Turkey's determination to bolster its economy and strengthen international relations.
Additionally, the UAE's ADQ has taken a significant step by signing deals worth $11.5 billion with Turkey, focusing on earthquake relief efforts and exports. These developments reflect Turkey's growing influence as a pivotal player in the global economic landscape.
In summary, Turkey's recent economic initiatives involving the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf nations have elevated its economic standing on the global stage. With substantial investments, technological collaborations, and strategic partnerships, Turkey demonstrates its commitment to fostering economic growth, stability, and cooperation in the region and beyond.
Let's give our model more freedom to chose what it wants to focus on:
Summarize the following list of news article headlines in different languages into a one page summary in English, making sure to incorporate all of the detail from the different stories covered in the headlines.
This yields:
In a flurry of diplomatic and economic activity, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have solidified their strategic partnership through a series of agreements, totaling a staggering $50.7 billion. These agreements encompass a wide range of sectors, underscoring the depth of cooperation between the two nations.
Key highlights of the agreements include:
1. **Economic and Trade Collaboration:** The economic ties between Turkey and the UAE are set to strengthen further with a landmark $51 billion economic agreement, including provisions for mutual investment and trade expansion.
2. **Bilateral Investment and Infrastructure:** The UAE's Abu Dhabi Development Holding Company (ADQ) has committed $11.5 billion in deals with Turkey, aimed at earthquake relief and boosting exports. This marks a significant step toward mutual economic growth.
3. **Technological Advancements:** Turkey has joined forces with the UAE and other Gulf nations to partake in Europe's largest technology fund, signifying the countries' dedication to technological innovation and advancement.
4. **Regional Cooperation:** Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Gulf tour resulted in a trio of collaboration agreements with Gulf nations, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These agreements span various sectors and underline a joint commitment to regional cooperation.
5. **Diplomatic Milestones:** The diplomatic relationships between Turkey and various Gulf nations have reached remarkable milestones, including the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Turkey and Qatar, as well as Turkey and Kuwait.
6. **Trade and Exports:** Turkey's exports to Saudi Arabia and the UAE have soared to over $1.2 billion, showcasing the growing economic interconnectedness between the nations.
7. **Strategic Partnerships:** These developments have bolstered Turkey's presence as a key partner in the Gulf region, forging strategic collaborations in fields like technology, economics, and security.
8. **Infrastructure and Innovation:** Turkey's commitment to innovation is further reflected in its participation in various international conferences and agreements, such as the CANiK IDEF 23, a platform that emphasizes local and national advancements in defense technology.
While these agreements underscore the potential for substantial economic growth and mutual cooperation, they also come with expectations and aspirations. The UAE's investment in earthquake relief, technological partnerships, and joint initiatives demonstrate a shared vision for a prosperous future.
And Claude's summary:
Here is a one page English summary of the key points from the news headlines:
President Erdogan of Turkey recently embarked on a tour of Gulf nations, signing major economic and political deals aimed at boosting Turkey's economy and regional standing.
In the United Arab Emirates, Erdogan signed 13 agreements worth $50.7 billion, spanning energy, technology, defense, trade, and investment. Key deals include a $10 billion fund for investments in Turkey, cooperation on renewable energy projects, and a deal between Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund ADQ and Turkish businesses on healthcare, mining, and technology. The deals are expected to create over 100,000 jobs in Turkey. The two countries also signed a landmark extradition treaty to exchange criminals, raising the prospect that crime boss Sedat Peker could be sent back to Turkey from the UAE.
In Saudi Arabia, Turkey secured a $3 billion currency swap line and signed a letter of intent for Turkey to sell its Bayraktar drones to Saudi Arabia. Bilateral trade exceeded $1.2 billion this year. Saudi officials welcomed the agreements as further strengthening ties between the two countries.
In Qatar, Erdogan and the Qatari Emir marked 50 years of diplomatic relations. They signed pacts on media, education, culture, investment, development, and military training cooperation. Qatar also pledged a $5 billion direct investment in Turkey.
The deals come as Turkey aims to boost foreign investment and activate economic diplomacy amid an economic crisis and soaring inflation. The rapprochement with Gulf nations also carries geopolitical implications as Turkey seeks to balance relations in the Middle East. Overall, the high-profile Gulf tour resulted in major economic wins for Turkey as it works to attract investment, create jobs, and secure energy supplies.
