Category: Uncategorized
Today: Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News
Today the Internet Archive will host an online webinar, “Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News” Learn from scholars,…
SeDyT: A General Framework For Multi-Step Event Forecasting Via Sequence Modeling On Dynamic Entity Embeddings
A new paper by researchers at the University of Southern California and the US Army Research Lab explores temporal knowledge…
Despite Delta's Spread Television News Continues Its Pivot Away From Covid-19
The US headed into the 2021 Labor Day weekend with four times as many confirmed infections and twice as many hospitalizations as the same…
Politico: Opinion | Donald Trump Is Doing His Comeback All Wrong
Jack Shafer's opinion piece for Politico today references television news coverage of Donald Trump. Read The Full Article.
Afghanistan Displaced Trump From Television News
Donald Trump has remained a fixture of television news coverage more than half a year after leaving office, but the…
This Thursday: Reflecting On 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News
This Thursday, September 9, the Internet Archive will host an online webinar, “Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV…
WashPost: Opinion: Afghanistan Won't Doom Democrats In 2022. But It Has Left A Wound.
The Washington Post's David Byler references media coverage of Afghanistan. Read The Full Article.
How Has Abortion Been Covered On Television News?
How has abortion been covered on television news? The timeline below shows total weekly mentions of abortion across CNN, MSNBC and Fox…
WashPost: Politics Is Not The Reason People Think It's Odd To Treat Covid With Unproven Animal Drugs
The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines media coverage of ivermectin. Read The Full Article.
Civil Unrest Event Forecasting Using Graphical And Sequential Neural Networks
This paper by researchers at the University of Electronic Science and Technology in China presents an event forecasting framework: Having…
Millions Of Images Of Masks On Television & Online News
For those interested in computer vision research, in August 2020 we released a massive series of datasets comprising millions of…
Video: EWA2021: Web Archives As Societal-Scale HASS Research Platforms: Linguistics, Narrative Mapping And Realtime Trend Analysis
The video of Kalev's EWA2021 talk, "Web Archives As Societal-Scale HASS Research Platforms: Linguistics, Narrative Mapping And Realtime Trend Analysis"…
Global Geographic Graph Reaches 2.14 Billion Records
The Global Geographic Graph (GGG) has reached 2.14 billion records! Learn More.
Visual Global Knowledge Graph (VGKG) Reaches 669 Million Images
The Visual Global Knowledge Graph (VGKG), running December 2015 through present, has reached 669 million images from worldwide news coverage! Learn…
How Often Are Books And Bookshelves Seen On Television News?
How often are books and bookshelves seen on television news? The timeline below used AI to scan every second of news programming…
How Much Attention Did The Earthquake In Haiti Receive On Television News?
How much attention has the earthquake in Haiti received on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the country across…
Public Sentiment In Times Of Terror
This SoDa LABS working paper from the Monash Business School examines public sentiment surrounding terrorism: Do citizens hold their government…
EWA2021: Web Archives As Societal-Scale HASS Research Platforms: Linguistics, Narrative Mapping And Realtime Trend Analysis
Kalev is speaking today at the EWA 2021 conference, exploring three GDELT use cases for HASS research: linguistics, narrative mapping…
Despite Delta's Rise CNN Hasn't Brought Back Its Covid-19 Dashboard
Since March 20, 2020, CNN has displayed a live Covid-19 dashboard in the upper-right of its daily news programming tracking…
WashPost: When You Prioritize Anti-Expert Politics, You Get Reality-Denying Leaders
The Washington Post's Philip Bump references television news coverage of Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci. Read The Full Article.
Television News Turned Its Attention Back To Afghanistan But Web Searches Peaked Two Weeks Ago
How have the past two weeks of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan been covered? The timeline below shows how quickly mentions across…
Wikidata, Aging Knowledge Graphs And Expired & Conflicting Attributes
As we noted this past June, knowledge graphs constructed over the real world age rapidly and require constant updating to…
Global Numeric Graph Reaches 4.28 Billion Numeric Clauses
The Global Numeric Graph (GNG) has reached just over 4.28 billion numeric clauses across 152 languages back to January 1,…
How Often Is Television News Likening The Afghanistan Withdrawal To Saigon?
How often has television news likened the US withdrawal from Afghanistan to the 1975 fall of Saigon? The timeline below shows total mentions of Saigon…