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WashPost: The Unique Role Of Fox News In The Misinformation Universe

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines Fox News coverage. Read The Full Article.

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How Are The "Culture Wars" Being Covered On Television News?

How is the phrase "culture war(s)" being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of the phrase across CNN,…

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Global Similarity Graph Document Embeddings Reaches 279 Million Entries

The Global Similarity Graph (GSG) Document Embeddings dataset has reached 279 million document-level embeddings across our 65 live-translated languages dating…

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Global Numeric Graph Reaches 4.56 Billion Numeric Clauses

The Global Numeric Graph (GNG) has reached just over 4.56 billion numeric clauses across 152 languages back to January 1,…

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How Were The Facebook Hearings Covered On Television News?

The timeline below shows the total seconds of daily airtime across BBC News, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News in which Facebook whistleblower…

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Daily Mail: Why Are We Living In The Age Of Protest?

The Daily Mail references GDELT in its coverage of new research on global protest trends. Read The Full Article.

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How Are Supply Chains Being Covered On Television News?

How are supply chains being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of supply chains across CNN, MSNBC…

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WashPost: Why Is The World Protesting So Much? A New Study Claims To Have Some Answers

An article in today's Washington Post about a new study on global protest trends references GDELT. Read The Full Article.

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How Are Gerrymandering And Redistricting Being Covered On Television News?

How are gerrymandering and redistricting being covered on television news? The timeline below shows combined monthly mentions of the two topics across…

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Translingual 2.0: The Complexities Of Building Language Models Over Many Languages

At the core of many language tasks like language detection is the construction of language models over large numbers of…

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Credible Influence Analysis in Mass Media Using Causal Inference

This new study examines mass media influence: The mass media has recorded major events around the world for a long…

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How Are Energy Prices Being Covered On Television News?

How are energy prices being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total monthly mentions of the word "energy" near "price"…

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How Is Virginia's Governor Race Being Covered On Television News?

How is Virginia's governor race being covered on television news? The timeline below shows total mentions of Terry McAuliffe since the start…

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An Approach To Covid-19 Issues

This paper attempts a first approach to the discourses built around the pandemic unleashed in the year 2020. What issues…

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Global Relationship Graph Reaches 2.99 Billion Relationships

We're excited to announce that the Global Relationship Graph's (GRG) Realtime Verb-Centered NGram Pilot has reached 2.99 billion codified relationships from global…

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Measuring The Tolerance Of The State: Theory And Application To Protest

This working paper by researchers affiliated with Brown University, the University of Michigan, the University of North Carolina at Chapel…

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Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) Reaches 319 Billion Records

We're excited to announce that the Global Frontpage Graph (GFG) has reached 319 billion records since March 2018! Learn More.

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Experiments With Machine Translation: The Perils Of Fluency & Untrained Languages

One of the greatest dangers with neural machine translation (NMT) is the way in which the seemingly human-like fluency of…

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How Are "Falsehoods" Being Covered On Television News?

The timeline below tracks monthly mentions of the terms "falsehood(s)" and "false" across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News over the past decade,…

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Translingual 2.0: Why Unicode Class Matching Isn't Sufficient For Language Detection

Many language detection engines like CLD2 use Unicode character classes as a shortcut for recognizing languages that are written in…

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The Role Of Emerging Predictive IT Tools In Effective Migration Governance

This report offers a features-and-requirements analysis for EU migration governance: Predicting mass migration is one of the main challenges for…

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How Are Fake News, Misinformation And Disinformation Being Covered On Television News?

The timeline below compares monthly mentions of the terms "misinformation," "disinformation" and "fake news"  across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News over the…

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How Is The Term "Misinformation" Being Covered On Television News?

The timeline below shows monthly mentions of the word "misinformation" across CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, showing the term begins appearing slightly…

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WashPost: The Perfect Distillation Of 2021 Politics Is A Banned-Book Controversy From 2013

The Washington Post's Philip Bump examines television news coverage of several key electoral issues. Read The Full Article.