The raw CSV includes spaces around periods and commas, so let's just do a search and replace to remove those and also adjust our prompt slightly:
Summarize the following list of news article headlines that are written in different languages into a detailed summary in English, making sure to incorporate all of the detail from the different headlines in a single summary.
For GPT-3.5, the corrected periods and commas and the adjusted prompt yields better results, offering a reminder of the brittleness of LLMs:
In a series of diplomatic achievements, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have solidified their strategic partnership through a total of 13 agreements, amounting to a staggering $50.7 billion. These deals encompass various sectors, highlighting the depth of cooperation between the two nations. The agreements cover a wide range of topics, including extradition of criminals, economic partnerships, technological innovation, and energy collaboration. Furthermore, there's a significant focus on the exchange of expertise and economic growth, with the UAE expressing its appreciation for the signed agreements and their potential to foster stronger partnerships. Saudi Arabia's cabinet also lauds the agreements, underlining the positive impacts on regional relations.
The economic dimension of the partnership is underscored by deals in sectors like technology, energy, and defense. Turkey has joined Europe's largest technology fund, showcasing its commitment to innovation. Additionally, significant investments from both sides promise to boost economies and create jobs. One such highlight is the commitment to creating 100,000 jobs in Turkey through the economic agreement with the UAE. This collaboration is seen as a catalyst for sustainable growth and development in both nations.
Turkey's diplomatic engagements extend beyond the UAE, as the country also celebrates its 50th diplomatic anniversary with Qatar and Albania. President Erdogan's Gulf tour resulted in multiple cooperation agreements with various countries, aimed at strengthening political ties and fostering economic growth. Notably, the focus on defense cooperation is evident through the procurement of Turkish drones by Saudi Arabia.
President Erdogan's diplomatic endeavors have garnered widespread attention, with his visits to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE yielding remarkable economic and strategic results. The agreements range from economic partnerships to technology investments, showcasing the diverse scope of collaborations. The signing of these agreements has paved the way for unprecedented growth and cooperation in the region, as both Turkey and the UAE work toward achieving mutual goals and reinforcing their strategic ties.
For Claude, the changes make no difference:
Here is a detailed summary of the news headlines in English:
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited several Gulf countries this week, signing major economic and cooperation agreements.
In the United Arab Emirates, Erdogan met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and signed 13 agreements worth $50.7 billion. The deals cover trade, energy, environment, finance, and investments. The two countries agreed to set up a $10 billion fund to support investments in Turkey and establish a strategic economic partnership. Other deals involve cooperation in healthcare, technology, and defense.
In Qatar, Turkey and Qatar signed several agreements on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties. The countries pledged to further strengthen bilateral relations. Erdogan also met with the Emir of Qatar during the visit.
In Saudi Arabia, Turkey signed a deal to export Turkish-made armed drones to Saudi Arabia. Bilateral trade between the two countries has now exceeded $1.2 billion. Saudi officials welcomed the agreements signed with Turkey.
Other headlines cover Turkey joining the largest technology investment fund in Europe, defense industry news on displaying locally-made weapons at an upcoming fair, and Turkey's deals with Gambia on education cooperation.
Overall, the visits and signed agreements aim to boost economic ties and investments between Turkey and major Gulf nations. Analysts view this as part of Turkey's efforts to bolster its struggling economy through increased trade and to improve relations with regional powers. Some opposition voices in Turkey questioned whether political concessions were made by Erdogan's government in exchange for the Gulf deals.
Let's ask for a country-by-country breakdown:
Summarize the following list of news article headlines that are written in different languages into a detailed summary in English, making sure to incorporate all of the detail from the different headlines in a single summary. Break the summary down by country.
Asking for a per-country breakdown seems to be the magic incantation that makes it suddenly incorporate some of that detail that was missing before, though it still fails to incorporate the 100,000 new jobs:
Summary by Country:
**Turkey and UAE:**
– Turkey and the UAE have signed 13 agreements worth a total of $50.7 billion.
– The agreements cover various sectors including economic partnerships, technological collaboration, and defense.
– Both countries are aiming to strengthen their strategic cooperation through these deals.
