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Which Administration Officials Are Telling The Afghanistan Withdrawal Story?

On Friday, Politico highlighted some of the Biden administration officials appearing on television news to tell the story of the US withdrawal…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: Neural Machine Translation, Fidelity, Entity Recognition And Grammatical Fluency

Neural machine translation (NMT) has emerged as the dominate approach to machine translation today, replacing statistical (SMT) approaches, which in…

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Global Relationship Graph Reaches 2.4 Billion Relationships

We're excited to announce that the Global Relationship Graph's (GRG) Realtime Verb-Centered NGram Pilot has reached 2.4 billion codified relationships from global…

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How Often Are Trillions Of Dollars Mentioned On Television News?

How often does television news talk about "trillions of dollars?" The timeline below shows the total percentage of monthly airtime mentioning "trillion"…

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How Has Economic Uncertainty Been Covered On Television News?

One measure of economic uncertainty is to measure the density of news mentions of "economic" or "economy" near "uncertain" or…

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Using Video AI To Scan Television News For Bookshelves With Roger McNamee's "Zucked" Book

The TV AI Explorer uses the Cloud Video AI API to perform OCR text recovery over television news programming on…

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How Is Climate Change Being Covered On Television News?

How much attention is climate change receiving on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions across CNN, MSNBC and Fox…

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Tips For Building A Query Service Using The New Global Similarity Graph Document Embeddings

Given all of the interest and questions we've heard about how to build production-scale query services using the new Global…

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How Is Immigration Being Covered On Television News?

With July setting a 21-year record for illegal border crossings, how is immigration being covered on television news? The timeline below shows the percentage…

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FiveThirtyEight: Republican Views On Immigration Are Shifting Even Further To The Right Under Biden

Michael Tesler uses the TV Explorer to note television news coverage of immigration in an analysis for FiveThirtyEight. Read The…

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How Is Afghanistan Being Covered On Television News?

How is Afghanistan being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions over the past decade across CNN, MSNBC and…

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Radio News Ngram Dataset Reaches 28.8 Billion Words

The Radio News NGram dataset now covers more than 28.8 billion words of spoken word broadcast news programming! Learn More.

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Global Similarity Graph (GSG) Television News Sentence Embeddings Reach 190 Million Records

The new Global Similarity Graph Television News Sentence Embeddings dataset has reached 190 million 512-dimension embedding vectors! Learn More.

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How Has "Work From Home" Been Covered On Television News?

How has remote work been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of a number of words relating to…

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Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News – Special Event And Resources

On Thursday, September 9, the Internet Archive will host an online webinar, “Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News” Learn…

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How Have Evictions Been Covered On Television News?

How have evictions been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the term across CNN, MSNBC and…

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CGTN: Trauma State Lithuania Taunts China Behind The West's Back

An article in CGTN (China Global Television Network) examines Lithuanian media coverage of China. Read The Full Article.

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Experiments With Machine Translation: When Machines Hallucinate & Write Their Own Stories

Yesterday we presented a number of experiments translating the results of Google Translate through a prominent open NMT translation system….

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How Is "Infrastructure" Being Covered On Television News?

How is "infrastructure" being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the word across CNN, MSNBC and…

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Experiments With Machine Translation: The Many Slightly Different Ways To Say The Same Thing

Translation between languages, whether by human or machine, is an inherently lossy process, converting concepts, structures, narrative devices and even…

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How Is Governor Cuomo Being Covered On Television News?

How is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of him across…

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How Are Covid-19 Booster Shots Being Covered On Television News?

How are Covid-19 vaccine booster shots being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of booster shots across CNN,…

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GSG Embeddings + GKG + BigQuery + Tensorflow Embedding Projector = Visualizing The Covid-19 Vaccine News Landscape

What would it look like to visualize a day of worldwide online news coverage about a given topic, using document-level…

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Using The GSG Document Embeddings To Visualize Story Clusters Using Gephi

How might we visualize the narrative clusters of a given topic using the new Global Similarity Graph Document Embeddings dataset? Let's…