– The agreements include mutual extradition of criminals, economic partnership, technological investments, and collaborations in defense and trade.
– These agreements are expected to create economic growth and job opportunities in Turkey.
**Saudi Arabia:**
– Saudi Arabia's cabinet has praised the agreements signed between Turkey and the UAE.
– Saudi Arabia also expresses satisfaction with the signed agreements, although the details of the agreements are not specified.
– Saudi Arabia plans to buy drones from Turkey and expresses interest in various economic partnerships.
– Qatari and Turkish businessmen highlight the importance of strong economic ties for building stronger partnerships.
– Qatar and Turkey have strategic cooperation agreements aimed at enhancing economic relations.
– Turkish delegation holds high-level technical committee meetings in Gambia, discussing potential collaborations in technology and other areas.
– Turkish envoy states that bilateral trade between Turkey and Malaysia is expected to double with the latest Free Trade Agreement (FTA) protocol.
– The Turkish president meets with senior Chinese diplomats to discuss bilateral ties, although the specific details of the discussions are not provided.
**Arnavutluk (Albania):**
– The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Albania is celebrated in Karşıyaka.
– Turkey and Venezuela have signed an agreement on reciprocal protection of investments.
**United Kingdom:**
– The UK approved an investment for a railway project in Turkey.
– Turkey's involvement in various agreements is seen as an economic-driven approach to bolstering relationships with Gulf nations.
– Turkey's President Erdogan signs deals worth billions of dollars during his Gulf tour, focusing on economic partnerships and collaborations.
– Turkish companies are engaging in international events, such as Bio Korea 2021, to showcase advancements in biotechnology and medical services.
– Domestic developments are also noted, including projects to support autistic children and advancements in local agriculture.
– Turkey's participation in various international funds and partnerships, as well as its role in tech funds, is highlighted multiple times.
The summary covers various agreements signed between Turkey and UAE, with positive responses from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Other countries like Gambia, Malaysia, China, Albania, Venezuela, and the UK are mentioned in relation to Turkish diplomatic, economic, and technological activities. Additionally, there are mentions of domestic initiatives, developments, and President Erdogan's visits and agreements during his Gulf tour.
What about a second time?
Summary of News Article Headlines by Country:
Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE):
– Turkey and UAE have signed 13 agreements worth $50.7 billion, including extradition of criminals and economic cooperation deals.
– Mutual electricity transmission and earthquake relief efforts are part of the agreements.
– Suudi Arabia praises the agreements and expresses satisfaction.
– Turkey and UAE aim to enhance strategic cooperation, targeting $40 billion in total agreements.
– Turkish President Erdogan visits UAE, meeting with UAE President Al Nahyan to finalize the $50.7 billion deals.
Saudi Arabia:
– Saudi Arabia applauds the signed agreements between Turkey and UAE.
– Saudi Arabia is set to buy drones from Turkey and sign deals for other mutual benefits.
– Saudi Arabia will purchase drones and express interest in various cooperation areas.
– Turkish delegation and Gambian officials hold a high-level technology committee meeting.
– Turkish businessmen and Qatar emphasize strong economic ties leading to stronger partnerships.
– Qatar expresses satisfaction about hosting Turkish President Erdogan.
– Turkish envoy mentions that bilateral trade between Turkey and Malaysia is expected to double with a new Free Trade Agreement protocol.
– The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Albania is celebrated.
– Turkish President Erdogan meets with senior Chinese diplomats to discuss bilateral ties.
United Kingdom:
– UK approves investment for Turkey's railway project.
– Venezuela and Turkey agree on a mutual protection of investments.
Global Economic Impact:
– Turkey's finance chief highlights the significance of $50.7 billion deals with UAE during Erdogan's Gulf tour.
– Foreign investors buy $179 million in Turkish stocks amid Erdogan's economic reset.
Technology and Innovation:
– Turkey becomes a partner in Europe's largest technology fund and NATO Innovation Fund.
– Turkey aims to produce 360 million fireworks annually.
– Turkish companies engage in discussions at Bio Korea 2021 regarding biotechnology.
– Turkish company CIAR Medical to organize an International Health Services Symposium in the Balkans.
Education and Social Initiatives:
– Special classes for autistic children are established in Batman, Turkey.
– Niğde Governor Mustafa Koç bids farewell with a message.
Overall, the headlines cover a range of topics including economic agreements, diplomatic relations, technology cooperation, regional visits by Turkish President Erdogan, and various partnerships between Turkey and other countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, and more. These agreements span sectors such as economy, technology, defense, and social development.
This time let's try "(inflation OR inflationary)" over the last 72 hours. The first 75 results are (after removing spaces around periods and commas and before colons):
Центробанк РФ різко підвищив ставку через обвал рубля بعد توقعات استمرار الفيدرالي الأمريكي بتكثيف السياسة النقدية التشددية .. متى تتوقف الموجات التضخمية وعلاقتها بقوانين العرض والطلب Japan has gone its own way on fighting inflation – can NZ learn from a global outlier ? Japan has gone its own way on fighting inflation – can NZ can learn from a global outlier ? Disminuye el efecto inflacionario en la canasta básica RBNZ Governor Orr: inflation pressures coming out of New Zealand economy - Today at 04: 52 pm Manufacturers,industrialists task govt,CBN,others on tackling inflation Banco Central de Uruguay recorta tasa de interés In Discussions Of Inflation,SEC Staff Want The Details - Securities Consultoras ya estiman una inflación de dos dígitos para agosto Russian central bank jacks up interest rates after ruble plunge Russian central bank jacks up interest rates to 12 % at emergency meeting after ruble plunge Russian central bank jacks up interest rates to 12 % at emergency meeting after ruble plunge المصرف المركزي الروسي يرفع معدل الفائدة الرئيسية بعد تراجع الروبل Η Ρωσία αυξάνει τα επιτόκια στο 12 % μετά την υποχώρηση του ρουβλίου En Grande - Bretagne,Rishi Sunak voit la lumière au bout du tunnel concernant linflation .: El Sol de Margarita:. Russia hikes interest rates after rouble slides Massa no puede ser ministro y candidato: así reaccionó la oposición tras conocerse la inflación de julio Russia raises interest rate to 12pc after rouble plunges Inflación de julio: la oposición apuntó contra el Gobierno por una nueva suba tras las PASO Russia hikes interest rates after rouble slides Russia hikes interest rates after rouble slides Latest Petrol Bomb Fuels Inflation Fears in Pakistan Inflación: hoy se anuncia el índice de julio BREAKING: Nigeria inflation rate rises to 24.08 % -- highest in more than 10 years Russia Raises Interest Rates to 12 % After Ruble Plummets La inflación en Perú continúa descendiendo y en agosto llegaría al 5,6 % anual El Banco Central de Rusia eleva el tipo de interés desde el 8,5 % al 12 % para contener la subida de precios Symbolic RBI rate hike to have adverse implications for equity markets Cost of living - latest: Worrying sign in inflation data - as minister says when it will return to 2 %; savers encouraged to switch as rates volatile Світові інвестори мають вигоду від проблем у Китаї, 미국,1년 후 기대 인플레 3.5 % 로 둔화 … 2021년 4월 이후 가장 낮아 - 헤럴드경제 البنك المركزي الروسي يرفع سعر الفائدة لـ12 % La inflación previa a las PASO ya había comenzado a acelerarse البنك المركزى الروسى يرفع سعر الفائدة بمقدار 3.5 نقطة مئوية El Banco de Rusia eleva los tipos hasta el 12 % para frenar la depreciación del rublo Petrobras eleva precios de combustibles que tendrán un impacto inflacionario de 0,40 % Consommation.Rentrée scolaire : lallocation pour les ménages les plus modestes suffit - elle face à linflation ? Consommation.Rentrée scolaire : lallocation pour les ménages les plus modestes suffit - elle face à linflation ? July monthly Inflation Expectations were unchanged at 5.6 % – but have now dropped to 5.2 % in mid - August INDEC dio a conocer el dato de la inflación de julio الفائدة والنمو والتوازن الصعب Nigeria surging inflation rate devastating – CPPE – The Sun Nigeria Brazil central bank very committed to current rate cut pace - director 미국 1년 후 기대 인플레 3.5 % 로 둔화 … 2년래 최저 수준 Want To Forecast Inflation ? Dont Track Breakevens Центробанк РФ підвищив процентну ставку на тлі різкого падіння рубля Las inversiones ESG,a prueba en un mundo inflacionista HNonline.sk - Ruská centrálna banka sa snaží zabrdziť pád rubľa.Zvýšila svoju kľúčovú sadzbu na 12 percent 푸틴 지지율까지 추락할라 … 급락하는 루블화 가치에 러시아 진땀 אחרי שפל של 3.5 שנים,השקל מטפס לקראת נתוני התוצר בישראל Russian central bank hikes key rate after ruble falters Banco Central de Rusia subió 3,5 puntos la tasa de interés hasta el 12 % Private Sector Operators Say Rising Inflation Adversely Affecting Manufacturing Sector Famílias de renda muito baixa tiveram deflao em julho,diz Ipea Rusya rubledeki değer kaybını yavaşlatmak için faiz artırımına gitti Alberto Benegas Lynch,sobre la dolarización: Lo de la soberanía es un chamuyo US tech stocks just had their first 2 - week losing streak of 2023 Russian central bank hikes key rate after ruble falters Путін наказав боротися з інфляцією у Росії ярмарками DSnews.ua Brazil central bank very committed to current rate cut pace: Director The best way to beat inflation 과도 긴축 우려 vs 인플레 위험 여전 … 고심 깊어진 Fed Καζάκς ( ΕΚΤ ): Πολύ μικρές οι τυχόν αυξήσεις στα επιτόκια Ρωσία: Αύξηση επιτοκίου στο 12 % από τη Κεντρική Τράπεζα για στήριξη του ρουβλίου El 6,3 % no se lo cree nadie: las reacciones de la oposición al dato de inflación Αrivia: Συνεχίζει το ράλι της ανάπτυξης η εταιρεία η εταιρεία με έδρα τη ... Αrivia: Συνεχίζει το ράλι της ανάπτυξης η εταιρεία με έδρα τη Δράμα Ρωσία - Κεντρική Τράπεζα: Αύξηση επιτοκίου στο 12 % για στήριξη σε ρούβλι και αντιμετώπιση πληθωριστικών πιέσεων How to tackle impact of inflation on businesses,households Colina,de Idesa: No es descabellado pensar que diciembre cierre con una inflación del 200 % anual Russian Central Bank Hikes Key Rate After Ruble Falters Russie: la banque centrale relève son taux directeur à 12 % Ipea aponta deflao em julho para famílias de renda muito ..
Let's use the same prompt:
Summarize the following list of news article headlines that are written in different languages into a detailed summary in English, making sure to incorporate all of the detail from the different headlines in a single summary. Break the summary down by country.
ChatGPT yields:
Summary by Country:
– The Russian central bank significantly increased interest rates by 3.5 percentage points to 12% in response to a sharp decline in the ruble's value.
– The central bank's move was aimed at curbing inflation and stabilizing the ruble's depreciation.
– President Putin has instructed measures to combat inflation in Russia through market interventions and other means.
United States:
– The Federal Reserve's commitment to tight monetary policy is causing speculation about when inflationary pressures might subside.
– US tech stocks experienced a two-week losing streak.
– The US is experiencing concerns about the adverse implications of a symbolic interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve on equity markets.
New Zealand:
– The Reserve Bank of New Zealand's Governor Orr noted inflation pressures within the country's economy.
– Japan's unique approach to combating inflation is being considered by New Zealand as a potential learning experience.
– Brazil's central bank is determined to continue its current pace of rate cuts.
– Private sector operators in Brazil are highlighting the negative impact of rising inflation on the manufacturing sector.
– Nigeria's inflation rate has surged to 24.08%, the highest in over a decade, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
– The Central Bank of Uruguay has reduced its interest rates.
– The opposition in Argentina is criticizing the government for rising inflation rates following the recent primaries.
– Inflation in Peru continues to decrease, with projections indicating a yearly rate of 5.6% for August.
– The fear of inflation has increased due to the impact of rising petrol prices.
United Kingdom:
– UK's inflation data shows worrying signs, prompting the government to assure savers and consumers of a return to a 2% inflation rate.
– Questions arise about whether the allocated funds for low-income households will be sufficient to combat inflation during the back-to-school period.
– Russia's decision to raise interest rates to 12% to counter the ruble's depreciation is noted in Greece.
– After a period of decline, the Israeli shekel is seeing an upward trend as production data approaches.
– The Central Bank of Kazakhstan suggests that potential increases in interest rates will be minimal.
South Korea:
– US inflation expectations have eased to 3.5%, the lowest since April 2021, according to the Herald Economy.
– Global investors are benefiting from issues in China.
– The National Bank of Ukraine increased its interest rate due to a sharp decline in the hryvnia.
This summary encapsulates news articles from various countries discussing their respective economic situations, inflation concerns, interest rate changes, and strategies to address these challenges.
Claude yields:
Here is a detailed English summary of the news article headlines from different countries related to inflation, broken down by country:
– The Russian central bank sharply raised interest rates from 8.5% to 12% in an emergency meeting after the ruble plunged in value against the US dollar and euro. The central bank is trying to curb high inflation and support the ruble.
– After expectations that the US Federal Reserve will continue tightening monetary policy, questions remain about when inflationary waves will stop and their relation to supply and demand laws.
– Japan has taken its own approach to fighting inflation that stands in contrast to other major economies. Observers wonder if New Zealand can learn from Japan's outlier status.
– Inflationary pressure in the basic goods basket is decreasing in Argentina.
New Zealand
– The Reserve Bank of New Zealand governor commented that inflation pressures are coming out of the New Zealand economy.
– Nigerian manufacturers and industrialists are urging the government, central bank, and others to take action on tackling rising inflation, which hit a 10-year high of 24.08% in August.
– The Central Bank of Uruguay cut its benchmark interest rate in a move aimed at stimulating economic growth.
United Kingdom
– UK Finance Minister Rishi Sunak sees hopeful signs that high UK inflation may be near its peak.
United States
– US SEC staff want more details in corporate discussions of inflation impacts and risks. US inflation expectations for the next 12 months have fallen to 3.5%, the lowest level since April 2021.
– A Brazilian central bank director reiterated their commitment to the current pace of interest rate cuts. Petrobras fuel price hikes are seen adding 0.4% to Brazilian inflation.
– Questions remain whether French government inflation assistance for the lowest income households will be enough given high back-to-school costs.
South Africa
– July inflation expectations held steady at 5.6% before falling to 5.2% in mid-August in South Africa.
– Peru's inflation rate continues falling and is expected to reach 5.6% annually in August.
– Pakistan remains concerned about high inflation being further fueled by the latest increase in petrol prices.
– The Bank of Canada delivered a surprise interest rate hike in July, but it was seen as mostly symbolic to indicate their ongoing fight against high inflation.
Many central banks around the world are raising interest rates to combat inflationary pressures, including the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Russia. Some countries like Japan are taking a different approach. Developing countries in particular are facing surging inflation rates that are hurting households and businesses. Expectations are that major central banks will continue raising rates to tame inflation, but uncertainties persist around how long it will take for prices to stabilize.
What about the latest updates on the coup in Niger using "(niger OR nigerien)" over the last 72 hours:
ECOWAS: Coup Has Worsened Insecurity in Niger ECOWAS condemns killing of 17 Niger soldiers Restore Constitutional Power To Focus On Securing Niger,ECOWAS Tells Coup Leaders After Jihadist Attacks,Killing Of Soldiers Scott Ritter: The US is caught in a dilemma with Niger The US is stuck in a dilemma with Niger -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net West African bloc condemns Nigerien military plan to prosecute ousted president RS: The fate of US troops in Niger More than a dozen Niger soldiers killed in attack near Mali border | News Ghana profits from Niger airspace closure Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger Niger: Sanctions on Niger worsening the issue - NEF Africa - Latest News,Investigations and Analysis Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger Patrick Lawrence: Africa for Africans Coup in Niger upends US terrorism fight and could open a door for Russia Community Voices: Assist these states in their quest for regional stability Niger Coup Is Needles - Dr.Kingsley Nyarko Blasts Junta Niger coup leaders recall envoy from Abidjan over Ivory Coast remarks ECOWAS Chiefs of Staff to convene in Ghana on Thursday and Friday The US is caught in a dilemma with Niger The US is caught in a dilemma with Niger The US is caught in a dilemma with Niger 🠴 Live: ECOWAS military chiefs to meet over Niger coup Niger coup leaders say they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason Radio station organises unity concert for Nigerians and Nigeriens in Kano At Least 17 Niger Soldiers Killed In Attack Near Mali Border Niger Says 17 Soldiers Killed in Ambush COUPS AND PROTESTS - THISDAYLIVE COUPS AND PROTESTS - THISDAYLIVE Niger PM in Chad as US,Russia urge diplomatic option in crisis Niger PM In Chad As US,Russia Urge Diplomatic Option In Crisis Niger Junta Appoints U.S .- Trained Military Officers to Key Jobs Niger military - appointed PM visits neighbouring Chad Niger coup leaders say they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason | Ap My family must enter Nigeria by all mean – Man wit family members for Niger dey worried – Information Nigeria Pidgin ECOWAS condemns killing of soldiers in Niger Republic The U.S.spent years training Nigerien soldiers.Then they overthrew their government. Niger coup leaders say they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger Junta Plans to Prosecute Deposed President Bazoum for Treason Niger coup setback for Sahel development,says German Minister Niger coup leaders say they will prosecute deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason Niger military junta supporters call for volunteer force The coup d état in Niger: Matters arising | The Nation Newspaper US incredibly dismayed by reports of Niger military junta plan to prosecute Bazoum US incredibly dismayed by reports of Niger military junta plan to prosecute Bazoum FACT CHECK: No,Video Does Not Show Nigerian Soldiers In Niger In 2023 Niger Republic: Coup leaders vow to prosecute president Mohamed Bazoum for high treason Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger Biden administration searching for ways to keep forces in Niger A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger Is Niger coup a sign that French influence in the Sahel is over ? A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger W.Africa Military Chiefs to Discuss Niger Crisis This Week Niger coup leaders and Nigeria intervention team agree to pursue dialogue A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger Tongue - tied US avoiding calling Niger coup,a coup A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger A rights group says it cant get access to detained officials in Niger Niger: Ecowas military intervention could trigger 3 bad outcomes Niger: Ecowas military intervention could trigger 3 bad outcomes Niger: Ecowas military intervention could trigger 3 bad outcomes
ChatGPT's results do break things down by country, but they also add additional actors like human rights groups, international impact, etc as headings. While the summary does reference that Russia is urging diplomatic solutions, it does not break it into its own heading below. It also fails to break out soldier deaths.
Summary of News Articles on Niger Situation:
**United States:**
– The US is grappling with a complex situation in Niger, where a coup has disrupted counter-terrorism efforts and could potentially create openings for Russia.
– The US government is concerned about reports that the Nigerien military junta plans to prosecute the deposed President Mohamed Bazoum.
– The Biden administration is exploring options to maintain its military presence in Niger amid the political turmoil and security challenges.
**Niger Military Junta:**
– The military junta in Niger has taken power after a coup, leading to tensions both domestically and internationally.
– The junta leaders intend to prosecute the ousted President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason, which has drawn criticism and dismay from various quarters.
**ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States):**
– ECOWAS has condemned the coup in Niger, stating that it has worsened insecurity in the country and urging the restoration of constitutional power.
– ECOWAS military chiefs have scheduled a meeting to discuss the crisis and regional stability in the wake of the coup.
– The German Minister has expressed concern that the coup in Niger could setback Sahel development efforts.
– Nigerian intervention teams are engaging with the junta leaders to pursue dialogue and resolution.
– Ghana has experienced economic gains due to the closure of Niger's airspace.
**West African Bloc:**
– The West African bloc has criticized the Nigerien military's plan to prosecute the ousted president and questioned the legitimacy of the prosecution.
**Human Rights Groups:**
– Human rights groups have raised concerns about the detention of officials in Niger and lack of access to them.
**International Impact:**
– The coup in Niger has stirred debates about French influence in the Sahel region and potential outcomes of ECOWAS military intervention.
**Military Developments:**
– The Nigerien military junta has appointed US-trained military officers to key positions and is exploring the creation of a volunteer force.
– The Nigerien Prime Minister visited Chad amidst calls for diplomatic solutions from the US and Russia to address the crisis.
**Regional Perspective:**
– Patrick Lawrence highlights the importance of Africa taking charge of its stability and development.
**Media and Public Reaction:**
– Various media outlets and commentators, like Scott Ritter and Dr. Kingsley Nyarko, have offered perspectives on the situation, including the US dilemma, regional stability, and the coup's impact.
In summary, the coup in Niger has created a complex situation with implications for regional stability, counter-terrorism efforts, foreign influence, and human rights concerns. The US, ECOWAS, Germany, and other actors are closely monitoring the situation and engaging in diplomatic efforts to address the crisis.
ChatGPT's second run captures this detail:
Summary of News Articles on Niger:
**ECOWAS Involvement:**
– The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has condemned the recent coup in Niger, stating that it has worsened the insecurity situation in the country.
– ECOWAS has also criticized the killing of 17 Niger soldiers and urged the coup leaders to restore constitutional power to address security concerns.
**US Dilemma:**
– Several articles discuss the dilemma faced by the United States in relation to Niger. Scott Ritter and others argue that the US is caught in a complex situation regarding its involvement with Niger.
– The Biden administration is reportedly exploring options to maintain its military forces in Niger, as the coup and instability could impact the US counterterrorism efforts.
**Coup and Regional Impact:**
– The coup in Niger has raised concerns about its impact on the fight against terrorism in the region and its potential consequences for stability.
– The coup leaders in Niger are planning to prosecute the deposed President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason.
**Regional Response and Diplomacy:**
– The West African bloc and ECOWAS have criticized the Nigerien military's plan to prosecute the ousted president and have organized meetings to address the crisis.
– The Prime Minister of Niger visited Chad while both the US and Russia urged diplomatic solutions to the crisis.
**Impact on Sahel and Foreign Influence:**
– The German Minister highlighted that the coup in Niger is a setback for Sahel development.
– Some speculate that the coup might signal a decline in French influence in the Sahel region.
**Human Rights and Detentions:**
– Rights groups express concern over detained officials in Niger and their limited access to them.
**ECOWAS Military Chiefs Meeting:**
– ECOWAS military chiefs are set to meet to discuss the ongoing crisis in Niger.
**Language Barrier and Classification of Coup:**
– Some articles highlight the US struggling to classify the situation as a coup and its reluctance to call it one due to political reasons.
**Possible Outcomes of ECOWAS Intervention:**
– Ecowas military intervention in Niger could potentially trigger negative outcomes, according to some analysis.
In summary, the news articles cover the aftermath of a coup in Niger and its impact on security, diplomatic efforts, regional stability, and foreign influence. The US faces a dilemma regarding its involvement, and there are concerns about the consequences of the coup for counterterrorism efforts in the Sahel region. Human rights issues and the classification of the coup also come to the forefront. ECOWAS is actively engaged in addressing the crisis, and there are discussions about potential outcomes of their intervention.
Claude does a similar job:
Here is a summary of the news headlines about Niger, broken down by country:
– ECOWAS condemned the military coup in Niger, saying it has worsened insecurity. They urged the coup leaders to restore constitutional power and focus on securing the country after attacks by jihadists killed 17 soldiers.
– West African bloc ECOWAS condemned the military's plan to prosecute ousted president Mahamadou Issoufou for high treason.
– At least 17 Nigerien soldiers were killed in an attack near the Mali border.
– A rights group said it couldn't get access to detained officials after the coup.
– Coup leaders appointed U.S.-trained military officers to key positions.
– Coup supporters called for a volunteer force to support the junta.
United States:
– The U.S. is caught in a dilemma with Niger after investing years training soldiers who then overthrew the government. The Biden administration is searching for ways to keep U.S. counterterrorism forces in Niger after the coup.
– The U.S. said it was "incredibly dismayed" by reports the junta plans to prosecute ousted president Bazoum for treason. But it has avoided calling the takeover a "coup" which could trigger aid cuts.
– Profited from Niger's airspace closure after the coup by rerouting flights.
– Called the coup a setback for development in the Sahel region.
– Sent an intervention team to Niger that agreed with coup leaders to pursue dialogue.
– Along with the U.S., urged a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Niger. Analysts say the coup could open the door for increased Russian influence.
Ivory Coast:
– Coup leaders recalled their ambassador after critical remarks about the coup.
– Military chiefs planned to meet to discuss the Niger crisis. Warned that a military intervention could trigger greater instability.